Latest Headlines from the Daily News

New York Daily News

Today's Top Stories
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Police say at least one person is dead and multiple people are wounded after someone fired a rifle in a Portland, Ore., area mall filled with holiday shoppers.
A woman was found shot in the head and critically wounded outside Brookdale University Hospital hospital early Tuesday, cops said.
Delta and Virgin Atlantic are hooking up. In a bid to grab a bigger piece of the lucrative New York to London travel route, Delta Air lines is paying $360 million for a 49% stake in the U.K. airline.
An NYPD sergeant who rose to fame when she was photographed with President Obama during a 9/11 anniversary wreath ceremony last year was found dead in an apparent suicide at her Long Island home Tuesday sources said.

WHY DID SHE KILL HERSELF? Suicide note found from nurse who hanged herself after shock jocks pranked her to get secret information on Kate's pregnancy
Nelson Mandela's 'sparkle' is fading, his wife says, as ailing South African hero suffers from lung infection
Jewish woman 'adopts' struggling family for Christmas as fender-bender turns into holiday miracle
HOW DID THEY DIE? Bodies of missing cousins found in Iowa woods positively ID'd kicking off investigation
Is a ban on sodomy the same as a ban on murder? Justice Scalia defends controversial view
Masked gunman opens fire in Oregon mall


Cop dragged in Times Square
Woman fatally shot in neck outside Brookdale University Hospital
Queens drug addict busted for killing his mother and father -- one year apart
Columbus Circle gun also used in Queens shooting
Waitress sues cops, former steakhouse boss for sexual assault
Get ready for 12/12/12

Editors Picks  
Elijah Wood, Cate Blanchett happy in Middle Earth
Apparently you can go there and back again. The last time Elijah Wood visited Middle Earth, he pretty much had the weight of a world on his shoulders.
Eats Beat: Strand Smokehouse opens right on 'cue in Queens
New to the scene ... There’s a new barbecue mecca in Astoria.
Movie review: ‘The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey’
Over the last year, fans have expressed increasingly vocal concerns about Peter Jackson's decision to shoot his “Hobbit” trilogy at 48 frames per second.
TV review: ‘Peter Rabbit’s Christmas’
Beatrix Potter would approve of how her young progeny Peter Rabbit hops through a holiday adventure in this new animated Nickelodeon special.
Restaurant review: Gaonnuri
Along with the boast of being the world’s highest Korean restaurant, Gaonnuri’s menu proudly proclaims its location “in the heat of New York City.”
Free & Cheap in New York: Wednesday, Dec. 12
‘ANNIE’ DAY NOW. The Shadow Box Theatre (SBT), an award-winning children’s musical puppet troupe, will present “Big Annie” at PS 3, the Bedford Village School.
Stars found 'Les Miserables' a pretty tough aria
It may look good on screen, but the star-studded cast behind “Les Miserables” tells Confidenti@l that making the epic musical wasn’t all high notes.
SI features News back pages in Eli 'Inspiring' spread
You can't tell the story of Eli Manning's ups and downs in New York without the back page of the Daily News, which is why Sports Illustrated turned to New York's Hometown Newspaper for a little help with a profile on the Giants quarterback.

Cowboy Byte

December 12, 2012

Boehner: Can we just be honest about this? We’re broke

On the House floor on Tuesday, Speaker John Boehner broke from the mutual semi-silence of what’s been going on between himself and President Obama on the fiscal-cliff negotiations, and informed the Congress that all he’s waiting on are some proposals … Continue reading

Top Cowboy Headlines

News You May Have Missed

Mother Killed in Street by Teenagers

Protestants Don't Celebrate Mass!

Protestants Don't Celebrate the Pope's Mass!

"What then is the origin and implications of the mass?

First -- the mass can be traced back into the Chaldean mysteries which go back to Semiramis and Nimrod in Babylon....The origin of the mass is from old Babylon paganism.

The sacrifice the mass is from the "unbloody sacrifice" of Venus.

Tacitus, the historian, says, "No blood was allowed to be offered on the altars of the erotic Venus.

Its victims were used for the purpose of the 'haruspex' but the altars were required to be kept pure from blood"....The shape of the unbloody sacrifice indicated its origin -- a small round wafer.

In Egypt the small thin round disk symbolized the sun.

When Osiris, the son god, became incarnate (or reincarnate, as the case is with pagan mythology) and was born, it was not merely to give his life as a sacrifice for men, but that he might also be life and nourishment of men's souls.

The sacrament or round wafer; the round disk of the sun god, the symbol of Baal; the Mass -- means dismissal, hence the dismissal of sins through the unbloody sacrifice of the queen of heaven....Although the god whom Isis or Ceres brought forth, and who was offered to her under the symbol of the wafer or thin round cake, as "the bread of life," was in reality the fierce, scorching Sun, or terrible Moloch, yet in that offering all his terrors was veiled, and everything repulsive was cast into the shade....In the celebration of the mass the priests are supposed to be invested with the miraculous power to transform a piece of bread into the very body of Christ, as well the wine into His blood.

