Doug Wead: War Breaks out in GOP: Broken bones 
“In yet another instance, Ron Paul supporter Alex Helwig, Chairman of the Rules Committee who made the motion to remove the chair, was arrested by Shreveport police and released.  During his brief detainment, some of his fingers were broken and when he returned to the event he was walking with aid of a cane.”

Join the discussion at Doug Wead

This report from inside the Ron Paul campaign gives you a glimpse of the resistance from establishment Republican Party operatives as they seek to hold power.  Meanwhile, the GOP continues to experience its transformation.  Ron Paul supporters are enduring false arrests, detainment, broken bones and slander as they simply exercise their constitutional rights of voting and participating in party politics.  Keep in mind, the final outcome, as explained to me, was a good one.  And in spite of brutal tactics from some in the establishment who are trying to cling to power, the Republicans of Louisiana will be represented in Tampa.  Most of them will be supporters of Ron Paul, cheering on the GOP nominee.

Here is the report:

“Louisiana GOP officials ignored the vast majority of duly elected delegates and attempted to use illegally adopted rules to deny Ron Paul supporters an opportunity to attend the Republican National Convention in Tampa.  Louisiana has 46 delegates.  Five were pledged to Mitt Romney based on the March 23rd primary result and Rick Santorum received 10, meaning most delegates were contestable at the state convention.

“Delegates to the state convention were chosen at caucus meetings on April 28th.  Ron Paul slates won four of six congressional district contests.  Of the approximately 180 delegates attending the state convention, 113 voted to remove the LAGOP chairman when he failed to respond to requests for information and other motions from delegates.  Nearly two-thirds of the delegates began physically moving their chairs, literally turning their back on the GOP chair appointed by the party hierarchy.

“In another instance, State Central Committeeman and Ron Paul supporter Henry Herford Jr. of Franklin Parrish was attacked by some security officials who didn’t realize that the body had voted out the previous chairman.  Mr. Herford has a prosthetic hip and according to a doctor at the scene it appears as though the prosthetic was dislocated and may require replacement.  The injury occurred as he was beginning to call to order the newly re-formed convention.

“In yet another instance, Ron Paul supporter Alex Helwig, Chairman of the Rules Committee who made the motion to remove the chair, was arrested by Shreveport police and released.  During his brief detainment, some of his fingers were broken and when he returned to the event he was walking with aid of a cane.

“By 10:50 a.m. today, the newly formed convention completed its work.  Newly-elected national delegates met with the Romney campaign’s Louisiana Chairman, Scott Sewell, who graciously said ‘that he supported the effort and would do everything he could to make sure the delegation was seated’ in Tampa.

“Despite the divisiveness that characterized the Louisiana state convention initially, we are thankful that the Paul and Romney campaigns took the high road to guarantee the enfranchisement of Republicans whose candidate preferences differ.

“Republicans of goodwill agree that following the spirited primary season, the general election presents us with an opportunity to defeat Obama and place the nation on a path to recovery.
“Our thoughts and prayers are with those who were injured at the convention.  And, we thank all responsible convention participants for ending the day on a more unified note.”

See “Smoke and Mirrors in the GOP,” the Louisiana State GOP convention.

Warning:  The following Youtubes have been taken down continually in the last few hours.  If you are able, copy them yourself and circulate them.  And while you are at it, I have added at the bottom a third Youtube that is old and has been removed from production numerous times.  If you are savvy with this technology, make a copy of it as well and keep it safe.  It is a stout defense of Dr. Paul when his record was under attack.  And an interesting expose of the FED and its impact.

