Personal Liberty Alerts

Latest From Brandon Smith May 15, 2012
How The U.S. Dollar Will Be Replaced How The U.S. Dollar Will Be Replaced »
Several economic events are likely to take place this year, all of which are leading in one direction: the end of the greenback as the world reserve currency. Some people question how it would be even remotely possible that the dollar could be replaced. The question is a viable one. How could the dollar be unseated?  More »

Outside The Asylum

Looks Can Be Deceiving Looks Can Be Deceiving »
At first glance, it seemed like a brilliant idea. President Barack Obama, faced with a campaign sinking like CNN's primetime ratings, abruptly threw his social policy in reverse and "endorsed" same-sex marriage. But that first glance was as wrong as Bill Maher's stand-up routine. More »


Barack Obama: The First Gay President? Barack Obama: The First Gay President? »
A Newsweek cover may herald more truth than the magazine knows. The cover touts President Barack Obama as "The First Gay President," complete with a rainbow halo. Newsweek is likely unaware of Obama's gay past, which the mainstream media have attempted to keep locked in the closet. More »

Personal Liberty News
Ron Paul Re-Strategizes, Establishment Continues To Fight Him Ron Paul Re-Strategizes, Establishment Continues To Fight Him »
"Mayhem," "ruckus" and "insanity" are all words that are being used in the most recent news reports about Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul's performance last weekend. In Oklahoma, Paul supporters and those of Mitt Romney reportedly came to blows over the nominating process. More »

NYPD Touts Success Of 'Stop And Frisk' NYPD Touts Success Of 'Stop And Frisk' »
The New York Police Department is touting the success of its totalitarian "stop and frisk" police state tactics saying that policies implementation has yielded a spike in the number of firearms confiscated and a historically low murder rate in the city. More »

Illegal Drugs Spur Mass Murders In Mexico Illegal Drugs Spur Mass Murders In Mexico »
Authorities believe a drug war is to blame for numerous deaths in Mexico. The dismembered corpses of 43 men and six women were found on the side of a highway in Cadareyta Jimenez, an area in the Mexican state of Nuevo Leon. More »

Bob's Health Tip

Vitamin D Benefits

Women with breast cancer are three times more likely to have low vitamin D levels. If you've been diagnosed with breast cancer, did your doctor tell you this?

In the United States, cancer is an industry and a very profitable one. Just think: If every U. S. citizen began taking a daily dose of 5,000 IUs per day of vitamin D3, a very large segment of the medical industry would be hurt, some anti-cancer drug manufacturers would have to close their doors, thousands of patents would become worthless and lucrative consulting contracts between industry and cancer researchers would dry up. More »

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