Transubstantiation is the changing of one substance into another; hence the elements of bread and wine into the body and blood of the Lord, but that is the unbloody sacrifice of the sun goddess and not the Lord's supper.

It is not the crucifying of Christ afresh, but the unbloody sacrifice that is implied in the mass that dismisses a man's sins, that is blasphemy....We are told to flee from idolatry.

We read this in I Corinthians 10:7, 14. 1 John 5:21 tells us, "Little children, keep yourselves from idols".

Note also Ephesians 5:1-5. Paul tells us what the works of the flesh are and then tells us that they which DO (not have DONE, but DO) practice such things, shall not inherit the kingdom of God (Galatians 5:19-21), that is the gospel church kingdom here and now.....The scriptures no where tell us to commemorate Christ's birthday.

Why? Because Christ has no birthday.

He is eternal with the Father, has always existed with the Father, and hence is without beginning or ending of days.

The Christ of Christmas is anti-christ.

Rome does not believe in the virgin birth.

They do not believe in the incarnation, but in reincarnation.

That the husband of the queen of heaven, after having died a violent death, was reincarnated as the sun god.

How can I, knowing what I know about the "mass," have a "Merry Christmass?"....At midnight the pope of Rome will celebrate the mass for Christ in Saint Peter's Basilica (Saint Peter's kingdom).

The mass is blasphemy when said for any person.

To pretend to dismiss men's sins by an "unbloody sacrifice" is anti-Christ doctrine....You can find these facts, and many more, in "The Two Babylons" by Alexander Hislop, "The World Book Encyclopedia" and some are right from "Webster's Dictionary."

Celebrating the Mass

The shortest day of the year and, of course, the longest night.

This is usually the 20th or 21st of December.

Yuletide (the Teutonic version) lasts from December 20th through December 31st.

It begins on “Mother Night” and ends twelve days later on “Yule Night:” hence the “twelve days of Christmas” tradition.

In Pecti-Wita Yule falls on December 22nd and is called Feill Fionnain.

In the Caledonii Tradition it is called Alban Arthan and is not considered a fire festival.

A time when the waxing sun overcomes the waning sun.

In some traditions, it is a time when the Holly King (representing the death aspect of the God) is overcome by the Oak King (who embodies the rebirth of the God, and is sometimes referred to us the Divine Child).

Since this is a solar festival, it is celebrated by fire and the use of the Yule log.

The colors of the season, red and green, are of original Pagan decent.

The act of cutting and decorating the Yule Tree and exchanging gifts are also Pagan derivatives.

Wreaths of holly and fancy cookies and breads are a part of our tradition, as well.

Food is prepared specially for the after-dinner Yule celebration when the tree is lighted and the Yule log is burned.

A portion of the Yule log is saved to be used in lighting next year’s log.

This piece is kept throughout the year to protect the home.

Bayberry candles are also burned to ensure wealth and happiness throughout the following year.

They can be placed on the dining table at sunset and burned until they go out by themselves.

Another pair can be set upon the mantle and lit at the beginning of the Yule ceremony.

The reindeer stag is also a reminder of the horned god, so if you find yourself trying to choose a card for both Christian and Pagan friends, choose a nature scene that includes a stag—an easy way not to offend anyone.

You will find that many traditional Christmas decorations have some type of Pagan ancestry or significance that can be added to your Yule holiday” (To Ride A Silver Broomstick: New Generation Witchcraft, Silver RavenWolf., 34)."

Witches and Pagans Love Christ Mass

Christmas was ordained as a Holy Day and Feast by the Pope! Do we follow the decree by Pope Julius I in the fourth century? He established December 25th as Christmas, the Greek Orthodox Church celebrates their Christmas in January, two weeks later!

Those of you who celebrate Christmas...if you are not Catholic, or Orthodox, why do you obey the Pope, and celebrate the Feast of the man you call the "Beast"?

Christmas is one of the Marks of the Beast!  

