by Michael Eversden
In the debate among Christians about who should be the Republican nominee for president, the discussion is unfortunately informed more often by the Gospel According to O’Reilly and the Book of Limbaugh rather than the Bible. I have therefore undertaken in this article to apply Biblical principles to four issues that are under discussion in this year’s presidential campaign, which are or should be important to Christians, including foreign policy, life, education, and monetary policy. I conclude that Ron Paul’s positions are by far the most consistent with Biblical principles and indeed that the other candidates have decidedly unbiblical views on these issues.
Before proceeding, please note that I have entitled this article "A Biblical Case…" because I am sure there are other applicable Scriptures and perhaps other better Biblical arguments to make on this subject, but I offer the arguments below in an attempt to help my Christian brothers sort out to what extent the candidates conform to Biblical principles on the four issues that are addressed in this article.
Deut. 25:15 (ESV) – "A full and fair weight you shall have, a full and fair measure you shall have, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you."
Proverbs 11:1 (ESV) – "A false balance is an abomination to the Lord, but a just weight is his delight."
Micah 6:11 (ESV) – "Shall I acquit the man with wicked scales and with a bag of deceitful weights?"
Deut. 5:19 (ESV) – "[Y]ou shall not steal."
In Biblical times, weights and balances were what people used to measure how much goods were worth for purposes of purchases and sales. Using improperly weighted scales was a way to steal wealth and purchasing power from others. The modern equivalent to weights and balances would be money, and the modern equivalent to stealing purchasing power from others would be the use of paper money (1) that is unbacked by any real asset and (2) that can be and is created out of thin air for the benefit of those in power.
When government prints more money, there are then more dollars in the system chasing after the same amount of goods. Prices inevitably rise, thus robbing people of their purchasing power. However, because not everyone in society will immediately realize the fact that more money has been printed and the effect it will have, prices do not rise immediately or uniformly. In fact, it may take a while for the new money to work itself through the system. Those who receive the new money first benefit the most because the prices of goods and services will not have risen yet. These beneficiaries would include the federal government and investment bankers like Goldman Sachs. People at the end of the chain, like retirees and those on fixed incomes, receive no benefit and in fact lose purchasing power because of the rise in prices. In other words, with more money chasing the same goods, people on fixed incomes will find that their money will buy fewer goods. Thus, the fiat-money system transfers wealth (i.e., purchasing power) from the poor and middle class to the politicians and their financiers. Under this system, the U.S. dollar has lost more than 90% of its value since 1971, when Richard Nixon finally severed the dollar from the gold standard. This is a dishonest system, equivalent to unfair weights and measures.
Ron Paul is the only candidate who understands the immorality and unconstitutionality of this monetary system. In fact, he wrote a book against the system, called End the Fed. Ron Paul advocates a return to honest, sound, Constitutional money (i.e., money backed by gold and silver).
The other candidates generally do not even talk about monetary policy, but when they do, their statements show that they will largely perpetuate the status quo. Rick Santorum believes that we need inflation, that is, we need our purchasing power to be stolen from us. See this video at about 2:40. His views are taken apart by Tom Woods in this video.
Mitt Romney’s biggest donor is Goldman Sachs, one of the chief beneficiaries of the fiat-money system.. Thus, he is unlikely to do anything about this immoral monetary system.
Newt Gingrich talks about auditing the Federal Reserve, which is good, but he does not go far enough. Auditing the Fed will reveal to some extent how much the Federal Reserve is used to enrich the Wall Street banks, but what we need is honest money. Gingrich has nothing to say about that.