How Coverage of Obama’s Role in Drone Executions Provokes Liberal Outrage

By: Kevin Gosztola

This morning, Chris Hayes did a segment on his show on MSNBC called “Up with Chris” that examined President Barack Obama’s reported “kill list,” whether the number of civilians being killed by drones is being hidden from the American public and whether the program is, in fact, legal as the Obama administration claims. The segment aired just days after a major story by the New York Times on the “kill list” catapulted US drone policy into the national conversation. It also was one of the few segments that MSNBC aired on the Obama administration’s drone program all week.
Colonel Jack Jacobs, MSNBC military analyst, Hina Shamsi from the ACLU’s National Security Project, Jeremy Scahill of The Nation magazine and Josh TreviƱo of the Texas Public Policy Foundation appeared on the program for the discussion.
Hayes set up the segment by mentioning that a policy of kill or capture of terror suspects has largely transformed into a policy of just killing the suspects. The issue had been “bubbling a bit” but just this week, Hayes said, it “felt like it really kind of entered the national conversation assertively for the first time this week.”
Up with Chris” is a progressive show. Many of the viewers carry an expectation—albeit an unreasonable one—that Hayes will not wholly criticize Obama because there is a Republican presidential candidate named Mitt Romney out there trying to defeat Obama in the presidential election. There also are Republicans running to defeat Democrats, voters are being suppressed in states to help Republicans win and discussion of Obama and drones is destructive to the progressive cause. And that is why the segment got under the skin of many liberals and also why it was so critical that Hayes did this segment on his show.
Shamsi made a key point:
We have had a program that was begun under the Bush administration but vastly expanded under the Obama administration and this is a program in which the Executive Branch – the president claims the authority to unilaterally declare people enemies of the state including US citizens and order their killing based on secret legal criteria, secret process and secret evidence. There is no national security policy that poses a graver threat to human rights law and civil liberties than this policy today.
Scahill explained how Obama has been “out-Cheneying Cheney” by “running an assassination program where in a two week span in Yemen he killed three US citizens, none of whom had been charged or indicted or charged with any crime.” Two of the victims, Samir Khan and Abdulrahman Al-Awlaki, were clearly innocent. The FBI told Khan’s family that his speech—the propaganda he was writing and his work as editor of the magazine of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), Inspire, was protected First Amendment speech and he had broken no US laws. In the case of Awlaki, a 16-year-old US citizen “whose only crime appears to be that his last name was Awlaki, he was “murdered in a US strike.” No explanation, Scahill said, has been given as to why he was killed.
“There is no indication that any suspected militants were killed. There is no indication that any known al Qaeda figures were killed. That family deserves an explanation. The American people deserve an explanation.” Scahill continued: “”People talked about Cheney running an executive assassination ring. What’s President Obama’s policy? This would have sparked outrage among liberals and they are deafeningly silent on this issue.”
Then, Hayes had Scahill address what really upset liberals the most: the fact that Scahill would say with a straight face Obama was a murderer for killing innocent people with drone strikes.
Scahill stated “the most dangerous thing” the US is doing “besides murdering innocent people in many cases is giving people in Yemen or Somalia or Pakistan a non-ideological reason to hate the United States, to want to fight the United States.” Hayes told Scahill calling it murder is a “provocative” way of describing what is happening and he wanted Scahill to defend using the word murder.
HAYES: Jeremy, you used the word “murder” before when you talked about the people who have killed by these strikes who are not combatants we can establish? And obviously that’s al oaded word because it carries certain legal and moral ramifications. Why do you use that word?
SCAHILL: If someone goes into a shopping mall in pursuit of one of their enemies and opens fire on a crowd of people and guns down a bunch of innocent people in a shopping mall, they’ve murdered those people. When the Obama administration sets a policy where patterns of life are enough of a green light to drop missiles on people or to use to send in AC-130s to spray them down —
JACOBS: That isn’t the case here (cross-talk)
SCAHILL: If you go to the village of al Majala in Yemen where I was and you see the unexploded cluster bombs and you have the list and photographic evidence as I do of the women and children that represented the vast majority of the deaths in this first strike that Obama authorized on Yemen, those people were murdered by President Obama on his orders because there was believed to be someone from al Qaeda in that area. There’s only one person that’s been identified that had any connection to al Qaeda there and twenty-one women and fourteen children were killed in that strike and the US tried to cover it up and say it was a Yemeni strike and we know from the WikiLeaks that David Petraeus conspired with the president of Yemen to lie to the world about who did that bombing. It’s murder. It’s mass murder when you say we are going to bomb this area because we believe a terrorist there and you know women and children are in the area. The United States has an obligation to not bomb that area if they believe women and children are there.
Trevino responded to Scahill by raising a historical example of US armed forces killing French civilians during World War II. He argued that America knew there were innocent people where they were bombing and then essentially asked if the people who carried out those attacks were murderers. Scahill said yes, which led Trevino to suggest that people should be arguing Dwight D. Eisenhower should have been prosecuted. It was a poor strawman that Trevino tried to construct to get Scahill to back down from arguing that the US government has killed people it has known to be innocent and this should not have happened.
From this point, Scahill and Trevino went back and forth with each other throughout the rest of the segment. Trevino contended there was a long history of dealing with Americans who have decided to make war on the United States and that it was not reasonable to expect Lincoln to have handled the Confederacy in the way that people are suggesting Obama should handle US-born terror suspects. Trevino said Obama is “part of a continuum.” That was not something of which Scahill disagreed.
“We have a dictatorship of the Executive Branch of government when it comes to foreign policy,” said Scahill.
Later in the show, Trevino attempted to shut down a lot of what had been said by Shamsi on the legal issues posed by the drone program and what Scahill had said about Obama murdering people. He argued, “Part of the reason there isn’t an outcry over this is that the American people really are getting the policy that they want. It’s not that controversial.”
Scahill rightfully replied in agreement, “Obama has normalized assassination for a lot of liberals who would have been outraged if it was President McCain.” The nation has developed a “bloodthirst.” Citizens now “treat targeted killings like sporting events and dance in the streets” (e.g. what happened when Osama bin Laden was assassinated).
Here are some examples of how liberals reacted to what was being said during the segment.