Vatican is Practicing Child Sacrifice

Vatican is Practicing Child Sacrifice</p><br /><p>“Nothing, in this world, works the way you think it does.” -Jordan Maxwell</p><br /><p>Child sacrifice, trauma-based mind control. What do these have in common? They are all used by one of the largest cults in the world; the Illuminati. Trauma-based mind control is very seldom talked about even in the alternative media, this is a very important topic as it deals with torture against children and even unborn children according to one of the whistleblowers in this article.</p><br /><p>It’s a sketchy topic, but we need to be aware that these things do happen everyday, we have to grow up and face reality, trauma-based mind control is a very real technique that will give us a better understanding on how this world really operates.</p><br /><p>Many people scoff at the idea of a group of people are controlling the world, steering humanity and events for their own self-benefit. What I learned is shocking, we do live in a world that is highly-influenced by the biggest cult on earth, this cult is so vast and powerful that it steers economies on a global scale through manipulation of the markets and monetary systems, they hold most of the resources in the world so it’s quite easy for this group to pull the strings.</p><br /><p>The ‘Illuminati’ is basically an ancient bloodline of families, many of you might know their symbol hidden in plain sight on the back of the U.S. one-dollar bill (a capstone hovering over a pyramid). Call them Illuminati, Internationalists or Aristocrats, meaning a member of the ‘ruling class’ elite. The roots of this group go back to the Papacy of the Vatican and stem back to the British monarchy, this Illuminati group has weaved many webs across the world infiltrating groups like the Freemasons, they can be Zionists, Satanists or Communists.. the list is quite overwhelming. The real movers are in the private and secret meetings where top figures gather to discuss future plans for the world, they gather in groups (such as Bilderberg Group), clubs, councils, commissions and committees.</p><br /><p>The cult has almost every important seat in the world; they are Senators and Congressmen, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Popes and Queens. They are in high places in media, the entertainment industry and etc. Politicians call themselves ‘progressive’, they pretend to be ‘for the people’ but then quickly turn their backs and strive for the progress of ‘the family’ and could care less about the outsiders of the group.</p><br /><p>No U.S. president is ever elected by the people, they are always selected. The United States never really won their independence from the British monarchy as the word ‘United States’ means a ‘federal corporation’ to British crown royalty (who are puppets of the Vatican). All corporations have presidents, it is the kinds and queens that hold the real power over nations.</p><br /><p>These aristocrats have always strived for an agenda called a ‘New World Order’. A New World Order is a utopian world-view that the cult works towards where the ruling class continues to perfect its dominance over the world. A world where just about everything is regulated under the auspices of the United Nations.</p><br /><p>According to the elite; humans are considered ‘useless eaters’ (that’s anyone who isn’t part of the aristocracy), the word ‘human’ is another word for ‘monster’, a savage that has ‘uninheritable blood’ and is to be treated like expendable slaves that live a short lifespan and are only ‘allowed to live’ to serve the elite.</p><br /><p>A whistleblower of this cult went public about her experience with the organization and its use of trauma-based mind control (also called ritual abuse) that deals with sexual trauma, physical and mental pain on young even unborn children. Trauma-based control is used to create a Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) to tear the subject away from the rest of the world to create a literal robot that is loyal and obedient to a programmer’s every request.</p><br /><p>Svali (a pseudonym for obvious reasons) explains it best, she is an ex-Illuminati mind control programmer who was born into ‘the family’, she wrote an excellent book called Breaking the Chain – Breaking Free Of Cult Programming that exposes the nature of this cult in great detail.</p><br /><p>It is very important if you want to understand how this cult operates is to read Svali’s entire book, get to know the lingo and how they operate. But right now I would just like to point out the 4th chapter of her book where she explains the techniques used on infants who are born into the society.</p><br /><p>    The programming techniques that I will describe take an incredible amount of effort, time, dedication, and planning on the part of the cult to place in the individual. Only a very motivated group of people would spend the time it takes to do this. These chapters are very hard for me to write, as an individual, since my role in the cult was that of a programmer. So, the very techniques you will be reading about were often those that I used to place programming in individuals that I worked with. I no longer do these things, nor do I espouse doing them; Intentional Programming Intentional programming of an infant in the Illuminati often begins before birth. Prenatal splitting is well known in the cult, as the fetus is very capable of fragmenting in the womb due to trauma. This is usually done between the seventh and ninth month of pregnancy. Techniques used include: placing headphones on the mother’s abdomen, and playing loud, discordant music (such as some modern classical pieces, or even Wagner’s operas). Loud, heavy rock has also been used. Other methods include having the mother ingest quantities of bitter substances, to make the amniotic fluid bitter, or yelling at the fetus inside the womb. The mother’s abdomen may be hit as well. Mild shock to the abdomen may be applied, especially when term is near, and may be used to cause premature labor, or ensure that the infant is born on a ceremonial holiday. Certain labor inducing drugs may be also