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Ron Paul "Rise For Liberty" Money Bomb May 17th!

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Today's Featured Article: Gallup State Numbers Predict Huge Obama Loss?

Today's Politically Incorrect Laugh:
(Click to Enlarge)
Biden's Declaration

Today's Politically Incorrect Headlines:

Personal Liberty Alerts

Latest From Brandon Smith May 15, 2012
How The U.S. Dollar Will Be Replaced How The U.S. Dollar Will Be Replaced »
Several economic events are likely to take place this year, all of which are leading in one direction: the end of the greenback as the world reserve currency. Some people question how it would be even remotely possible that the dollar could be replaced. The question is a viable one. How could the dollar be unseated?  More »

Outside The Asylum

Looks Can Be Deceiving Looks Can Be Deceiving »
At first glance, it seemed like a brilliant idea. President Barack Obama, faced with a campaign sinking like CNN's primetime ratings, abruptly threw his social policy in reverse and "endorsed" same-sex marriage. But that first glance was as wrong as Bill Maher's stand-up routine. More »


Barack Obama: The First Gay President? Barack Obama: The First Gay President? »
A Newsweek cover may herald more truth than the magazine knows. The cover touts President Barack Obama as "The First Gay President," complete with a rainbow halo. Newsweek is likely unaware of Obama's gay past, which the mainstream media have attempted to keep locked in the closet. More »

Personal Liberty News
Ron Paul Re-Strategizes, Establishment Continues To Fight Him Ron Paul Re-Strategizes, Establishment Continues To Fight Him »
"Mayhem," "ruckus" and "insanity" are all words that are being used in the most recent news reports about Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul's performance last weekend. In Oklahoma, Paul supporters and those of Mitt Romney reportedly came to blows over the nominating process. More »

NYPD Touts Success Of 'Stop And Frisk' NYPD Touts Success Of 'Stop And Frisk' »
The New York Police Department is touting the success of its totalitarian "stop and frisk" police state tactics saying that policies implementation has yielded a spike in the number of firearms confiscated and a historically low murder rate in the city. More »

Illegal Drugs Spur Mass Murders In Mexico Illegal Drugs Spur Mass Murders In Mexico »
Authorities believe a drug war is to blame for numerous deaths in Mexico. The dismembered corpses of 43 men and six women were found on the side of a highway in Cadareyta Jimenez, an area in the Mexican state of Nuevo Leon. More »

Bob's Health Tip

Vitamin D Benefits

Women with breast cancer are three times more likely to have low vitamin D levels. If you've been diagnosed with breast cancer, did your doctor tell you this?

In the United States, cancer is an industry and a very profitable one. Just think: If every U. S. citizen began taking a daily dose of 5,000 IUs per day of vitamin D3, a very large segment of the medical industry would be hurt, some anti-cancer drug manufacturers would have to close their doors, thousands of patents would become worthless and lucrative consulting contracts between industry and cancer researchers would dry up. More »


The Yes Men Join EFF in Fighting Backroom Deals

Electronic Frontier Foundation

EFF, The Yes Men, and Protesters Fight Secret Negotiations to Regulate the Internet

EFF's International IP Director Gwen Hinze traveled to Dallas this week to demand transparency in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement, a secret international trade negotiation that includes provisions to regulate intellectual property and the Internet. She was joined by hundreds of protesters rallying outside the Dallas hotel as well as culture-jamming activist group The Yes Men, who presented U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk with the fictitious "2012 Corporate Power Tool Award." Over 18,000 Internet users have used the EFF action center to speak out against the TPP; please help us get to 20,000 by contacting Congress today.

DHS Considers Collecting DNA From Kids

Documents just released by US Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) in response to one of EFF’s Freedom of Information Act requests show that DHS is considering collecting DNA from kids ages 14 and up -- and is exploring expanding its regulations to allow collection from kids younger than that. The proposal appears to be working its way through DHS in the wake of regulations that require all federal agencies to collect DNA from individuals arrested for federal crimes as well as "from non-United States persons who are detained under the authority of the United States," whether or not they have been involved in criminal activity.

Unsealed Court Records Confirm that RIAA Delays Were Behind Year-Long Seizure of Hip Hop Music Blog

After a year-long seizure and six more months of secrecy, the court records were finally released concerning the mysterious government takedown of -- a popular blog dedicated to hip hop music and culture. The records confirm that one of the key reasons the blog remained censored for so long is that the government obtained three secret extensions of time by claiming that it was waiting for "rights holders" and later, the Recording Industry Association of America. In other words, having goaded the government into an outrageous and very public seizure of the blog, the RIAA members refused to follow up and answer the government’s questions.