In this article, I have not discussed the fact that Ron Paul is the only evangelical Christian in this race (Santorum and Gingrich are Catholics and Romney is a Mormon). Nor have I discussed Ron Paul’s high moral character (e.g., honest, consistent, married to the same wife for 55 years vs. Gingrich’s three wives and alleged open-marriage proposal, etc.). Much more could be said on those issues. However, on the four issues I have identified, which are or should be of great importance to Christians, there is only one man among the four remaining contenders whose approach approximates the Biblical approach – Ron Paul. The other three candidates will grow government, will launch more murderous wars, will ignore or be ineffective in dealing with the abortion issue, will continue the expansion of the government’s involvement in education, and will do nothing about the monetary system that is systematically robbing you of purchasing power and giving it to investment banks. I therefore urge my Christian brothers to abandon Romney, Santorum, and Gingrich and support Ron Paul. Oh, and by the way, he can beat Obama.
Copyright © 2012 by Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given.
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Before proceeding, please note that I have entitled this article "A Biblical Case…" because I am sure there are other applicable Scriptures and perhaps other better Biblical arguments to make on this subject, but I offer the arguments below in an attempt to help my Christian brothers sort out to what extent the candidates conform to Biblical principles on the four issues that are addressed in this article.
- Foreign Policy Matthew 7:12 (ESV) – "So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets." Matthew 5:9 (ESV) – "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God." Romans 12:18 (ESV) – "If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all." Hebrews 12:14 (ESV) – "Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord." Duet. 5:17 (ESV) – "You shall not murder."
- Life Psalm 139:13 (ESV) – "You knitted me together in my mother’s womb." Duet. 5:17 (ESV) – "You shall not murder." As an OB/GYN, Ron Paul delivered more than 4,000 babies and saved many lives by counseling women considering abortions not to abort their babies. He supports a bill called the Sanctity of Life Act, which would define life as beginning at conception. Since at least 2004, when the Republicans controlled both houses of Congress and the Presidency, Ron Paul has been introducing each year a bill known as the We The People Act, which would effectively overturn Roe v. Wade with a simple majority vote in Congress, by prohibiting federal courts from having jurisdiction over abortion-related cases and making federal-court decisions on that issue non-binding on state courts. This would return the issue to the states (which is where it should be under the Constitution), enabling individual states to prohibit abortions. How many thousands of lives would have been saved if the Republicans, who claim to be pro-life, would have passed this bill when they had the power to do so? Rick Santorum, by contrast, did not support the We The People Act, but he did VOTE FOR FUNDING FOR PLANNED PARENTHOOD, and he has supported rabidly pro-abortion candidates for office, including the notorious Arlen Specter and Christine Todd Whitman, while they were running against pro-life candidates. How can a person claim to be pro-life and still vote for and support those things? Moreover, how can a person claim to uphold the law of the land and vote to fund Planned Parenthood, when there is no authority in the Constitution to do so? This is lawlessness. Newt Gingrich has previously supported federal funding of abortions in cases of incest, rape, or to save the life of the mother. Even if you think abortion in such cases should be legal, there is no basis in the Constitution for providing federal funding for abortions. Gingrich also sponsored the Global Warming Prevention Act of 1989, which would have, among other things, eliminated the federal ban Ronald Reagan imposed against funding international groups that perform abortions. Mitt Romney is notorious for his conveniently timed flip-flops on abortion. As recently as 2002, when he was running for governor of Massachusetts, Romney signed a Planned Parenthood questionnaire stating that he supported a woman’s so-called right to choose. Ted Kennedy summed up Romney well when he said that Romney wasn't pro-choice or anti-choice, he was multiple choice.
- Education Eph. 6:4 (ESV) – "Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord." (emphasis added) Deut. 6:6-7 – "And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. 7 You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise." (emphasis added). God gives children to their parents and charges their parents with the responsibility to raise and educate them (i.e., to bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord). Nowhere in Scripture is the government given any authority or responsibility to educate children. Ron Paul supports the biblical role of parents in educating their children and opposes the encroachment by the government in the parents’ freedom to educate their children as they see fit. He believes that no country can remain free when the government has more influence over the knowledge and values transmitted to children than parents do. Ron Paul would uphold the law of the land on this issue – the Constitution – which gives no authority whatsoever to the federal government to meddle in matters of education. Ron Paul would work to eliminate the disastrous Department of Education, and he has also introduced legislation that would give homeschoolers a tax credit (not a welfare voucher with strings) of $5,000 per child for educational expenses. He also has promised to veto any bill that encroaches on homeschooling parents’ rights. Homeschooling Christians will not find a greater friend in this campaign than Ron Paul. Rick Santorum, on the other hand, apparently does not have a problem with disregarding the Constitution when it comes to education, given that voted for the No Child Left
- Sound Money and Ending the Federal Reserve
Deut. 25:15 (ESV) – "A full and fair weight you shall have, a full and fair measure you shall have, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you."