given if a certain birth date is desired. Once the infant is born, testing is begun at a very early age, usually during the first few weeks of life. The trainers, who are taught to look for certain qualities in the infant, will place it on a velvet cloth on a table, and check its reflexes to different stimuli. The infant’s strength, how it reacts to heat, cold, and pain are all tested. Different infants react differently, and the trainers are looking for dissociative ability, quick reflexes, and reaction times. They are also encouraging early dissociation in the infant with these tests. The infant will also be abused, to create fragments. Methods of abuse can include: rectal probes; digital anal rape; electric shocks at low levels to the fingers, toes, and genitalia; cutting the genitalia in ritual circumstances (in older infants). The intent is to begin fragmentation before a true ego state develops, and customize the infant to pain and reflexive dissociation from pain (yes, even tiny infants dissociate; I have seen it time and time again; they will glow blank and limp, or glassy, in the face of continued trauma.) Isolation and abandonment programming will sometimes be begun as well, in a rudimentary sense. The infant is abandoned, or uncared for by adults, intentionally during the daytime, then picked up, soothed, cleaned up and paid attention to in the context of preparing for a ritual or group gathering. This is done in order to help the infant associate night gatherings with “love” and attention, and to help the bonding process to the cult, or “family”. The infant will be taught to associate maternal attention with going to rituals, and eventually will associate cult gatherings with feelings of security. As the infant grows older, i.e. at 15 to 18 months, more fragmenting is intentionally done by having the parents as well as cult members abuse the infant more methodically. This is done by intermittently soothing, bonding with the infant, then shocking it on its digits; the infant may be dropped from heights to a mat or mattress and laughed at as it lays there startled and terrified, crying. It may be placed in cages for periods of time, or exposed to short periods of isolation. Deprivation of food, water, and basic needs may begin later in this stage. All of these methods are done in order to create intentional dissociation in the infant.</p><br /><p>In this interview, Svali explains a more public technique of trauma-based programming by child sacrifice carried out during an induction ceremony at the Vatican.:</p><br /><p>    When I was twelve, I was flown over to Germany. And I was at, I’ll call them the German Fathers’ house, over there. And, there was some preparation for a few days, beforehand, and I was told that there would be a very important ceremony. And it was considered a sealing ceremony at that point. And basically I was told a little bit about what I was expected to do during the ceremony. When we got there, we went through the Vatican. Underneath the Vatican there is a large room that I described to you when we talked before. It has 13 catacomb chambers leading into it. And what they do is as you go down these steps into the room, you can see that it’s circular, so they’re all rounded. They bring out the mummies from the catacombs. And they set them beside each one [each of the 13 catacomb chambers], and they say “That’s the spirit of the Fathers watching over the ceremony.” During the ceremony, there was a large table in the center of the room. It was on top of this huge golden pentagram. They had a ceremony there. Well, there was a table. It looked like dark glass in the center of the room. It was made out of a stone, but it was very shiny and darkened black. It may have been something like obsidian or onyx, I’m not sure. This was the only time I’ve seen stone like that. Around the corners it had these gold channels that, you know, collect fluids. A little boy was placed in the center of the table and drugged. I think he was drugged, because he was very quiet. He didn’t move or say anything. The man was in scarlet – he was speaking in Latin. And basically he was saying, “Please accept the sacrifice on this day.” And then he said, “This sacrifice will seal the ceremony.” And then he did it.</p><br /><p>Here’s the same story but from a GCN interview:</p><br /><p>    “During the ceremony, they sacrificed a little boy. After that the man dressed in scarlet went to the side of the room and I had to kneel before him and kiss his ring and swear my undying loyalty to the New World order.“</p><br /><p>    We all live in a scientific dictatorship where governments use propaganda in public schools, TV and movies to shape public opinions and beliefs to manage large populations for the benefit of the elite. Terrorism is a form of trauma-based mind control, for example, 9/11. Many people were so traumatized at the events of September 11th that they would have believed almost anything that the government had put out. Like torture, terrorism is used to intimidate or coerce subject(s) into behaving and thinking a certain way so that the person(s) remain obedient to the system. 9/11 was the mega-ritual that has accomplished many goals including the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan because we were constantly told that the terrorists will hit us again if we didn’t do something about it. “Fear is a strong basis for mind control, whether it’s the kind of mind control that is the mass-mind control over a whole society or if it’s the kind of absolute robotic mind control that I experienced under MK-ULTRA on a U.S. Pentagon level.” -Cathy O’Brien Cathy O’Brien is also a victim of mind control (was not born into ‘the family’), she tells her story how she was sold by a sexually abusive father to the military industrial complex; “A local politician that was sanctioning this child pornography ring was associated with my grandfather’s blue masonic lodge, blue masonic lodge when this one particular politician (Gerald Ford) came to my father and told him he can receive immunity from prosecution if he would sell me into MK-ULTRA mind control. My father was thrilled, he agreed to sell me into the project and was trained in how to raise me for MK-ULTRA.”</p><br /><p>
