Our black swan strategy delivers Tampa for Ron Paul

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The race for the Republican nomination for president is far from decided.
With 75% of convention delegates yet to be determined and hundreds for Ron Paul in the pipeline to Tampa, NOW is the time to ramp up our operations!
While our opponents and the corporate media have hyped hollow beauty contest wins, Revolution PAC and its seasoned consultants have quietly developed a powerful post-Super Tuesday victory plan. This ambitious strategy is winnable, we’re certain, but only if funded robustly and immediately.
Contribute now to put the exciting “black swan” plan in motion!
(What's the “black swan” strategy? If we revealed it here, our opponents would surely get the upper hand, so we've been advised to keep the plan under wraps, for now …)
RevPAC is the only grassroots super PAC. Millionaire bankers won’t be found on our donor rolls.
Still, we’ve produced and aired in multiple states four unique T.V. commercials. These ads helped boost Revolution PAC to #1 in Google’s political action committee YouTube rankings. We beat all other super PACs combined!
At activists' request, Revolution PAC developed the groundbreaking Android PollWatcher application, deploying it using vetted exit polling volunteers in Arizona and Michigan.
And, our historic live broadcasts have provided a home for tens of thousands of liberty activists seeking complete election returns, pro-freedom analysis and newsmaker interviews . . . Join our fifth live webcast this Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. CST as Alabama, Mississippi, Hawaii and American Samoa head to the polls!
All of these initiatives and more were made possible by YOUR generosity. Are you in for taking this movement to the next level? If so, donate right now.
Our enemies are betting that we wither in disappointment. They surge, you know, when we shrink.
Ready to call their bluff?
Gary Franchi Jr.
Chairman, Revolution PAC

P.S. With victory in his sights, Ron Paul is fighting for every delegate in every state. Revolution PAC has a plan in place to shift the electorate in favor of freedom. Your immediate contribution sets the “black swan” strategy in motion!
Unlimited donations may be accepted from individuals, business and organizations. Thank you!

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  Copyright © 2012 Revolution PAC. All Rights Reserved.
3149 Dundee Rd. #176 | Northbrook | IL 60062 |

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