Liar Replaces Leaker in Obama’s Inner Circle of Corruption

Liar Replaces Leaker in Obama’s Inner Circle of Corruption Expect rewards and promotion when you lie to the American people and cover for the President of the United States of America. That is the message Obama sent to the world today. Honesty and integrity, respect of the American ... READ MORE
The Grime, Slime and Crime ALL Leads to ObamaThe Grime, Slime and Crime ALL Leads to Obama The Obamatollah’s persecution of American citizens didn’t start with this IRS scandal. The skinny socialist has been doing things ‘the Chicago way” in a full court press since before he came to public office, and with ... READ MORE

  • Obama’s Administration: Picking and Choosing From the Bill of Rights

  • Lerney, Holdy, and Bo

Pentagon Blocks Access To Southern Baptist Homepage

Firewire from THE BLAZE June 05, 2013

Even though America’s home-schooled students have proven that they are accomplished and successful, the Left continues to wage a battle against home education. And these attacks aren’t new. Progressives first made the case in the early 20th century that government control trumps the rights of parents. What will the assault look like in the 21st century? This exclusive report on the Progressive attack on home education rights is available only in TheBlaze Magazine. Want to read more?  Click here to get the rest of this article and the entire issue absolutely FREE!

The debate over what makes “good art” is never-ending. But what about art that serves a larger, positive purpose—art that is, indeed, good? A new brand of conservative artists are drawing upon faith, freedom and life to give a traditional tone to modern art and send a needed message about the America they love. See the artwork and meet the artists in the June issue of TheBlaze Magazine. Get this issue now and for FREE! 

Every month features our "Worth 1,000 Words" department where we offer big stories in chart form. Check it out in the Magazine HERE.

The President’s signature legislation, ObamaCare, had threatened states with the loss of federal funding if they refused to expand Medicaid. Thankfully, the Supreme Court struck down the legislation’s coercion, which made the expansion optional for the states—a battle governors and legislatures nationwide continue to wage. But as is true of pretty much all government programs, Medicaid needs to be reformed, not inflated. We reveal the 10 states that stand to be the biggest losers under the current Medicaid expansion plan. The full list is in the next issue of TheBlaze Magazine. Subscribe Now and get the June issue FREE!

Why did the Pentagon block military members’ access to a Southern Baptist website? That is the question that some are asking after military members on U.S. bases were blocked from visiting, the official website of the Southern Baptist Convention. Find out the full story in the newest issue. Get it for FREE, click HERE.

Sherri Shepherd, co-host of the daytime ladies gabfest "The View," recently told viewers that, following a recent event at her home, she and her family decided to get a gun to protect themselves. Not surprisingly, co-host Barbara Walters tried to talk her out of it. However, you'll never guess who came the defense of private gun ownership. Check it out in the June 2013 issue of TheBlaze Magazine HERE.

Every issue of TheBlaze Magazine brings you exclusive content you won't find anywhere else -- online or in print -- not even on The magazine's stories, research and special reports are reserved for subscribers to the print edition (and, yes, there is a digital version of the magazine, too), which is created by the same team that brings you Don't miss out -- and remember, as you stand, you never stand alone. When you subscribe today, you get the most current digital issue absolutely FREE. Click HERE. 

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Hiding from God in the Multiverse

Antonin Scalia Sides With Constitution; A Shame No Republican Appointees Did

June 5, 2013

Obama’s Super Secret Treaty – Even Congress Can’t Get a Copy of the Draft Agreement

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Obama’s Super Secret Treaty – Even Congress Can’t Get a Copy of the Draft Agreement

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