EFF Updates

The New York City District Attorney is facing new obstacles in its attempts to subpoena information from Twitter regarding the account of Malcolm Harris, one of the 700 people arrested on the Brooklyn Bridge in an October 2011 Occupy Wall Street protest. Faced with a written order to comply with the subpoena, Twitter filed a motion to quash the subpoena, arguing that complying would violate the law.
Experts from EFF will testify at public hearings held by the U.S. Copyright Office this month, urging officials to renew and expand the critical exemptions to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) that the Copyright Office granted in 2009 in response to EFF's requests to protect the rights of American consumers who modify electronic gadgets and make remix videos.
At stake in the case of Oracle v. Google is whether APIs can be considered copyrightable, which would have a profound negative impact on interoperability, and, therefore, innovation. Allowing a party to assert control over APIs means that a party can determine who can make compatible and interoperable software, an idea that is anathema to those who create the software we rely on everyday.
EFF follows up on the FAA report showing the names of government agencies which have received authorization to fly drones in the US. Meanwhile, the annual Department of Justice report to Congress shows DOJ applications to conduct electronic surveillance increased in 2011.
Our movie industry has created some memorable monsters on screen. But Hollywood and the major music labels also helped create a very real kind of monster: copyright trolls who coerce settlements from Internet subscribers using intimidation and our out-of-whack copyright laws.
Jason Weinstein, a deputy assistant attorney general in the Department of Justice's criminal division, told a panel at the Congressional Internet Caucus Advisory Committee's "State of the Mobile Net" conference that requiring a search warrant to obtain location tracking information from cell phones would "cripple" prosecutors and law enforcement officials. We couldn't disagree more.
The Office of the United States Trade Representative released its annual Special 301 report, a review of other countries’ intellectual property laws and enforcement standards. What’s particularly obnoxious about these reports is that countries are judged on whether they adopt very particular implementations of international legal standards and interpretations of controversial parts of U.S. law that only reflect the interests of intellectual property (IP) rightsholder industries -- not everyday Internet users.


Watch video footage from The Yes Men's organized action against the TPP negotiations, including dozens of "delegates" disrupting the gala event and a whimsical mass toilet paper replacement.
The Indie Allstars Bundle lets you pay what you want for music from up to 15 indie bands while benefiting EFF.
The UK Border Agency turned hundreds of people away from a key office after the major foreign national ID card computer system shut down.


ISSN 1062-9424
EFFector is a publication of the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
454 Shotwell Street
San Francisco, CA
USA +1 415 436 9333
+1 415 436 9993 (fax)
Editor: Rainey Reitman, Activism Team
Membership & donation queries:
General EFF, legal, policy, or online resources queries:
Reproduction of this publication in electronic media is encouraged. Signed articles do not necessarily represent the views of EFF. To reproduce signed articles individually, please contact the authors for their express permission.
Press releases and EFF announcements & articles may be reproduced individually at will.

Take Notice: Schedule For State Conventions, Primaries, And State Meetings By Chronological Date (With Romney-Paul Count)

Willard "Mitt" Romney:329 Delegates
Ronald "Ron" Paul: 139 Delegates
5/12 Oklahoma State Convention (43 Delegates) [RED STATE]*
5/12 Arizona State Convention (29 Delegates)[RED STATE]*
5/12-5/13 Wisconsin State Convention (42 Delegates)[Yellow]**
5/15 Nebraska PRIMARY (35 Delegates)
5/15 Oregon PRIMARY (28 Delegates)
5/18 Georgia State Convention (38 Delegates***
5/18 Michigan State Convention (30 Delegates)
5/18-5/19 Mississippi State Convention (40 Delegates)****
5/18-5/19 Minnesota State Convention (13 At-large Delegates)
5/19 S. Carolina State Convention (25 Delegates)
5/19 Vermont State Convention (17 Delegates)
5/19 Virginia (8 Congressional Delegates)
5/22 Kentucky PRIMARY (45 Delegates)
5/22 Arkansas PRIMARY (36 Delegates)
5/23-5/24 New York State Convention (95 Delegates)
5/29 Texas PRIMARY (155 Delegates)
5/31-6/2 Washington State Convention (43 Delegates)
6/2 Missouri State Convention (52 Delegates)
6/2 Florida State Convention (50 Delegates)
6/2 Louisiana State Convention (46 Delegates)
6/3 N. Carolina State Convention (55 Delegates)
6/5 California PRIMARY (172 Delegates)
6/4 New Jersey PRIMARY (50 Delegates)
6/5 South Dakota PRIMARY (28 Delegates)
6/5 Montana PRIMARY (26 Delegates)
6/5 New Mexico PRIMARY (23 Delegates)
6/7-6/9 Texas State Convention (155 Delegates OFFICIALLY determined)
6/8-6/9 Illinois State Convention (69 Delegates)
6/8-6/9 Indiana State Convention (46 Delegates)
6/10 Pennsylvania State Convention (78 Delegates)
6/15 Massachusetts State Meeting (22 Delegates)
6/15 Iowa State Convention (12 Delegates)
6/16 Virginia State Convention (49 Delegates)
6/21-6/24 Idaho State Convention (32 Delegates)
6/26 Utah Primary (40 Delegates)
Sources: and members
* Due to the chaos that unfolded in Oklahoma and Arizona, source has marked these states as red (unclear majority)
** While source lists these states of having conventions that have passed, nothing is left determined and the states remain yellow.
***A member on has informed me that only half of the Georgia delegates will be chosen on the 18th of May, others were already selected. This shall be looked into.
**** A memember on that the Mississippi state convention is listed as being on May 18th and May 19th. For cautionary measures, the convention date has been changed accordingly.
Note: Dates for state conventions of states that have yet to hold a primary are not listed by the source.
The source states that there are also SOME unbound Rick Santorum delegates, however, NOT EVERY Santorum delegate is unbound.