Vatican is Practicing Child Sacrifice “Nothing, in this world, works the way you think it does.” -Jordan Maxwell Child sacrifice, trauma-based mind control.
What do these have in common? They are all used by one of the largest cults in the world; the Illuminati
Trauma-based mind control is very seldom talked about even in the alternative media, this is a very important topic as it deals with torture against children and even unborn children according to one of the whistleblowers in this article. 
It’s a sketchy topic, but we need to be aware that these things do happen everyday, we have to grow up and face reality, trauma-based mind control is a very real technique that will give us a better understanding on how this world really operates. 
Many people scoff at the idea of a group of people are controlling the world, steering humanity and events for their own self-benefit. 
What I learned is shocking, we do live in a world that is highly-influenced by the biggest cult on earth, this cult is so vast and powerful that it steers economies on a global scale through manipulation of the markets and monetary systems, they hold most of the resources in the world so it’s quite easy for this group to pull the strings. 
The ‘Illuminati’ is basically an ancient bloodline of families, many of you might know their symbol hidden in plain sight on the back of the U.S. one-dollar bill (a capstone hovering over a pyramid). 
Call them Illuminati, Internationalists or Aristocrats, meaning a member of the ‘ruling class’ elite. 
The roots of this group go back to the Papacy of the Vatican and stem back to the British monarchy, this Illuminati group has weaved many webs across the world infiltrating groups like the Freemasons, they can be Zionists, Satanists or Communists.. the list is quite overwhelming. 
The real movers are in the private and secret meetings where top figures gather to discuss future plans for the world, they gather in groups (such as Bilderberg Group), clubs, councils, commissions and committees. 
The cult has almost every important seat in the world; they are Senators and Congressmen, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Popes and Queens. 
They are in high places in media, the entertainment industry and etc. 
Politicians call themselves ‘progressive’, they pretend to be ‘for the people’ but then quickly turn their backs and strive for the progress of ‘the family’ and could care less about the outsiders of the group. 
No U.S. president is ever elected by the people, they are always selected. The United States never really won their independence from the British monarchy as the word ‘United States’ means a ‘federal corporation’ to British crown royalty (who are puppets of the Vatican). 
All corporations have presidents, it is the kinds and queens that hold the real power over nations. 
These aristocrats have always strived for an agenda called a ‘New World Order’. 
A New World Order is a utopian world-view that the cult works towards where the ruling class continues to perfect its dominance over the world. 
A world where just about everything is regulated under the auspices of the United Nations
According to the elite; humans are considered ‘useless eaters’ (that’s anyone who isn’t part of the aristocracy), the word ‘human’ is another word for ‘monster’, a savage that has ‘uninheritable blood’ and is to be treated like expendable slaves that live a short lifespan and are only ‘allowed to live’ to serve the elite. 
A whistleblower of this cult went public about her experience with the organization and its use of trauma-based mind control (also called ritual abuse) that deals with sexual trauma, physical and mental pain on young even unborn children. 
Trauma-based control is used to create a Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) to tear the subject away from the rest of the world to create a literal robot that is loyal and obedient to a programmer’s every request. 
Svali (a pseudonym for obvious reasons) explains it best, she is an ex-Illuminati mind control programmer who was born into ‘the family’, she wrote an excellent book called Breaking the Chain – Breaking Free Of Cult Programming that exposes the nature of this cult in great detail. 
It is very important if you want to understand how this cult operates is to read Svali’s entire book, get to know the lingo and how they operate. 
But right now I would just like to point out the 4th chapter of her book where she explains the techniques used on infants who are born into the society.      
The programming techniques that I will describe take an incredible amount of effort, time, dedication, and planning on the part of the cult to place in the individual. 
Only a very motivated group of people would spend the time it takes to do this. 
These chapters are very hard for me to write, as an individual, since my role in the cult was that of a programmer. 
So, the very techniques you will be reading about were often those that I used to place programming in individuals that I worked with. 
I no longer do these things, nor do I espouse doing them; Intentional Programming Intentional programming of an infant in the Illuminati often begins before birth. 
Prenatal splitting is well known in the cult, as the fetus is very capable of fragmenting in the womb due to trauma. 
This is usually done between the seventh and ninth month of pregnancy. 
Techniques used include: placing headphones on the mother’s abdomen, and playing loud, discordant music (such as some modern classical pieces, or even Wagner’s operas). 
Loud, heavy rock has also been used. Other methods include having the mother ingest quantities of bitter substances, to make the amniotic fluid bitter, or yelling at the fetus inside the womb. 
The mother’s abdomen may be hit as well. 
Mild shock to the abdomen may be applied, especially when term is near, and may be used to cause premature labor, or ensure that the infant is born on a ceremonial holiday. 
Certain labor inducing drugs may be also given if a certain birth date is desired. 
