7,000 Abandoned Buildings in Dayton


Ron Paul's original staff economist, Dr. Gary North!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013
“IRS? Tea Party Intimidation? I Knew Nothing. Nothing.” — Obama
President Obama says that he only learned of the IRS’ persecution of Tea Party groups late last week. For those of us who were big fans of the TV sitcom about a German POW camp, Hogan’s Heroes, this sounds strangely familiar. It sounds like Sergeant Schultz. He says that the accusation, if true, is “outrageous.” [...] READ MORE

7,000 Abandoned Buildings in Dayton
In Dayton, Ohio, there are 7,000 abandoned buildings. Because of federal asbestos controls, it costs $11,000 to demolish one building. So, they rot. The city is desperate. It cannot afford to demolish them. So, like a blight, the number of these buildings continues to grow. This is the Keynesian economy at work. This is recovery. [...] READ MORE

Goodbye, Pensions. Hello, Solvency. Detroit Leads the Way.
Detroit is bankrupt. Everyone knows this. Everyone has known it for months. It is not official, but it’s close. The pension holders are going to see their dreams blown to dust. They are the cause. They will be the solution. The state has sent in The Terminator. He can shut the city down. He can [...] READ MORE

Youth Without Hope: 60% Unemployment
Greece has a 60% unemployment rate for people in the 18-25 age bracket. Think of this. This is a generation that is unlikely ever to save their career plans out of the recession that has overtaken Greece and is getting worse. It will mar them for the rest of their lives. The experts said this [...] READ MORE

Ammunition Tight, Will Stay Tight
Ammunition manufacturers are not adding capacity. They think this run on ammo is temporary. So, buyers cannot buy it. The buyers want it. Retail sellers are imposing rationing: limits on purchases. There is no let-up in sight. Ammunition manufacturers are reporting record profits and sales, with increases that number in the double and sometimes triple [...] READ MORE

The CEO of the Biggest Bond Fund Says the Government Has Rigged the Game Against Investors
Bill Gross is the CEO of Pimco, the largest bond fund on earth. In his latest newsletter, he lays it on the line. The government is working against all investors. In the language of finance, the government will give investors a haircut. During and after World War II most countries with high debt overloads resorted [...] READ MORE

FBI Monitors G-Mail, Yahoo, Hotmail, and Facebook Accounts
If you store your emails for over 180 days, the FBI says it can legally monitor them without a warrant. It took a Freedom of Information Act inquiry to find this out. This defies a ruling made in 2010 by a federal appeals court. An FBI “Operations Guide” makes exemptions for any email that stored [...] READ MORE

One of the Great Hatchet Job Movie Reviews of All Time
Rex Reed has outdone himself. He is known for hatchet job reviews, but what he did to The Great Gatsby will become the stuff of legend. I have seen two TV “trailers” — why are previews called trailers? — of this movie, and I concluded: “Stinker.” But Reed’s review persuaded me that I had underestimated [...] READ MORE

Feds Ban Blueprints for All-Plastic 3D Pistol
The Department of State, ever alert to national security threats, has banned the publication online of blueprints for a one-shot pistol. The pistol can be made at home, if you have a 3D printer. Maybe you saw the video, with the loud music and the stock movies of some World War II bombers. The reason [...] READ MORE

Government Lures Naive College Students into Debt of $850 Billion
Average student debt for college is now $26,500. That is up 5% from last year. As with almost everything else in life, Pareto’s 20-80 rule governs student debt. About 20% of students with debt carry 80% of this debt. Median debt is half this: about $13,600. Half owe more; half owe less. What the stories [...] READ MORE

The Bible As Hate Speech?

Convicted Baby Butcher Gosnell “Shocked” at Murder Verdicts Dr. Kermit Gosnell was found guilty on three counts of first-degree murder, and Fox News producer Kristin Brown was inside the courtroom when the jury delivered the verdict. She described Gosnell as “completely taken aback” ... READ MORE
I’ll Say It: Western Civilization is Superior to Islamic CivilizationI’ll Say It: Western Civilization is Superior to Islamic Civilization Allow me to state (with pinpoint accuracy) what leaders in the West just don’t have the man-fruit to admit: That Western Civilization is far superior to Islamic Civilization. Ever since 9/11, Western leaders have labored ... READ MORE

Lawmaker proposes bill sending IRS employees to prison for political targeting

'Biometrics' In The Immigration Bill

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Latest From Brandon Smith May 14, 2013
Lions And Tigers And Terrorists, Oh My! Lions And Tigers And Terrorists, Oh My! »
The debate over what actions actually constitute "terrorism," I believe, will become one of the defining ideological battles of our era. Terrorism is not a word often used by common people to describe aberrant behaviors or dastardly deeds; however, it is used by governments around the world to label and marginalize political enemies. More »

Outside The Asylum

Devolution Of A Narrative Devolution Of A Narrative »
President Barack Obama and his Democratic accomplices have spun themselves sick trying to stay ahead of the scandal they created in Benghazi, Libya. The talking points proffered by the fringe leftists who have taken over the Federal government have swerved from the ridiculous to the insultingly stupid. More »

Personal Liberty News

Senator On Guns: 'Confiscate, Confiscate, Confiscate!' Senator On Guns: 'Confiscate, Confiscate, Confiscate!' »
Audio from a Senate hearing on gun control last week outed three Senators who lingered after talks were finished, with each sharing a slice of elitist thought that has little to do with upholding Constitutional oaths, but lots to do with expanding the state's control over individual freedoms and widening the cultural gap between citizens and the elected class. More »

'Biometrics' In The Immigration Bill 'Biometrics' In The Immigration Bill »
A debate over whether the comprehensive immigration bill currently being discussed in the Senate contains provisions for a national biometric database that would store information about virtually every adult in the United States raises some complicated questions about how willing some Americans are to sacrifice personal privacy in the name of quelling illegal immigration.  More »

IRS Double Standard Tax Dragnet Also Sought Out Advocates of Constitutional And Government Reform IRS Double Standard Tax Dragnet Also Sought Out Advocates of Constitutional And Government Reform »
It wasn't just Tea Party types whom the Internal Revenue Service singled out for extra tax scrutiny over the past two years. The politically driven effort to stymie the goals of suspected conservatives extended to nonprofits and social-welfare groups that advocate for changes in government spending and educating the public on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. More »

Iran To Head U.N. Disarmament Committee Iran To Head U.N. Disarmament Committee »
The United Nations has been the target of outrage by some groups, thanks to an "automatic rotation" schedule that will put Iran in charge of the International organization's Conference on Disarmament between May 27 and June 23. More »

Health Tips

Macular Degeneration And Aspirin

According to Healing the Eye and Wellness Center, long-term use of aspirin is a factor in age-related macular degeneration.

Regular aspirin users are more likely to develop the "wet" form of age-related macular degeneration compared to people who take aspirin rarely or never. Aspirin is one of the most widely used drugs in the world. Millions of people with heart disease take a daily low dose of aspirin, which they believe will prevent heart attacks and stroke. Aspirin is actually a blood thinner and may have some merit as such, doctors say. More »