Obama Fired 3 Generals, Admiral To Cover up Benghazi

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New Evidence: Bomb Behind Texas Explosion?

CONTRIBUTOR: BARRACUDA. Officials open up criminal investigation after man found with 'destructive device' WND Drew Zahn Two events happening on the same day – a West, Texas, man arrested for possession of a “destructive device” and law enforcement officials launching a criminal investigation into the town’s fatal, April 17 fertilizer-plant explosion...


Syria Cut Off From Global Internet

Syria Cut Off From Global Internet CONTRIBUTOR: Bigs. International internet companies say Syria has been disconnected from "internet communication with the rest of world" Citizen journalists have relied on the internet to show the world what is happening inside Syria [AP] Syria's Internet blackout entered into its second consecutive day, which the state news...


BBC: Heads Will Roll, White House Benghazi Cover Up Exposed

BBC: Heads Will Roll, White House Benghazi Cover Up Exposed CONTRIBUTOR: Alexander Higgins. New documents show the CIA was ordered to change Benghazi Talking Points 12 times and the White House is being accused of issuing a stand-down order to protect the consulate from the attack. After ABC News dropped a bombshell earlier proving the Obama administration was directly involved in editing the...


Obama Fired 3 Generals, Admiral To Cover up Benghazi

CONTRIBUTOR: Bigs. Maj. Gen. Ralph Baker, commander of the Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa, was fired March 28, according to a Washington Defense official. The command is headquartered in Djibouti and runs U.S. military operations in East Africa, including some counter-terrorism operations. Baker, a two-star general, is appealing the firing,...


The Dam Bursts On Benghazi

CONTRIBUTOR: theobamahustle. By Paul Brandus | The Week Thanks to a bombshell report from ABC News, GOP accusations that the White House politicized a tragedy no longer seem so unsubstantiated For a long time, the Republican hunt for the truth surrounding the Benghazi terror attack has reminded me of one of President...


California Dad 'Begged For His Life' As Police Beat Him To Death – Witnesses

California Dad 'Begged For His Life' As Police Beat Him To Death – Witnesses CONTRIBUTOR: Mick Meaney. A California father of four died Wednesday shortly after a group of police allegedly beat him with batons as he lay defenseless on the sidewalk. Cops, before confiscating witness’ cameras, also reportedly unleashed a canine unit on him. David Sal Silva, 33, allegedly resisted when police approached him to ask...


The Dangers Of Too Much Sugar: What The Sugar Industry Doesnt Want You to Know

The Dangers Of Too Much Sugar: What The Sugar Industry Doesnt Want You to Know CONTRIBUTOR: Natural Society. Anthony Gucciardi Natural Society For years, the sugar industry has had to fight negative publicity – and for good reason. Sugar and all its sweet goodness has been blamed for childhood hyperactivity, cavities, diabetes, obesity, and cancer, among other things. But fought back the industry did, and they were largely...


U.S. Currently Fighting 74 Different Wars … That It Will Publicly Admit

CONTRIBUTOR: Washington's Blog. And Many More Covert Wars Without Congressional Oversight … Let Alone Public Knowledge Fire Dog Lake’s Kevin Gosztola notes: Linda J. Bilmes and Michael D. Intriligator, ask in a recent paper, “How many wars is the US fighting today?” Today US military operations are involved in scores of countries across...


Part 9: Series On Overpopulation In America Plastic onslaught in an ocean of grief

CURATOR: Frosty Wooldridge. By Frosty Wooldridge Part 9: Plastic onslaught of our streams, river, lakes and oceans; deadly, ugly, immoral “Plastics will prove the worst, most insidious invention of humanity. Plastics kill everything and anything in their path on all four corners of the planet. Plastics kill without violence, without warning and without...


Potential Flu Pandemic Lurks, H3N2 Killed 1 Million People

CONTRIBUTOR: Alton Parrish . In the summer of 1968, a new strain of influenza appeared in Hong Kong. This strain, known as H3N2, spread around the globe and eventually killed an estimated 1 million people. A new study from MIT reveals that there are many strains of H3N2 circulating in birds...


CURATOR: Josey Wales

CURATOR: Sebastian Clouth

CONTRIBUTOR: Natural Blaze

CURATOR: Mort Amsel

CURATOR: youngneill

CURATOR: Mort Amsel


CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die

CURATOR: Mort Amsel

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