55 years with Ron Paul. Exclusive interview with his better half, Carol ...

Breaking News from Western Journalism

May 10, 2012 02:32 pm | Doug Book
When power is placed in the hands of a usurper like Barack Obama, all thought of accepting authority from the other branches of government as delegated by the Constitution is rejected. Three years in office, we have seen Obama use… Continue to Post

May 10, 2012 02:22 pm | Breaking News
The Contact It was not the proverbial 3:00 a.m. phone call, but close enough. And it was not made to the White House, but to my house, which is not white, nor is it in DC. It was about 2:30… Continue to Post

May 10, 2012 02:16 pm | Kris Zane

May 10, 2012 02:09 pm | Cagle Cartoons

May 10, 2012 02:00 pm | Kevin "Coach" Collins
Panic leads to mistakes. Barack Obama’s announcement of support for gay “marriage” was not the result of a “heartfelt” search for “what is right for America.” It was the result of full blown panic and a search for what is… Continue to Post

May 10, 2012 01:58 pm | Robert Walker
From the desk of The Fearless Golfer Washington, D. C., U. S. A. Nairobi, Kenya Cartagena, Colombia Various Golf Courses Eyes only Destroy after reading. My plan is to get re-elected and continue the work that I have started. I… Continue to Post

May 10, 2012 01:55 pm | Peter Brown
The conflict between Vanderbilt University and several Christian organizations has reached a new intensity as thirty- six members of Congress have spoken out against the “all-comers” policy at the university. What is the ‘all-comers” policy? It is a policy that on the… Continue to Post

May 10, 2012 01:54 pm | Breaking News
Federal authorities have said they plan to sue Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio and his office over allegations of civil rights violations, including the racial profiling of Latinos. The U.S. Justice Department has been seeking an agreement requiring Arpaio’s office to… Continue to Post

May 10, 2012 01:45 pm | Daniel Noe

May 10, 2012 01:36 pm | Breaking News
When politicians want to look busy while avoiding tough decisions during an election year, what do they do? They form commissions and councils. And when President Barack Obama saw Americans struggling with higher gasoline and home energy prices, did he… Continue to Post

May 10, 2012 01:33 pm | Steve Milloy
Greenpeace launched an effort today to spotlight sea life casualties from the 2010 Gulf oil spill. Below is the image of a dead turtle currently being exploited by Greenpeace (click to enlarge). But contrast the poor turtle with the poor… Continue to Post

May 10, 2012 01:25 pm | Paul G. Kengor
Editor’s note: A longer version of this article first appeared at American Spectator. Congressman Allen West (R-Fla.) is being heavily criticized for comments alleging that certain Democratic members of Congress are communists, and he is not backing down. West dared to quantify his accusation, claiming… Continue to Post

May 10, 2012 01:21 pm | Daniel Noe

May 10, 2012 12:57 pm | Breaking News
Values: The president’s coming out in favor of gay marriage shows he’s to the left of most black Americans — and willing to throw his most loyal backers under the gay pride float. Under pressure to assuage the gay lobby… Continue to Post

May 10, 2012 12:33 pm | Daniel Noe

May 10, 2012 12:23 pm | Erick Erickson
Now this is just silly. The Washington Post can’t be bothered to worry about Barack Obama’s college years, college transcripts, communist friends, cocaine use, or cop-killing plotters in whose living room he first launched his major political career, but they… Continue to Post

May 10, 2012 12:07 pm | Daniel Noe

May 10, 2012 11:57 am | Breaking News
The debate over same sex “marriage” has engaged the heartfelt feelings and convictions of millions of Americans. Then there is Barack Obama. The same advisers told the Post that Obama would make the decision based on his gut, but that… Continue to Post

May 10, 2012 11:50 am | Breaking News
The White House says President Barack Obama would veto a Republican budget bill that swaps cuts to domestic programs like food stamps for cuts scheduled to hit the Pentagon and domestic agencies alike in January. The GOP-dominated House is scheduled… Continue to Post

May 10, 2012 11:17 am | Breaking News

South Florida crop 9451

May 10, 2012 09:15 am | Cagle Cartoons

Ron Paul: Ted Cruz Needs Your Help

Anyone who knows me knows I have a real soft spot in my heart for the state of Texas.