Scahill says he was “called a terrorist, a neo-Nazi, a traitor and a racist” after his appearance. He was told that he wants Romney to be president.
This is what liberal or Democratic Party supporters who defend President Obama from his critics are saying these days when the issue of drones is raised. Or, in some cases, they aren’t saying anything at all. It doesn’t matter to them that innocents are being killed who may not be terrorists. The loss of human life is less significant than the fact that the Republican Party is plotting nefariously to beat Democrats and is perhaps engaged in illegal conduct.
These liberal or Democratic Party supporters, for some reason, think there has to be a choice made between opposing voter suppression and opposing drones. That doesn’t really seem right. Also, the reaction is pretty authoritarian when one considers that much of the outrage includes a demand or passive threat. They want Hayes to never feature people like Scahill again or cover the issue of drones again. Wide-ranging debate is too much for them. (Keep in mind Jacobs and Trevino were pro-military and given opportunity to share their pro-war views. No liberals called for them to be banned from Hayes’ program.)
It cannot be understated. The identities of the people being killed are not certain to US officials and yet they are carrying out operations that we are supposed to believe kill terrorists, not innocent civilians. Who “these guys” are that are being targeted is contested, which makes it hard to assess this program as something that is helping to kill “terrorists.” Just how many actual terrorists are being killed is debatable.
Finally, Hayes properly outlined two ways the issue of drones is compounded: one is the secrecy, like the selective disclosures to the public and the fact that there is still much that is unknown, and the other is the way Congress is asleep at the wheel or, according to Sen. Ron Wyden, unable to get the administration to provide information on the program.
That is why, though it may go nowhere, this effort by Rep. Dennis Kucinich to get colleagues to challenge the Obama administration’s drone policy is important.
Below are the segments from the show. (Also, drop by the FDL Book Salon from now until 7 pm ET to talk with author & peace activist Medea Benjamin on her book, Drone Warfare: Killing by Remote Control.):

Part 2

Part 3

WND: Have you ever wondered why Christians worship on Sunday?

Why do Christians worship on Sunday?
Learn the history of what happened to the Sabbath

Have you ever wondered why one of the Ten Commandments seems null and void – notably the one calling on believers to observe the Sabbath?

Ask your pastor or priest and you will probably hear it's because Jesus rose from the dead on Sunday – which is not even a certainty if you read the Bible carefully.

And then there's the little problem of this switch of worship days not being mentioned in the Bible – and the historical fact that most Christians continued observing the Sabbath for hundreds of years after Jesus rose from the dead.

So what happened? What caused the switch?

The WND Superstore has compiled treasure trove of literature and video documentaries that trace the history.

Some of what you will find is nothing short of shocking for Christians who take Sunday worship for granted.

First there is the classic, scholarly work of the late Samuele Bacchiocchi in "From Sabbath to Sunday.

Bacchiocchi earned his doctorate in church history at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome and was awarded a gold medal by Pope Paul VI for his summa cum laude class work and dissertation, "From Sabbath to Sunday: A Historical Investigation of the Rise of Sunday Observance in Early Christianity."

