Public Advocate: Are our children safe?

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Our fight is the single most important struggle our nation has ever faced.

If you and I fail, the twisted 2% will impose their perverted lifestyles on us all.

They will eagerly pollute the sacred institution of Marriage.

To them, anyone and anything can be married just because they say so.

And they will brainwash our children into their disgusting ideology.

The radical Homosexual Agenda is nothing less than the complete and absolute corruption of everything you and I hold dear.

And their front lines are advancing.

The number of atrocities that have come to light in the last few months have left me shaken.

Within just the TSA, you and I have learned about so many horrible crimes.

There was the TSA agent who molested a pre-teen girl over the course of years.

And another who was arrested for his vast collection of child pornography.

And just recently yet another TSA agent was arrested for sexually assaulting a woman.

And these people are in charge of same-sex pat-downs and body scans!

But the worst of all is the tragic tale of what Penn State coach Jerry Sandusky has been doing to young boys for decades.

I don’t know if I will ever be the same after hearing the details of this disgusting crime.

You see, so many people suspected what he was up to, but they were told to stay quiet.

He was even caught by another coach, but was never reported.

This man was allowed to molest pre-teen boys over and over again.

And there are groups in our country that claim his behavior is normal and healthy!  They believe that Sandusky is being discriminated against.

Is it any coincidence that only just this year, radical members of the mental health field started a campaign to have pedophilia removed from the list of mental diseases, just as they did with homosexuals?

The radical deviant coalition in our country has been working non-stop for decades to erode the moral fiber of our nation and these are the fruits of their labor.

They teach that if it feels good, do it.

And they have scared so many into thinking that it is wrong to speak out against perversion.

You and I have to draw a line in the sand and say “No More!”

We have to wake our country up to the danger facing it.

There is no other group out there fighting for families and morality, and even for the sanctity of young children.

Even the Republican Party has turned its back on this plight.

I’m afraid that Public Advocate is alone in this fight, but that does not mean we can’t win!

So today I am simply asking that you take a long look at the world around us, and if you see the danger that I do, please make a decision to support Public Advocate as we fight for our future!

For the Family,

Eugene Delgaudio

President, Public Advocate of the United States

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