So today, I'm very proud to endorse a fellow Texan – United States Senate candidate Ted Cruz!

But with time running out before the May 29 Republican Primary, I'm asking you to join me in supporting Ted by making a generous donation to his campaign.

I was very impressed with Ted when I got to see him in action at a Tea Party rally my son Rand and I spoke at in Texas this past weekend.

Ted is a true statesman and is exactly the kind of person my son Rand needs to help him fight for liberty in the U.S. Senate.

If elected, Ted will be a leader in the fight to restore individual liberty, free markets, and sound money in America.

In fact, Rand, Ted, and I had a lengthy discussion about the dangers of the Federal Reserve printing money out of thin air.

Ted understands monetary policy and is fully committed to passing AUDIT THE FED legislation.

But Ted doesn't just understand the dangers of Ben Bernanke's inflationary policies.

He also understands the importance of protecting our God-given liberties.

In fact, he is strongly opposed to the indefinite detention of U.S. citizens under the recently passed National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), and he will fight to overturn this gross violation of our liberties.

Ted is also an opponent of the TSA, and he will work with Rand in his fight to abolish this out-of-control federal agency.

Like you, he's tired of being treated like a second-class citizen any time he chooses to fly.

He's tired of the abusive pat-downs, the groping of children, and the destruction of our constitutional rights we encounter when trying to travel from one place to another.

And finally, Ted is a firm believer in American sovereignty - and will never support or vote for ceding our rights to the United Nations.

If you agree we need more leaders fighting to restore our rights in the U.S. Senate, please join me in supporting Ted's campaign.

With the May 29 Texas Primary fast approaching, Ted needs your help right away.

So please, help a true Patriot by making the most generous contribution you possibly can afford to Ted Cruz's Senate campaign.

Thank you so much for your support!

For Liberty,

Ron Paul

P.S.  I've decided to endorse Ted Cruz for U.S. Senate in Texas, and I'm asking you to join me in supporting him by making a generous donation to his campaign.

If elected, Ted will stand side-by-side with my son Rand in the U.S. Senate to fight against Big Government.

Paid for by Liberty PAC.
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Ron Paul 5-9-12 on Obamas Gay Marriage Statement

Romney Investigated for Two Felonies, Could End Presidential Run

Felony # 1

Romney Under Investigation for a Felony, Could Disqualify Presidential Hopeful

Waukesha County District Attorney Brad Schimel today opened an investigation into the “Subs-for-Votes” scandal. Yesterday while wrapping up his Wisconsin tour the Romney Campaign bought $500 worth of Cousin’s subs to encourage the crowd to hit the polls and vote for Romney. Unfortunately for Romney there are a few things that you can’t do on election day in Wisconsin, and Rep. Paul Ryan who was arm-in-arm with with Romney throughout the ordeal neglected to tell the presidential candidate that the distribution of goods on election day is illegal.
Source: The Libertarian Review (

Felony # 2

GOP Threw 2012 Election to Obama in 2009, Multi-billion dollar ponzi scheme involving Romney and Son

So to review, we have Mitt Romney coughing up $10 million to help start a firm that hired three brokers who sold bogus CDs for Stanford Financial and made some decent money on the deal, too. Not only that, but Spencer Zwick the lead fundraiser for Romney’s campaign is a principal in the Solamere Capital firm along with these Stanford brokers. Spencer Zwick does business as SJZ, LLC, and has been paid over $2 million in fees by the Romney campaign.
Since sentencing of the first convict begins in June of 2012, it is guaranteed to blow up as a major campaign issue leading into August, September and November of this year, and will affect the GOP campaigns.
The criminal fraud not only of Madoff and Stanford, but of the major banks and Wall Street firms has so overwhelmed the economy of this country that voters will be hard pressed to give the office to one so deeply connected to these evils.