Once the infant is born, testing is begun at a very early age, usually during the first few weeks of life. 
The trainers, who are taught to look for certain qualities in the infant, will place it on a velvet cloth on a table, and check its reflexes to different stimuli. 
The infant’s strength, how it reacts to heat, cold, and pain are all tested. 
Different infants react differently, and the trainers are looking for dissociative ability, quick reflexes, and reaction times. 
They are also encouraging early dissociation in the infant with these tests. 
The infant will also be abused, to create fragments. 
Methods of abuse can include: rectal probes; digital anal rape; electric shocks at low levels to the fingers, toes, and genitalia; cutting the genitalia in ritual circumstances (in older infants). 
The intent is to begin fragmentation before a true ego state develops, and customize the infant to pain and reflexive dissociation from pain (yes, even tiny infants dissociate; I have seen it time and time again; they will glow blank and limp, or glassy, in the face of continued trauma.) 
Isolation and abandonment programming will sometimes be begun as well, in a rudimentary sense. 
The infant is abandoned, or uncared for by adults, intentionally during the daytime, then picked up, soothed, cleaned up and paid attention to in the context of preparing for a ritual or group gathering. 
This is done in order to help the infant associate night gatherings with “love” and attention, and to help the bonding process to the cult, or “family”. 
The infant will be taught to associate maternal attention with going to rituals, and eventually will associate cult gatherings with feelings of security. 
As the infant grows older, i.e. at 15 to 18 months, more fragmenting is intentionally done by having the parents as well as cult members abuse the infant more methodically. 
This is done by intermittently soothing, bonding with the infant, then shocking it on its digits; the infant may be dropped from heights to a mat or mattress and laughed at as it lays there startled and terrified, crying. 
It may be placed in cages for periods of time, or exposed to short periods of isolation. 
Deprivation of food, water, and basic needs may begin later in this stage. 
All of these methods are done in order to create intentional dissociation in the infant. 
In this interview, Svali explains a more public technique of trauma-based programming by child sacrifice carried out during an induction ceremony at the Vatican.: 
When I was twelve, I was flown over to Germany. 
And I was at, I’ll call them the German Fathers’ house, over there. 
And, there was some preparation for a few days, beforehand, and I was told that there would be a very important ceremony. 
And it was considered a sealing ceremony at that point. 
And basically I was told a little bit about what I was expected to do during the ceremony. 
When we got there, we went through the Vatican. 
Underneath the Vatican there is a large room that I described to you when we talked before. 
It has 13 catacomb chambers leading into it. 
And what they do is as you go down these steps into the room, you can see that it’s circular, so they’re all rounded. 
They bring out the mummies from the catacombs. 
And they set them beside each one [each of the 13 catacomb chambers], and they say “That’s the spirit of the Fathers watching over the ceremony.” 
During the ceremony, there was a large table in the center of the room. 
It was on top of this huge golden pentagram. 
They had a ceremony there. 
Well, there was a table. 
It looked like dark glass in the center of the room. 
It was made out of a stone, but it was very shiny and darkened black. 
It may have been something like obsidian or onyx, I’m not sure. 
This was the only time I’ve seen stone like that. 
Around the corners it had these gold channels that, you know, collect fluids. 
A little boy was placed in the center of the table and drugged. 
I think he was drugged, because he was very quiet. 
He didn’t move or say anything. 
The man was in scarlet – he was speaking in Latin. 
And basically he was saying, “Please accept the sacrifice on this day.” 
And then he said, “This sacrifice will seal the ceremony.” 
And then he did it. 
Here’s the same story but from a GCN interview: "During the ceremony, they sacrificed a little boy. After that the man dressed in scarlet went to the side of the room and I had to kneel before him and kiss his ring and swear my undying loyalty to the New World order."
We all live in a scientific dictatorship where governments use propaganda in public schools, TV and movies to shape public opinions and beliefs to manage large populations for the benefit of the elite. 
Terrorism is a form of trauma-based mind control, for example, 9/11. 
Many people were so traumatized at the events of September 11th that they would have believed almost anything that the government had put out. 
Like torture, terrorism is used to intimidate or coerce subject(s) into behaving and thinking a certain way so that the person(s) remain obedient to the system. 
9/11 was the mega-ritual that has accomplished many goals including the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan because we were constantly told that the terrorists will hit us again if we didn’t do something about it. 
"Fear is a strong basis for mind control, whether it’s the kind of mind control that is the mass-mind control over a whole society or if it’s the kind of absolute robotic mind control that I experienced under MK-ULTRA on a U.S. Pentagon level." -Cathy O’Brien 
Cathy O’Brien is also a victim of mind control (was not born into ‘the family’), she tells her story how she was sold by a sexually abusive father to the military industrial complex; “A local politician that was sanctioning this child pornography ring was associated with my grandfather’s blue masonic lodge, blue masonic lodge when this one particular politician (Gerald Ford) came to my father and told him he can receive immunity from prosecution if he would sell me into MK-ULTRA mind control. 
My father was thrilled, he agreed to sell me into the project and was trained in how to raise me for MK-ULTRA.”