Proverbs 11:1 (ESV) – "A false balance is an abomination to the Lord, but a just weight is his delight."
Micah 6:11 (ESV) – "Shall I acquit the man with wicked scales and with a bag of deceitful weights?"
Deut. 5:19 (ESV) – "[Y]ou shall not steal."
In Biblical times, weights and balances were what people used to measure how much goods were worth for purposes of purchases and sales. Using improperly weighted scales was a way to steal wealth and purchasing power from others. The modern equivalent to weights and balances would be money, and the modern equivalent to stealing purchasing power from others would be the use of paper money (1) that is unbacked by any real asset and (2) that can be and is created out of thin air for the benefit of those in power.
When government prints more money, there are then more dollars in the system chasing after the same amount of goods. Prices inevitably rise, thus robbing people of their purchasing power. However, because not everyone in society will immediately realize the fact that more money has been printed and the effect it will have, prices do not rise immediately or uniformly. In fact, it may take a while for the new money to work itself through the system. Those who receive the new money first benefit the most because the prices of goods and services will not have risen yet. These beneficiaries would include the federal government and investment bankers like Goldman Sachs. People at the end of the chain, like retirees and those on fixed incomes, receive no benefit and in fact lose purchasing power because of the rise in prices. In other words, with more money chasing the same goods, people on fixed incomes will find that their money will buy fewer goods. Thus, the fiat-money system transfers wealth (i.e., purchasing power) from the poor and middle class to the politicians and their financiers. Under this system, the U.S. dollar has lost more than 90% of its value since 1971, when Richard Nixon finally severed the dollar from the gold standard. This is a dishonest system, equivalent to unfair weights and measures.
The other candidates generally do not even talk about monetary policy, but when they do, their statements show that they will largely perpetuate the status quo. Rick Santorum believes that we need inflation, that is, we need our purchasing power to be stolen from us. See this video at about 2:40. His views are taken apart by Tom Woods in this video.
Mitt Romney’s biggest donor is Goldman Sachs, one of the chief beneficiaries of the fiat-money system.. Thus, he is unlikely to do anything about this immoral monetary system.
Newt Gingrich talks about auditing the Federal Reserve, which is good, but he does not go far enough. Auditing the Fed will reveal to some extent how much the Federal Reserve is used to enrich the Wall Street banks, but what we need is honest money. Gingrich has nothing to say about that.
In this article, I have not discussed the fact that Ron Paul is the only evangelical Christian in this race (Santorum and Gingrich are Catholics and Romney is a Mormon). Nor have I discussed Ron Paul’s high moral character (e.g., honest, consistent, married to the same wife for 55 years vs. Gingrich’s three wives and alleged open-marriage proposal, etc.). Much more could be said on those issues. However, on the four issues I have identified, which are or should be of great importance to Christians, there is only one man among the four remaining contenders whose approach approximates the Biblical approach – Ron Paul. The other three candidates will grow government, will launch more murderous wars, will ignore or be ineffective in dealing with the abortion issue, will continue the expansion of the government’s involvement in education, and will do nothing about the monetary system that is systematically robbing you of purchasing power and giving it to investment banks. I therefore urge my Christian brothers to abandon Romney, Santorum, and Gingrich and support Ron Paul. Oh, and by the way, he can beat Obama.
March 6, 2012
Michael Eversden [send him mail] is a follower of Christ, a devoted husband, a homeschooling father, and a passionate defender of liberty. Copyright © 2012 by Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given.
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