His studies gave him unique access to Roman Catholic historical archives that shed much light on the transition from Sabbath to Sunday.

The Church of the capital of the empire, whose authority was already felt far and wide in the second century, appears to be the most likely birthplace of Sunday observance," he concluded.

In one of his last interviews before his death, he told WND: "Anti-Judaism caused the abandonment of the Sabbath, and pagan sun worship influenced the adoption of Sunday."

He says evidence of anti-Judaism is found in the writings of Christian leaders such as Ignatius, Barnabus and Justin in the second century. He notes these three "witnessed and participated in the process of separation from Judaism which led the majority of the Christians to abandon the Sabbath and adopt Sunday as the new day of worship."

Bacchiocchi also explains the influence of pagan sun worship provides a "plausible explanation for the Christian choice of Sunday" over the day of Saturn. Its effect wasn't just limited to Sunday. It apparently led to the placement of Jesus' birth in late December.

"The adoption of the 25th of December for the celebration of Christmas is perhaps the most explicit example of sun worship's influence on the Christian liturgical calendar," Bacchiocchi writes. "It is a known fact that the pagan feast of the Dies Natalis Solis Invicti – the birthday of the Invincible Sun, was held on that date."

One of the Roman names for this "Invincible Sun" god in the days of the apostles was Mithra. There are striking similarities between the ancient worship of Mithra and today's Christianity, leading some to think early Christians adopted Sunday worship from heathen customs.

Another extraordinary resource for study of the issue is a 5-part DVD documentary narrated by actor Hal Holbrook called "The Seventh Day: Revelations from the Lost Pages of History." The made-for-TV miniseries traces the history of the Sabbath through the ages and around the world. The meticulously documented series features interviews with over 50 experts, classical art, animations, and dramatic re-enactments.

Richard Rives offers a book and 5 part DVD teaching series called "Time Is the Ally of Deceit" that also focuses on the history of the lost Sabbath.In addition, his book "Too Long in the Sun" reveals the way pagan practices influenced church practices beginning in the second century.
    Part 1-Flee to the Mountains (53 min.): First century believers, based on the warning by Jesus, fled Jerusalem prior to its destruction in 70 A.D.

    Part 2-Baal Comes to Rome (70 min.): During the third century, Roman emperors brought the worship of Baal to Rome. This consolidated the worship of all the sun gods under the title “Sol Invictus.”

    Part 3-The Persian Sun God Mithra (58 min.): Historians report that during the 4th century the worship of the Persian sun god Mithra mysteriously vanished as Christianity was established as the religion of the empire. Was it Mithraism that vanished? Or was it true Christianity?

    Part 4-Constantine and the Nicaean Council (51 min.): While his coins state that he was committed to the sun god Sol Invictus, Constantine became known as "the First Christian Emperor." Presiding over the Council of Nicaea, the date for the observance of Passover was changed from the biblically prescribed timing.

    Part 5-Remember the Sabbath Day (93 min.): Many theologians would tell us that Sunday has replaced the 7th day Sabbath: that in fact the law has been "nailed to the cross." Jesus said that until heaven and earth pass away not even the slightest aspect of the law would change.

There's a new book called "Sabbath" that focuses on the fact that Christians do not observe God-ordained Sabbath practices even on Sunday.

"The Rest of God: Restoring Your Soul by Restoring Sabbath" by Mark Buchanan dwells on the spiritual necessity of a day of rest.

The subject is also dealt with in Joe Kovacs' "Shocked By the Bible," one of the WND Superstore's long-term best-selling books.

That's quite a library on a largely misunderstood spiritual issue. It's a great subject for an in-depth Bible study you probably won't get in your adult Sunday school class or midweek service in a Sunday-worshipping church.

Click here to find out why millions of Christians still observe the Sabbath and would never forsake it.

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"The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment" – a new two-hour documentary about the parallels between ancient Israel's fall and America since 9/11 – is the No. 1 movie at Amazon in the category of "faith and spirituality."

"The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment" DVD tops faith chart at

It is also the No. 8 most popular documentary of any kind and the 247th most popular video for sale.