Could Ron Paul's delegates ruin Mitt Romney's nomination?

Tea Party News

Tea Party News
  Illegal Aliens Sue U.S. Senate...

Illegal immigrant students and members of the House sued the Senate this week to try to overturn the upper chamber's filibuster rule, arguing that the 60-vote supermajority requir... (more)

  D.C. Confiscates Injured Vet's Guns...

After being injured on his second tour of duty in Afghanistan, Lt. Augustine Kim spent the night in a D.C. jail for possessing unregistered guns. kimMr. Kim was transporting h... (more)
  Feds Boost Police Drones

Surveillance aircraft used by the U.S. military overseas could soon be coming to the skies above Los Angeles County. KNX 1070′s Charles Feldman reports the Federal Aviation Administra... (more)

If You Didn't Vote For Obama To Prove Your Not A Racist, You Can Now Vote For Him Because Your A Sodomite!

If You Didn't Vote For Obama To Prove Your Not A Racist, You Can Now Vote For Him Because Your A Sodomite!

It won't be nearly as controversial as Time magazine's breastfeeding cover, but Newsweek's May 21 issue declares Barack Obama the country's "first gay president."
The accompanying cover story was written by Andrew Sullivan, the popular--and openly gay--political blogger. The magazine even gives the commander-in-chief a rainbow halo.
Obama, Sullivan writes, "had to discover his black identity and then reconcile it with his white family, just as gays discover their homosexual identity and then have to reconcile it with their heterosexual family."
The full cover story is not yet online, but in a blog post published earlier this week, Sullivan wrote that Obama's support of gay marriage brought him to tears:
I do not know how orchestrated this was; and I do not know how calculated it is. What I know is that, absorbing the news, I was uncharacteristically at a loss for words for a while, didn't know what to write, and, like many Dish readers, there are tears in my eyes.
So let me simply say: I think of all the gay kids out there who now know they have their president on their side. I think of Maurice Sendak, who just died, whose decades-long relationship was never given the respect it deserved. I think of the centuries and decades in which gay people found it impossible to believe that marriage and inclusion in their own families was possible for them, so crushed were they by the weight of social and religious pressure. I think of all those in the plague years shut out of hospital rooms, thrown out of apartments, written out of wills, treated like human garbage because they loved another human being. I think of Frank Kameny. I think of the gay parents who now feel their president is behind their sacrifices and their love for their children.
The interview changes no laws; it has no tangible effect. But it reaffirms for me the integrity of this man we are immensely lucky to have in the White House. Obama's journey on this has been like that of many other Americans, when faced with the actual reality of gay lives and gay relationships. Yes, there was politics in a lot of it. But not all of it. I was in the room long before the 2008 primaries when Obama spoke to the mother of a gay son about marriage equality. He said he was for equality, but not marriage. Five years later, he sees--as we all see--that you cannot have one without the other. But even then, you knew he saw that woman's son as his equal as a citizen. It was a moment--way off the record at the time--that clinched my support for him.
Today Obama did more than make a logical step. He let go of fear. He is clearly prepared to let the political chips fall as they may. That's why we elected him.

(The New Yorker)
The New Yorker, which is also out with a cover story on gay marriage, took a bit more subtle approach with its May 21 issue.
"It's a celebratory moment for our country, and that's what I tried to capture," Bob Staake, the artist behind the New Yorker cover, said. "I don't especially like those rainbow colors, but they are what they are—I had to use them."
He added: "I wanted to celebrate the bravery of the President's statement—a statement long overdue—but all the more appreciated in this political year. We are on the right side of history."
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