The Cowboy Byte Headlines

Today's Featured Article:

Another Electric Car From Obama-Funded Company Catches Fire...


WND News Alerts

Holder calls out Sheriff Joe ... Sheriff Joe responds
If Attorney General Eric Holder thought serving Mariposa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio with a "notice of intent to file civil action" over the Arizona county's handling of illegal aliens was going to make the lawman back down, he was dead wrong.
Sheriff Joe has some words of his own for the U.S. Justice Department ...
Read the latest now on
A former top U.S. Department of Justice official charged with bringing child rapists and pornographers to justice has one thing to say to Facebook: You should be ashamed.
Praising WND's multi-part series exposing pedophiles who exploit easily addressed weaknesses on the social-networking site, he has some suggestions for how Mark Zuckerberg could spend part of his billions to protect innocent children.
Click here for details.

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Latest From Wayne Allyn Root May 10, 2012
What I Said About Capitalism In My Speech At Harvard What I Said About Capitalism In My Speech At Harvard »
In a recent speech to college students, President Barack Obama described capitalism as "a broken-down theory," blaming it for the current economic problems. Wayne Allyn Root says we need to deliver the exact opposite message to students and explain that only capitalism creates true hope and opportunity. More »

Outside The Asylum

If You Can't Stand The Fat, Get Out Of My Kitchen If You Can't Stand The Fat, Get Out Of My Kitchen »
The government is basing a potential intervention into our lives, our refrigerators and even our wallets on a supremely flawed device — the BMI — and the subsequent presumption that Americans are a bunch of fat, lazy couch potatoes who require the government to watch their waistlines.  More »


The Victims Who Run America The Victims Who Run America »
At one time, higher education, especially as it pertained to cultural studies, was synonymous with fierce ideological debate about what things were most influential in shaping human beings into the creatures they are today. No more. The age of oversensitivity and political correctness has sterilized thought even among thinkers.  More »

Personal Liberty News
Judge: Jury Nullification Still Lawful Judge: Jury Nullification Still Lawful »
A Federal judge ruled last month that jury nullification, a legal concept dating back to 17th century England and accepted in the U.S. Constitution, is still lawful in the Nation. Nullification allows jurors to acquit criminal defendants who are technically guilty if they believe the person does not deserve to be punished. More »

West Virginia Democrats Pick Inmate Over Obama West Virginia Democrats Pick Inmate Over Obama »
A 53-year-old inmate in Texas who is serving 17 years for extortion extorted 40 percent of the vote at the West Virginia Democratic Presidential primary. Barack Obama received 59 percent. The coal-mining State attempted to show the Democratic Party that anyone is a better choice than Obama. More »

Baptist Pastor Unapologetic After Gay Rant Baptist Pastor Unapologetic After Gay Rant »
Baptist Pastor Sean Harris is unapologetic for the remarks he made during a sermon that was a part of the Vote For Marriage NC campaign, a movement encouraging voters in North Carolina to vote against gay marriage. North Carolina became the 31st State to add an amendment on marriage to its constitution.  More »

Preparedness Tip

Prepare To Bug Out

While many people romanticize the idea of social unrest or martial law as motivations for "bugging out," the more likely event is that something like Hurricane Katrina or a forest fire will be your stimulus for actually leaving your home behind and hitting the road with your bug out bag (BOB). If you classify yourself as a "prepper," then you may already have your BOB packed. However, you may not know that system redundancy is just as important in building your bag as it is in every other aspect of prepping.

When building your BOB, make sure you have particular items in multiple pockets and pouches, as well as retaining multiple versions of the same functionality. For example, instead of having one lighter in your front pocket and that's it, make sure you also carry some waterproof matches in your medical kit, a ferrocerium rod and steel striker in your waterproof clothing bag, and a road flare in the side pocket of your bag. That way, if anything happens to any piece of equipment you have (i.e., submerged in water, stolen, dropped along the way), you will have diversified your reliance on any single part of your bag. More »

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