Producer Joseph Farah said he is immensely pleased with the performance of the video, which is a documentary treatment of the message found in the best-selling book "The Harbinger" by Jonathan Cahn, which has been on the top-10 New York Times list every week since the New Year.

"We put our money into the production of what we saw as a very worthwhile movie and couldn't budget any more for marketing – but this video is apparently marketing itself," he said.

In January, "The Harbinger," by Cahn, a messianic rabbi from New Jersey, exploded onto the publishing scene, immediately becoming a surprise New York Times bestseller, already read by hundreds of thousands nationwide.

Last week, a video documentary exploring the central message of Cahn's thesis – that ancient Israel's experience described in Isaiah 9:10 is being relived by the United States today – was released nationwide by WND Videos.

Click here to watch the trailer:

Get "The Harbinger," the bestselling Christian book in America in 2012, plus the brand-new DVD documentary "The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment," bundled at a special low price in the WND Superstore.

Get "The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment" video documentary from WND Videos in the WND Superstore.

Get "The Harbinger," the New York Times bestseller that is the talk of the nation.

Hitler, God, and the Bible

In the years after World War I, as hollow-eyed Germans pushed carts of paper money over cobble-stone streets in the hopes of finding a stale loaf of bread at the market, one man emerged who promised to make it all better.

Adolf Hitler, to that point a faceless nobody with no distinction whatsoever, rose to unparalleled power. Most of us know the rest of the story (though I doubt many young people grasp it much). Yet in the countless volumes that have been written about this diabolical dictator, few have explored how his twisted views of religious faith were used to subdue a continent.

That's why Ray Comfort's new book, "Hitler, God & the Bible" is such a valuable addition to this field of study. So eager was I to read this book (I'm a major Ray Comfort fan), that I read it over dinner one evening, turning pages with one hand while using a fork at a local Bavarian restaurant with the other.

Comfort, a keen observer of worldview in the teeming masses that bob and weave through our culture, has not only penned what I feel is an extraordinary book … but he also hints that this is the first in a series! Surely, "Stalin, God & the Bible" cannot be far behind.

Click here to read more about "Hitler, God, and the Bible".  

Obama Gets Left Behind

From drone attacks to Wall Street regulation, President Obama has been unable to please the left wing voters of his party.
Come on now. Is Obama really a “psychopathic megalomaniac”?
I learned of Obama’s problems today.  Not from Ron Paul supporters.  Not from Glenn Beck‘s Drudge wanna-be news site The Blaze. I read about Obama’s psychosis from left wing Democrats.
Everyday I get emails from former members of Move On, a pro-Democratic Party group that was famously active during the build-up to the Iraq War in 2003. They’re complaining about one man: President Obama.
In these emails, one thing is apparent.  When it comes to the left wing liberals, Obama is being left behind.
The left was mostly raptured into political heaven four years ago when they elected Obama on bended knee.  He spoke about things dear to their hearts: closing Guantanamo Bay. Ending the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Getting tough on bankers.