Sex charges rock Purpose Driven 'healthy church'

Warren's model pastor accused of manipulating woman for 'perverted pleasures'

by Drew Zahn WND

Dale Lee McFarland
Pastor Dale Lee McFarland was an up-and-coming star in the “Purpose Driven Church” movement, having left his position as a Microsoft executive to launch a thriving megachurch in Arizona and travel the world with evangelical superstar Rick Warren to train others in the methods of “The Purpose Driven Life.”

McFarland’s congregation, Radiant Church in Surprise, Ariz., had even boasted of receiving the Church Health Award from Purpose Driven Ministries and had grown to be one of the largest Assemblies of God churches in the country.

But earlier this year, a couple in the church filed a lawsuit, Courthouse News reports, alleging McFarland told the wife to have sex with him with “God’s approval” and divorce her husband.

Derek and Jody Gallagher claim McFarland “breached his duty as a pastor and counselor when [he] began manipulating a vulnerable Jody for his personal, perverted sexual pleasures.”

The Gallaghers’ sordid story includes charges McFarland told Jody her husband was “dangerous” and convinced her to change her home’s locks, sent her salacious and pornographic messages, exchanged nude photographs with her and manipulated her into having sex with him in the church building, even while he was offering the couple marriage counseling.

The Gallaghers, who are reportedly still married and seeking counseling elsewhere, are suing McFarland, Radiant Church Assembly of God and the Arizona District Council of the Assemblies of God in Maricopa County Court for $6.6 million, claiming breach of fiduciary duty, intentional infliction of emotional distress, negligent infliction of emotional distress and other claims.

McFarland, meanwhile, is no longer employed at Radiant Church, and in fact, the church has scrubbed all mention of him from its website.

The allegations, however, have caused some detractors of the Purpose Driven movement and its founder, Rick Warren, to renew their criticism.

Pastor Rick Warren
Warren, the founder and pastor of Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, Calif., is also the author of “The Purpose Driven Life,” claimed to be the best-selling nonfiction book in world history, next to the Bible. An international activist and philanthropist, Warren has been credited by various media outlets as being one of the most influential Christians in the world.

But Warren’s critics have claimed his Purpose Driven ministry emphasizes only doing good, while dodging the kind of biblical repentance that is needed for a person – or a pastor – to have their life transformed by Christ. The Purpose Driven Church model, or PDC, discounts the fear of the Lord, Warren’s critics say, while encouraging pastors to become “masters” of their churches instead of servants.

James Sundquist, author of “Who’s Driving the Purpose Driven Church?” is one of the voices in a new video by producer Elliott Nesh called “Church of Tares,” which asserts Warren has built his organizations upon secular business management philosophies rather than the foundation of Jesus Christ, resulting in “a great compromise of the Great Commission.”

“In all fairness to Rick Warren, there is no direct connection between him and what this pastor is being sued for regarding sexual exploitation,” Sundquist told WND. “But there is an indirect connection in that Purpose Driven pastors are pastor as master and [are taught] psychotherapy and enforced covenants, [which can be] used to exploit a vulnerable member. McFarland’s struggles are not unique to Purpose Driven churches, but PDC is a template for abuse.”

“The fear of the Lord and the wrath of God and the total depravity of man are either not taught at all or are watered down in Warren’s PDC programs, so that church growth formulas and seeker-sensitive people are not offended,” Sundquist continued. “Now all of the right sermons on fear of the Lord and the wrath of God could be preached and adultery could still happen, but … if these things are not preached, how can we be surprised that these things happen in a church?”

The “Church of Tares” film can be seen below:

Tell Boehner: "Don't Sellout Pro-Life"

National Pro-Life Alliance

I'm writing you to alert you to the abortion lobby's most recent scheme to snatch more of your and my taxpayer dollars.

And I'm hoping you'll act immediately to help me stop them.

In fact, I'm sending you a copy of the letters just hand-delivered to Speaker of the House John Boehner, and Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell and sent overnight to every single Member of the House and Senate of Congress.

Click here to see my letter.

As you probably know, Congress is now in major negotiations over the budget, taxes and so on to avoid the so-called "fiscal cliff."

And with the heavy-handed demands coming from Obama, Reid and other members of the abortion lobby, there's a lot of pressure on wavering politicians to cave in on principles and their promises to the American people just to reach an agreement before the deadline.

I'm sure you agree with me pro-lifers should not give in to President Obama's blackmail and that no budget agreement should include any tax funding for abortion.

Emboldened by his re-election, Obama and his pro-abortion cronies are using this self-created "crisis" as an opportunity to shove even more taxpayer funding down the throats of American taxpayers.

That's why I wrote every one of your Members of Congress, urging them to stand strong for life.

But they are also facing the onslaught of the abortion lobby who is working with a gigantic war-chest of taxpayer funds to fight demand even more of your and my tax dollars.

Already, Obama has funneled billions of your and my taxpayer dollars directly to the abortion lobby.

In fact ObamaCare pours more than $7 billion dollars directly to Planned Parenthood's coffers under the guise of "community health centers."

That's why I hope you'll authorize your Electronic Message to Speaker John Boehner and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.

The abortion lobby is already out in full force, pressuring Congress to hand over even more to fund their grisly practice of killing unborn babies.

Which is why I hope that you'll back me up by authorizing me to send an Electronic Message in your name to Speaker Boehner and Minority Leader McConnell urging them not to cave in to the abortion lobby's demands.

And why I'm also hoping that in addition you'll consider chipping in with a critical donation to help me carry on this fight.

