'Biometrics' In The Immigration Bill

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Latest From Brandon Smith May 14, 2013
Lions And Tigers And Terrorists, Oh My! Lions And Tigers And Terrorists, Oh My! »
The debate over what actions actually constitute "terrorism," I believe, will become one of the defining ideological battles of our era. Terrorism is not a word often used by common people to describe aberrant behaviors or dastardly deeds; however, it is used by governments around the world to label and marginalize political enemies. More »

Outside The Asylum

Devolution Of A Narrative Devolution Of A Narrative »
President Barack Obama and his Democratic accomplices have spun themselves sick trying to stay ahead of the scandal they created in Benghazi, Libya. The talking points proffered by the fringe leftists who have taken over the Federal government have swerved from the ridiculous to the insultingly stupid. More »

Personal Liberty News

Senator On Guns: 'Confiscate, Confiscate, Confiscate!' Senator On Guns: 'Confiscate, Confiscate, Confiscate!' »
Audio from a Senate hearing on gun control last week outed three Senators who lingered after talks were finished, with each sharing a slice of elitist thought that has little to do with upholding Constitutional oaths, but lots to do with expanding the state's control over individual freedoms and widening the cultural gap between citizens and the elected class. More »

'Biometrics' In The Immigration Bill 'Biometrics' In The Immigration Bill »
A debate over whether the comprehensive immigration bill currently being discussed in the Senate contains provisions for a national biometric database that would store information about virtually every adult in the United States raises some complicated questions about how willing some Americans are to sacrifice personal privacy in the name of quelling illegal immigration.  More »

IRS Double Standard Tax Dragnet Also Sought Out Advocates of Constitutional And Government Reform IRS Double Standard Tax Dragnet Also Sought Out Advocates of Constitutional And Government Reform »
It wasn't just Tea Party types whom the Internal Revenue Service singled out for extra tax scrutiny over the past two years. The politically driven effort to stymie the goals of suspected conservatives extended to nonprofits and social-welfare groups that advocate for changes in government spending and educating the public on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. More »

Iran To Head U.N. Disarmament Committee Iran To Head U.N. Disarmament Committee »
The United Nations has been the target of outrage by some groups, thanks to an "automatic rotation" schedule that will put Iran in charge of the International organization's Conference on Disarmament between May 27 and June 23. More »

Health Tips

Macular Degeneration And Aspirin

According to Healing the Eye and Wellness Center, long-term use of aspirin is a factor in age-related macular degeneration.

Regular aspirin users are more likely to develop the "wet" form of age-related macular degeneration compared to people who take aspirin rarely or never. Aspirin is one of the most widely used drugs in the world. Millions of people with heart disease take a daily low dose of aspirin, which they believe will prevent heart attacks and stroke. Aspirin is actually a blood thinner and may have some merit as such, doctors say. More »

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