Guantanamo is still open. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are winding down, but the military presence remains.  (Smacks of imperialism. That’s something the left hates as much as libertarians do.)  Then there’s the president’s bit about getting tough on bankers. Where has the White House come down hard on Wall Street? Fuhgeddaboudit. This is New York!
One anti-Obama Saturday in my inbox:
Re: Write-in Kermit the Frog!
If being a ‘pragmatist’ or a ‘realist’ means choosing only amongst evils, count us OUT. Obama betrayed the American voters who expected he would not gut the US Constitution. Both parties are the same. And, in a world of infinite possibilities we choose not between the lesser of two evils. In fact, those of us who are not into denial and work at the human rights front lines prefer to face the Republican snake head-on then the confused and gutless Democrat chameleon whining about being a progressive when they are NOT.” — Ezili Danto, human rights lawyer at the Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network
Re: Obama is a psychopath; reminds me of Stalin
There’s a cancer in the presidency called Barack Obama.  We have a psychopathic megalomaniac occupying the White house who could be compared to Nero, Caligula, Stalin, or Pol Pot in his disdain for human life. He and his coven of other like minded DC psychopaths and sociopaths are on a murdering spree and like a third world dictator Obama can have someone and their family (including you) executed or blasted to smithereens with a thumbs up or down. This is sickening to me. They are so blase about murdering that they refer to the hit list photos as “baseball cards”. Killing is a game or a sport to them. There is a “cancer on the Presidency” and that cancer has metastasized throughout Washington DC. It was there before Obama arrived but he brought a whole new and virulent strain with him. Every time there is a shameful incident or embarrassing event perpetrated by “a few bad apples” we hear from the  DC psychopaths that “That is not who we are”. They are incorrect.  It is who they are in DC. It is not who we the real everyday thinking feeling Americans are. I certainly am not one of the people to be included in their cumulative we.” — Alexander Cockburn, writing for his online publication Counterpunch. Alexander is also a columnist at The Nation, though I have a hard time believing this missive will make it passed Katrina Vanden Heuvel. Alex is a firebrand. I’ve written for him once or twice, and he was kind enough to comment on my reporting about the Iraq War for The Boston Globe in 2003 in his Beat the Devil column. This sounds like Alex being Alex, alright. Gotta love his fire.
Re: Bush mighta been better.
“Why should the public believe what the Obama administration says about the people being assassinated by drones? Especially since, as we learn in the New York Times, the administration came up with a semantic solution to keep the civilian death toll to a minimum: simply count all military-age males in a strike zone as combatants. The rationale, reminiscent of George Zimmerman’s justification for shooting Trayvon Martin, is that “people in an area of known terrorist activity, or found with a top Qaeda operative, are probably up to no good.” Talk about profiling! At least when George Bush threw suspected militants into Guantanamo their lives were spared.” — Medea Benjamin, CodePINK
Obama’s dealings with the working stiff, or the perceived lack thereof, plus his foreign policy has caused much of the anger against him among the left wing of the party.
I’m not a blue dog democrat.  I’m a hard hat Democrat from Massachusetts; like the guys who climb telephone poles after hurricanes that vote for Kennedy.  That’s where I cast my lot.
I voted for Obama through the U.S. Consulate in SĆ£o Paulo.  Obama was different. He was inspiring.  I watched the votes unfold on two laptops — one on CNN, one on MSNBC with emails from my American friends flooding in every minute. My Blackberry was on my lap, blowing up with texts – can you believe North Carolina? It never happens! 
Obama’s winning was like a moon landing.  You noticed it more when you’re overseas.  America did it again, Brazilians told me.  The world can elect women presidents. It’s happened before. But what advanced economy has ever elected a black man? None. Not Europe. Not Latin America. Not Australia. Not even close. They’re not even on the ballot. Only in America. What a country.
Yes, You Can My #@$%!
Yes, You Can!
It made so much sense.
My former Chicago-based editor from Dow Jones even mailed me a T-shirt with Obama’s slogan on it.
I wore it to bed.
Until I got sick of it.
The shirt. Not the slogan. Or Obama, necessarily.
Thought I have to say that I think the truth, once again, is not yes or no, it is more like maybe.  Maybe, You Can.  That doesn’t sound right. But it’s true. I understand that’s not very optimistic. Americans like to believe we can do anything we want, so long as we work really hard. Yes, we can! We tell ourselves that.  Oh, no…some can. Most can’t. But hey, maybe you can.
That’s a different argument.  I’m talking about equality. A fair shake.  I’m talking about people working hard and having something to show for it, rather than a life of lowering expectations, of moving one step forward and one and half steps back.  Medea and Alex are talking about drones.  Most Americans probably don’t care about drones. But most care about equality and fairness.
I think Obama would win on fairness versus any Republican.
The left is a lot like the right. Bombastic. Deeply ideological. Never happy with their politics.
A liberal environmental activist explains how the left and the right are actually quite similar.