You see, unlike Planned Parenthood, your National Pro-Life Alliance relies solely on voluntary contributions to keep up this important fight.

But whether you can contribute right now or not, please act immediately so we can rush your Electronic Message to Speaker Boehner and Republican Senate Minority Leader McConnell while they are in the thick of their negotiations with Harry Reid and Barack Obama.

For Life,

Martin Fox, President
National Pro-Life Alliance

P.S. Obama is blackmailing congress using a self-created "crisis" to shove additional taxpayer funding of abortion down taxpayers throats. Please click here to submit your Electronic Message to Speaker Boehner and Minority Leader McConnell at once, urging them to stand strong.

And if you are able, please consider chipping in with a donation to help battle the onslaught of the abortion lobby.

Governor Corbett Has a Duty to Resist ObamaCare Exchange!

Campaign for Liberty

Do you want the Obama Administration to dictate your health care choices?  If not, you need to act now.

You and I are almost out of time to convince Governor Corbett to refuse to implement an ObamaCare Exchange.

Remember when ObamaCare passed and then-Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said they had to pass it so we could find out what is in it?

Well, the Exchange turned out to be the linchpin.  The federal government-run health care exchange is Washington's way of taking away your choice in your health care.  Federal mandates will limit your choices as they create a "one-size-fits-all" solution.

Time and time again, we are reminded just how badly the federal government manages everything it takes over:
  • The U.S. Post Office loses $15 billion a year
  • Amtrak can't run without huge government subsidies
  • The federal government takeover of security at airports has cost a staggering $60 billion
The result is always the same - less freedom, higher taxes, and fewer choices.  Why would anyone even be tempted to give federal bureaucrats monopoly control over health care?

You may hear some politicians claim, "Well, if we don't go along with this, the federal government will implement one in our state anyway."

Yes, the feds may create an exchange, but our state doesn't have to participate.  You see, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the federal government can't compel the states to implement a federal monopoly.

But - establishing a State or Federal/State Partnership Health Insurance Exchange requires complete submission to federal regulations and the loss of state sovereignty over all health care issues.  The law stipulates:

“An Exchange may not establish rules that conflict with or prevent the application of regulations promulgated by the Secretary [of Health and Human Services (HHS)].”

ObamaCare provided for a limited amount of bribe money to be offered to the states to set up their exchanges, but once that money has fully dried up, the states will assume all expenses for running it.

In short, states that establish an exchange submissively relinquish sovereignty and add tens of millions of dollars a year to the state budget.

A Federal/State Partnership Exchange merely allows for the state to begin funding the exchange further down the road. 

Nebraska estimated that if they took the federal bribe money, it would cost their taxpayers $646 million from 2013-20 to run it.  

Governors have until Dec. 14 to submit their intentions on a State Insurance Exchange.  HHS recently extended the deadline because some governors were still undecided on the issue.  Many governors have already said they will not succumb to the federal government and assist the President in taking over your health care. 

But Governor Corbett has not made his intentions clear!  Call Governor Corbett at 717-787-2500 right away and demand he refuse to partner with the President to take over your health care!

The Supreme Court actually said the states have a duty to resist the federal government:

The Framers thus ensured that powers which "in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties, and properties of the people were held by governments more local and more accountable than a distant federal bureaucracy.  The independent power of the States also serves as a check on the power of the Federal Government: 'By denying any one government complete jurisdiction over all the concerns of public life, federalism protects the liberty of the individual from arbitrary power' ... In the typical case we look to the States to defend their prerogatives by adopting 'the simple expedient of not yielding' to federal blandishments when they do not want to embrace the federal policies as their own.  The States are separate and independent sovereigns.  Sometimes they have to act like it."

So, if a state simply refuses to accept federal mandates (and the associated “bribe” money) to implement ObamaCare health exchanges, the entire law falls flat on its face.

As the court affirmed, "The legitimacy of Congress's exercise of the spending power ... ‘rests on whether the State voluntarily and knowingly accepts the terms of the “contract.”’" 

Call Governor Corbett at 717-787-2500 right away to demand he refuse to “voluntarily and knowingly” succumb to the national takeover of your health care.

Insist the governor refuse to build an insurance exchange as called for in ObamaCare.

It is the governor’s responsibility under the Tenth Amendment to stand up to federal overreach and protect the citizens of our state.

Tell the governor you expect nothing less!

In Liberty,

Deb Wells
Interim State Coordinator
Pennsylvania Campaign for Liberty 

P.S. The December 14 ObamaCare Exchange deadline is quickly approaching!  Call Governor Corbett at 717-787-2500 right away to demand he refuse to “voluntarily and knowingly” succumb to the national takeover of your health care.

Insist the governor refuse to build an insurance exchange as called for in ObamaCare.

Because of Campaign For Liberty's tax-exempt status under IRC Sec. 501(C)(4) and its state and federal legislative activities, contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions (IRC § 170) or as business deductions (IRC § 162(e)(1)).

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