RNC appoints Radical Homosexual

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Radical Homosexuals lurk the Halls of Congress tempting your elected officials with generous campaign contributions.

It's like the sweet candy child predators use to lure in their victims.

And now they're more dangerous than ever before...

The Republican National Committee has just proven it prefers the wealth of homosexuals to the values of mainstream Americans.

You see, Log Cabin Republicans Executive Director R. Clarke Cooper knows all the big money players in the Homosexual Lobby

In fact the Log Cabin Republicans is the leading Homosexual Lobby front infiltrating the right wing.

And the RNC, seeking to enrich themselves with homosexual cash, just appointed Cooper to their Finance Committee, which oversees their fundraising.

You and I must make it clear this is UNACCEPTABLE!

This is EXACTLY how they rammed Homosexual Marriage down our throats in New York.

They found rich, pro-homosexual, "Republican" donors who promised to line the pockets of any Republican willing to betray the family.

We can't let them do the same thing at the national level!

You can call the Republican National Committee at 202-863-8500.

Please make your voice heard today!

For the Family,

Eugene Delgaudio

President, Public Advocate of the United States

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