Know where I learned that?
Antioch College.
You don’t get any more left wing than Antioch College.  When I entered the school in the 1990s, they required male students have a signed contract from female students before they had sex.   The Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender students once hung a sign painted on a white sheet they hung one floor above the cafeteria door. It was for the hetero males. It read: “Don’t blame us if you can’t get laid.”
That was my liberal school.  One adjunct professor with environmental activist blood in her veins, and whose name I cannot remember, explained to me how the left was like the right.
It was one afternoon after class, during the Newt Gingrich Contract With America years, when she drew a basic diagram to explain it all.  When she drew it, she purposely didn’t connect the start of the circle to the end. There was a hairline fracture in this otherwise perfect basic shape .  Where she started drawing the circle, she said, that was the right wing.
Where she ended, she pointed out, was the left wing.  You see how close they are together?  Incredibly close, of course.  In their political angst, they are close neighbors.
The right left Bush behind, too.
They got their wars. They didn’t get the Second Coming.
They also didn’t get to end abortion, or a gay marriage amendment.  When Bush left office, he had around a 33% popularity rating.  He essentially left Washington with his puppy dog tail between his legs.  My bet is he doesn’t miss Washington one bit.
The right doesn’t miss him either.  They think Bush failed them.  Just like the left thinks Obama has failed them.
Another email from Saturday.  This one about George Carlin. Not from Carlin, of course. He is dead.
Re: Voting is meaningless!!!
“You’ll notice there’s one thing I don’t complain about. Politicians. Everyone loves to complain about politicians. They say politicians suck. But where do they think these politicians come from? They don’t fall out of the sky….they are elected by American citizens. This is the best we can do folks. This is what we have to offer. This is the best we can do: garbage in, garbage out.  Maybe it’s not the politicians that suck. Maybe it’s the public. The public sucks. Now there’s a nice campaign slogan for someone. I solved this little problem for myself…on Election Day, I stay home. I don’t vote. It’s meaningless. This country was bought and sold and paid for a long time ago. People say if you don’t vote, you have no right to complain. But hey, I on the other hand, who did not vote…have every right to complain about the mess that you guys voted for and therefore created.”  — George Carlin. See it on YouTube.

Obama paying the price in Black community for gay marriage support

Ralph Alter

black church conferenceObama 's dissipating support among Catholics, women, the young, suburbanites and Jews has been copiously noted, even in the lap-dog palace media. The unintended consequence of B.O's calculated, cynical cash-grab from Hollywood types and wealthy gay hold-outs appears to be the diminution of his support, even in the black community.

At Thursday's meeting of the National Conference of Black Churches, the resistance to B.O.'s pink outreach plan was palpable:

The nine denominations of the Conference of National Black Churches, which reach 10 million people, all oppose gay marriage, said the Rev. Dr. Franklyn Richardson, the group,s chairman.
While conference members profess their love for the shrinking President, Hillary Shelton of the NAACP duly noted that George W. Bush received much greater support from the black community in states with gay marriage referendums on the ballot in 2004. The black ministries are concerned that B.O.'s latest bumble may keep many blacks on the sidelines in November.

How is it possible to come up with a brainstorm stupid enough to keep black Americans on the sidelines in the attempt to re-elect the first black president? Leave it to Barry. The Punahou Puffer is providing Americans with a display of political toxicity never seen before.

No wonder Democrats avoid Toxic Barry like the plague. The Democratic National Committee should start sending out garlic necklaces to its constituents to wear in the event they happen to run into B.O. on his way to a fund-raiser. Who hasn't this political dunce offended yet?

It will be a considerable hill to climb to gain re-election with only the support of illegal aliens, felons, the Sierra Club, the ACLU and Code Pink.

Protestors Unite Behind Alex Jones at Bilderberg 2012

WND News Alerts

Civil rights advocates aim to 'shoot down' drones
You've seen the video ... the line of Taliban marching on a mountain path ... the insurgent planting a roadside bomb to kill and maim Americans ... the order to launch the Predator drone's Hellfire missile ... the explosion that takes out the murderous enemy.
So, perhaps it makes you uneasy when Virginia's Gov. Bob McDonnell says the use of drones in American skies is a “great” idea and “the right thing to do.” He even cites their effectiveness on the battlefield of Afghanistan as a selling point for their effectiveness here at home.
Since we don't have a lot of Taliban marching on mountain paths in the U.S., nor have there been reports of insurgents planting roadside bombs along America's highways, just who does Gov. McDonnell plan to target with drones?
That's what a leading civil-rights group is asking ...
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For decades, science books in America's schools have taught the earth is billions of years old, with the Big Bang bursting through the universe some 14.3 billion years ago.
They teach children that bacteria has been around a billion years or so and that the "Precambrian Explosion" some 500 million years ago launched some of the earliest forms of life.
But what if the evidence doesn’t support that? What if scientific observation suggests that the Bible’s literal account of thousands of years is right?
Click here for details.

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