Who Thinks Obama Could Face Impeachment Over Benghazi?

Firewire from THE BLAZE May 11, 2013
Benghazi - The Latest News
  • Are there more witnesses ready to testify? An attorney tells TheBlaze Radio that's the case. Hear his interview with Jay Severin HERE.
  • WH Press Secretary calls new Benghazi information a "distraction." Watch his tense exchange with the press HERE.
  • Once-skeptical BBC Editor now predicts "head will roll" in Benghazi case HERE.
Who Thinks Obama Could Face Impeachment Over Benghazi?
On Thursday, Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) said in a radio interview that “of all the great cover-ups in history” — including the Pentagon papers, Iran-Contra and Watergate — Benghazi “is going to go down as most serious, most egregious cover-up in American history.” Listen to Inhofe's comments HERE.

As worries continue to grow that “Obamacare” will permanently stain President Obama’s legacy, White House officials have been instructed to use college commencement ceremonies as an opportunity to praise the health care law. Will the President's inner circle heed this advice? Find out HERE.

Audio captured after a New Jersey Senate session on Thursday possibly features several Democrats mocking gun owners and talking about gun “confiscation.” The hot-mic recording opens with what seems to be a female senator or staff member saying, “We need a bill that is going to confiscate, confiscate, confiscate.” Listen to the actual audio HERE.

A curious CraigsList post promoting a yard sale in Greer, South Carolina is gaining some attention. Perhaps it has something to do with the title -- “Help Get Godless Liberals Out of SC." The actual text of the ad appears to go beyond the norm in order to offend people of faith. See the posting HERE.

A partnership between Google, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), NASA and TIME magazine has resulted in the first multi-decade, interactive time-lapse of the Earth showing how its surface has changed over nearly 30 years. Check out these fascinating, interactive time-lapse presentations HERE.

Do You Know About 'Gallon Smashing?'
“Gallon smashing” is a seemingly pointless act where a person pretends to fall, spilling gallons of milk they are carrying in the process. Someone then has to clean up the mess while those responsible for the spilled milk go home and upload the footage to YouTube. One recent attempt, posted on Monday, features one boy’s gigantic “gallon smashing” failure. Watch the prank gone wrong HERE.
Heritage Official Quits Over Offensive Statement On Immigrants' IQ
Jason Richwine, a co-author of the Heritage Foundation’s report on a new immigration bill, has resigned amid controversy over claims he made about immigrants having low IQs. Richwine's inflammatory statements were part of a dissertation from 2009. Read all the details HERE.

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It is well known that children have a different palate than that of adults, preferring sweeter foods. For this reason, parents timidly put a new food in front of their tot watching eagerly to see their reaction. Watch video that captured these faces after trying a variety of new foods HERE. 

Kid President's '10 Things Every Mom Must Know'
OK, we're a day early with the Mother's Day wishes, but that's how we roll. Happy (early) Mother’s Day to all the moms out there! And to show you just how much we care, we've wrapped up a special message from "Kid President" for you. Watch it HERE.
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Obama Fired 3 Generals, Admiral To Cover up Benghazi

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July 4th Armed March On DC – Why You SHOULD NOT Go May 11, 2013

Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, while evil people and impostors will go on from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.(2 Timothy 3:12-17, 1599 Geneva Bible)

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Ron Paul's original staff economist, Dr. Gary North!

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