Protestants Don't Celebrate Mass!

Protestants Don't Celebrate the Pope's Mass!

"What then is the origin and implications of the mass?

First -- the mass can be traced back into the Chaldean mysteries which go back to Semiramis and Nimrod in Babylon....The origin of the mass is from old Babylon paganism.

The sacrifice the mass is from the "unbloody sacrifice" of Venus.

Tacitus, the historian, says, "No blood was allowed to be offered on the altars of the erotic Venus.

Its victims were used for the purpose of the 'haruspex' but the altars were required to be kept pure from blood"....The shape of the unbloody sacrifice indicated its origin -- a small round wafer.

In Egypt the small thin round disk symbolized the sun.

When Osiris, the son god, became incarnate (or reincarnate, as the case is with pagan mythology) and was born, it was not merely to give his life as a sacrifice for men, but that he might also be life and nourishment of men's souls.

The sacrament or round wafer; the round disk of the sun god, the symbol of Baal; the Mass -- means dismissal, hence the dismissal of sins through the unbloody sacrifice of the queen of heaven....Although the god whom Isis or Ceres brought forth, and who was offered to her under the symbol of the wafer or thin round cake, as "the bread of life," was in reality the fierce, scorching Sun, or terrible Moloch, yet in that offering all his terrors was veiled, and everything repulsive was cast into the shade....In the celebration of the mass the priests are supposed to be invested with the miraculous power to transform a piece of bread into the very body of Christ, as well the wine into His blood.

Transubstantiation is the changing of one substance into another; hence the elements of bread and wine into the body and blood of the Lord, but that is the unbloody sacrifice of the sun goddess and not the Lord's supper.

It is not the crucifying of Christ afresh, but the unbloody sacrifice that is implied in the mass that dismisses a man's sins, that is blasphemy....We are told to flee from idolatry.

We read this in I Corinthians 10:7, 14. 1 John 5:21 tells us, "Little children, keep yourselves from idols".

Note also Ephesians 5:1-5. Paul tells us what the works of the flesh are and then tells us that they which DO (not have DONE, but DO) practice such things, shall not inherit the kingdom of God (Galatians 5:19-21), that is the gospel church kingdom here and now.....The scriptures no where tell us to commemorate Christ's birthday.

Why? Because Christ has no birthday.

He is eternal with the Father, has always existed with the Father, and hence is without beginning or ending of days.

The Christ of Christmas is anti-christ.

Rome does not believe in the virgin birth.

They do not believe in the incarnation, but in reincarnation.

That the husband of the queen of heaven, after having died a violent death, was reincarnated as the sun god.

How can I, knowing what I know about the "mass," have a "Merry Christmass?"....At midnight the pope of Rome will celebrate the mass for Christ in Saint Peter's Basilica (Saint Peter's kingdom).

The mass is blasphemy when said for any person.

To pretend to dismiss men's sins by an "unbloody sacrifice" is anti-Christ doctrine....You can find these facts, and many more, in "The Two Babylons" by Alexander Hislop, "The World Book Encyclopedia" and some are right from "Webster's Dictionary."

Celebrating the Mass

The shortest day of the year and, of course, the longest night.

This is usually the 20th or 21st of December.

Yuletide (the Teutonic version) lasts from December 20th through December 31st.

It begins on “Mother Night” and ends twelve days later on “Yule Night:” hence the “twelve days of Christmas” tradition.

In Pecti-Wita Yule falls on December 22nd and is called Feill Fionnain.

In the Caledonii Tradition it is called Alban Arthan and is not considered a fire festival.

A time when the waxing sun overcomes the waning sun.

In some traditions, it is a time when the Holly King (representing the death aspect of the God) is overcome by the Oak King (who embodies the rebirth of the God, and is sometimes referred to us the Divine Child).

Since this is a solar festival, it is celebrated by fire and the use of the Yule log.

The colors of the season, red and green, are of original Pagan decent.

The act of cutting and decorating the Yule Tree and exchanging gifts are also Pagan derivatives.

Wreaths of holly and fancy cookies and breads are a part of our tradition, as well.

Food is prepared specially for the after-dinner Yule celebration when the tree is lighted and the Yule log is burned.

A portion of the Yule log is saved to be used in lighting next year’s log.

This piece is kept throughout the year to protect the home.

Bayberry candles are also burned to ensure wealth and happiness throughout the following year.

They can be placed on the dining table at sunset and burned until they go out by themselves.

Another pair can be set upon the mantle and lit at the beginning of the Yule ceremony.

The reindeer stag is also a reminder of the horned god, so if you find yourself trying to choose a card for both Christian and Pagan friends, choose a nature scene that includes a stag—an easy way not to offend anyone.

You will find that many traditional Christmas decorations have some type of Pagan ancestry or significance that can be added to your Yule holiday” (To Ride A Silver Broomstick: New Generation Witchcraft, Silver RavenWolf., 34)."

Witches and Pagans Love Christ Mass

Christmas was ordained as a Holy Day and Feast by the Pope! Do we follow the decree by Pope Julius I in the fourth century? He established December 25th as Christmas, the Greek Orthodox Church celebrates their Christmas in January, two weeks later!

Those of you who celebrate Christmas...if you are not Catholic, or Orthodox, why do you obey the Pope, and celebrate the Feast of the man you call the "Beast"?

Christmas is one of the Marks of the Beast!  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry to say this but you are Ignorant...Xmas is the commemoration of 'Christ's becoming man, to save man'. We know he has no birthday, but what is wrong if the world gathers 1 day out of 365 days in a year, to remember how God saved us all? The date is not important because we may never know the actual date he became man,but what matters is that we say "THANK YOU" for the gift of Christ. It is a thing of the mind. You can call it a mark of the beast but I call it a celebration of love and Salvation and I know many other christians believe so too. I am not asking you to obey the pope or attend mass; all am asking is that you give up just this one day to say "FATHER, THANK YOU FOR THE GIFT OF YOUR SON"...You would do that if you believe that Christ died for YOU!!! That is what Xmas is about