Personal Liberty Alerts

Latest From Wayne Allyn Root May 10, 2012
What I Said About Capitalism In My Speech At Harvard What I Said About Capitalism In My Speech At Harvard »
In a recent speech to college students, President Barack Obama described capitalism as "a broken-down theory," blaming it for the current economic problems. Wayne Allyn Root says we need to deliver the exact opposite message to students and explain that only capitalism creates true hope and opportunity. More »

Outside The Asylum

If You Can't Stand The Fat, Get Out Of My Kitchen If You Can't Stand The Fat, Get Out Of My Kitchen »
The government is basing a potential intervention into our lives, our refrigerators and even our wallets on a supremely flawed device — the BMI — and the subsequent presumption that Americans are a bunch of fat, lazy couch potatoes who require the government to watch their waistlines.  More »


The Victims Who Run America The Victims Who Run America »
At one time, higher education, especially as it pertained to cultural studies, was synonymous with fierce ideological debate about what things were most influential in shaping human beings into the creatures they are today. No more. The age of oversensitivity and political correctness has sterilized thought even among thinkers.  More »

Personal Liberty News
Judge: Jury Nullification Still Lawful Judge: Jury Nullification Still Lawful »
A Federal judge ruled last month that jury nullification, a legal concept dating back to 17th century England and accepted in the U.S. Constitution, is still lawful in the Nation. Nullification allows jurors to acquit criminal defendants who are technically guilty if they believe the person does not deserve to be punished. More »

West Virginia Democrats Pick Inmate Over Obama West Virginia Democrats Pick Inmate Over Obama »
A 53-year-old inmate in Texas who is serving 17 years for extortion extorted 40 percent of the vote at the West Virginia Democratic Presidential primary. Barack Obama received 59 percent. The coal-mining State attempted to show the Democratic Party that anyone is a better choice than Obama. More »

Baptist Pastor Unapologetic After Gay Rant Baptist Pastor Unapologetic After Gay Rant »
Baptist Pastor Sean Harris is unapologetic for the remarks he made during a sermon that was a part of the Vote For Marriage NC campaign, a movement encouraging voters in North Carolina to vote against gay marriage. North Carolina became the 31st State to add an amendment on marriage to its constitution.  More »

Preparedness Tip

Prepare To Bug Out

While many people romanticize the idea of social unrest or martial law as motivations for "bugging out," the more likely event is that something like Hurricane Katrina or a forest fire will be your stimulus for actually leaving your home behind and hitting the road with your bug out bag (BOB). If you classify yourself as a "prepper," then you may already have your BOB packed. However, you may not know that system redundancy is just as important in building your bag as it is in every other aspect of prepping.

When building your BOB, make sure you have particular items in multiple pockets and pouches, as well as retaining multiple versions of the same functionality. For example, instead of having one lighter in your front pocket and that's it, make sure you also carry some waterproof matches in your medical kit, a ferrocerium rod and steel striker in your waterproof clothing bag, and a road flare in the side pocket of your bag. That way, if anything happens to any piece of equipment you have (i.e., submerged in water, stolen, dropped along the way), you will have diversified your reliance on any single part of your bag. More »

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