Anders Behring Breivik - a Christian right-Zionist, anti-Nazis and fanatical EDL sympathizer

The perpetrator anti-Nazi, Mason, Christian fundamentalist and Zionist.

Now, new full sources confirming that the perpetrator of yesterday's horrific mass murder in Norway, Anders Behring Breivik, is a Christian fundamentalist, Freemasons and the extreme Zionist sympathies. He calls himself "anti-racist" and says he hates Nordic ethnic nationalists. He pretends to be strong "market liberal" and compare National Socialism to Islam and called both for "hatideologier". He is a pronounced anti-Nazi and see Winston Churchill as one of their models . has published all the comments that Anders Behring Breivik posted on this news service.

These can be read in its entirety HERE . run by Hans Rustad, a former journalist left. Hans Rustad is Jewish, extremely pro-Zionist and warns of Islamization, violence and other problems associated with Muslim immigration. On his blog meet people with similar opinions, then one of them Behring Anders Breivik.

Anders Behring Breivik comments are long and thoughtful and shows, among other things, Christian fundamentalism and sympathy with the violent Jewish movement EDL, English Defence League, which previously reported. He shows an extreme Zionism and Israel-love.

He was also openly Zionist Geert Wilders and his Dutch Freedom Party, which he called "ekte conservative (culturally conservative)" .

Read our previous articles on the EDL:

Jew movement trying to hijack national protest

EDL - jew infiltration of white nationalism

Anders Behring Breivik call including the British National Party, BNP, for "racists", and writes about the conflict between GDP and EDL:

"Jeg twin Sterk in theory at your stemmer. Hele conflict mellom GDP og startet with EDL et resulting shift in the EDL for noen months from silk. They throw out rasistene og tok distances fra GDP. The valg in stedet SIOE `s ideological grunnlag that you more or less mainstreamsynet til Conservatives time in Vest reach Europe (Vienna School of Thought)."

He sees the EDL as his political role model and threatens including left young people with the organization:

"EDL er et eksempel til og etterfølgelse a Norwegian versjon you the eneste which may prevent Blitz / SOS in the harassment of Norwegian cultural conservative fra andre fronts. On the storage of a Norwegian EDL should vær no. 3 on agendaen venom at we have startet up a conservative culture announced by Nasjonal Distribusjon. "

He writes that he wanted to start up the EDL in Norway:

"Agendaen til the Norwegian cultural conservative Bevegelse de neste five years will Derfor:

1st Avis with Nasjonal Distribusjon

2nd Work for control of several NGOs

3rd Norsk EDL "

While he portrays himself as a strong anti-racist, and writes:

"Etnosentriske beveger as GDP, National Front er ikke velykkede og Vil aldri klare A will slow over 10% oppslutning (GDP 5%, UN, 7%). One can ikke bekjempe Racism (Multikulti) with racism. Etnosentrisme becomes Derfor the complete opposition of the HVA we would like a Open. "

"We have valg Vienna School of Thought as the ideological grunnlag. Dette innebærer opposition to multiculturalism og Islamization (on kulturelt grunnlag). Alle våre ideological argument is based on tough anti-racism. "

"Etnosentrisme breach prinsippene the Vienna School of Thought noe that you årsaken til at you sikkert have blitter sensurert her tidligere."

He hates Nazis, which he believes is right:

"Nasjonalsosialisme has always vært a venstreekstrem ideology so Hvorfor prøver the all-time on strategic plassere him on the Conservatives time? Hvis man hater Kapitalisme og the frie marked,-like the Marxists, Nazis og gjør Islamists, Liberals tilhører you time, period. "

He addressed several times hatred of Norway's left-hand extreme youth, including the Labor Party:

"Hat-propagandaen against Italia og Denmark s Utrolig hyklersk. Norway's own voldelige "Marxist / Islamist Jugend" (Red Youth, SOS Racism, Blitz, in samarbeid with Jihad youth) who have skadet og terrorisert hundrevis of cultural conservative the last years of Oslo will ikke nevnt with et eneste words ... It s kanskje greit so leng multikulturalistene controls the voldelige mob? "

"It s uakseptabelt at AP [Labor Party], EN, Venstre, SP, KRF fund diss voldelige ekstremistene."

Again he threatened EDL against young people:

"There you died understandable. No tør Fordi they know they will trakassert og Angrepet. But people in your ferd with the lei become of him utryggheten. The result you organisasjoner as EDL og other forms of borgervern. "

To define him their "primary doctrines":

"Critical til multiculturalism (Anti-kulturmarxistisk)


Pro FRP (kanskje Conservatives)

Pro Israel (+ bumped til Armenia, Christian Koptere / Maroni Resetter / Assyrians, cultural conservative Indere, bumped til opprettelse of a Christian state Biafra, Sor Nigeria og bumped til opprettelsen of a Christian state in Sudan, ran til Russ's / Thai / Filipinenes / China + struggle against Jihad)



Critical til kulturmarxistiske media (all)

Pro freedom marked

Pro Kristelig "

He calls his business "anti-racist, pro-gay and pro-Israel."

"In all tilfeller, we er ikke in a situasjon where we can velge og wreck party down. We feel sorrow for the Derfor påvirke other cultural conservative til A will on our anti-rasistiske/pro-homser/pro-Israel line. When they reach this line, you can take it til neste level. "

He makes connections between "Nazism" and Islam:

"For Meg, it svært hyklersk A deals with Muslims, Nazis og Marxists forskjellig. They you all tilhengere of hate ideologies. Ikke alle Muslims, Nazis og Marxists s conservative, most of you moderate. But spilling the noen rolle? A moderate Nazi might, venom, on having opplevd vertigo, velge on being conservative. A moderate Muslim can, goats have the blitter nektet A, the inn at et utested, be conservative, etc.

It is in kortene at moderate tilhengere of hate-ideologies, on et senere time point can velge conservatism.

Islam (ISMe) has historic fortress to 300 million deaths

Communism has historic fortress to 100 million deaths

Nazisme has historic fortress til 60-20 million deaths

ALLE hate ideologies should be treated alike. "

He writes that he allowed himself to be baptized voluntarily when she was 15, and complain that the priests of the Protestant church that supports Palestine:

"But today's Protestant Church s a joke. Prester in jeans marsjerer for Palestine og kirke that look like minimalist kjøpesentre. Jeg er tilhenger of an indirect collective conversion fra the Protestant Church tilbake til Catholic. In mellomtiden stemmer jeg at the most conservative kandidatene wood kirkevalg. "

During the weeks that preceded the terrorist attacks in Norway announced the Norwegian Social Democrats, that the Labor Party, that in addition to the earlier decision that Palestine will gain Embassy in Oslo, also is prepared to recognize a Palestinian state. 24 hours before the terrorist attacks visited the Norwegian Foreign Minister, his young comrades on Utöya, where the demand was from the young people that Israel also was to be boycotted.

How did it look at Utöya days before the terrorist attack ( source TV2 ):

Read also:

"At least 80 people killed in Utöya"

Extra! Zionist Freemasons arrested for terror attacks in Oslo

Horror movie picture of the offender

EXTRA: The terrorist attacks in Oslo - Major damage and many deaths

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