Don’t Wait for a Supreme Court Decision on ObamaCare – ACT NOW

Have you ever noticed that when the media is focused on something big going on in government, something else skulks under the radar?

By the time you learn about the other issue, it’s usually too late to stop it.

All eyes are on the Supreme Court right now, as the 50 states await a decision on the constitutionality of ObamaCare.

But something sinister is lurking behind the scenes.  ObamaCare is being planned and developed in the states RIGHT NOW!

Health Insurance Exchanges are not a new concept in America.  They were created in Utah and Massachusetts long before ObamaCare, and they have been costly and ineffective failures.

In order to institute the infamous “individual mandate,” ObamaCare bribes each state to set up what is known as a Health Insurance Exchange.  Without a state-created exchange, the individual mandate cannot be enforced.

And once our state creates an exchange, it will remain in place - even if the mandate is overturned.

Regardless of what happens in court, our state should be fighting the implementation of ObamaCare at every turn.

We must oppose ObamaCare State Exchanges every step of the way, regardless of any court decision, because:
  • ObamaCare State Exchanges mean mandated, government-run health care.
  • Hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars are being used to develop ObamaCare Exchanges.  Your taxpayer dollars are being wasted, and you are footing the bill while they steal your freedoms.
  • There are strings attached to the bribe money.  Accepting the money requires the state to submissively surrender sovereignty on all health care issues.
  • After the State Exchange is up and running, federal money will dry up - and states will have to pick up the tab.  Your state taxes will have to be increased in order to pay for it!
Make no mistake, the federal government will control every aspect of your health care.

Yet, Governor Corbett claims that establishing a CorbettCare Exchange will protect Pennsylvania citizens from undue federal regulation.  The opposite is actually true. Creation of the CorbettCare Exchange does great harm and forces onerous federal regulations on our state.

Governor Corbett is readily ceding state sovereignty to the central government, and relinquishing all authority on health care matters.

Our state has already received over $34 million in bribe money!

Click here to sign the petition
demanding that ALL of the grant funds be returned immediately and all efforts to enforce ObamaCare in Pennsylvania be abandoned.

If you’d like to tell Governor Corbett how you feel about this scheme, you can reach him at 717-787-2500.

Tell your legislators that no matter what the Supreme Court decides, you expect them to protect your rights and jealously guard our state sovereignty by refusing to establish a State Exchange.

In Liberty,

Deb Wells
Interim State Coordinator
Pennsylvania Campaign for Liberty

P.S. After you sign the petition demanding that our state return all ObamaCare Exchange grant funds, please pass this message along to all of your contacts.

Ron Paul FLIX Daily News - Apr 20 2012 - Ron Paul Optimistic! - CISPA - ...

Former Mormon Tricia Erickson says Mormonism is a Racist Cult

Ron Paul Attracts 2,300-plus Voters to Event in His Former Hometown of Pittsburgh

University of Pittsburgh and broader community give Dr. Paul an enthusiastic homecoming

LAKE JACKSON, Texas – 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul attracted a remarkable 2,300-plus voters to a town hall meeting in his native city of Pittsburgh.
News articles from earlier today cite Steel City residents recalling that Dr. Paul served as a high school student council president, and that he was a track star.
Dr. Paul held his town hall meeting at 7:00 p.m. ET in the University of Pittsburgh’s Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hall, located at 4141 Fifth Avenue in Pittsburgh, PA 15213.  The symbolism of the venue’s name was apparent as Ron Paul, a former Air Force flight surgeon, is the only veteran seeking the Republican nomination for the presidency, or the presidency for that matter.
At the event the 12-term Congressman from Texas discussed his platform of constitutionally-limited government, the restoration of our economic and civil liberties, and provisions of his path-breaking ‘Plan to Restore America.’
Photographs of Ron Paul’s Pittsburgh town hall meeting with 2,300-plus people follow.

Please vote for my avatar in the 'In It To Win It' Avatar Contest, Vote Blaine!

Please vote for my avatar in the 'In It To Win It' Avatar Contest, Vote Blaine!

By: Blaine

 By: Blaine

By: Blaine

SHHH, don't tell anyone but glaciers are GROWING.

Obama quietly seeking to cede U.S. oceans to U.N. law

by Aaron Klein
President Obama’s ambitious plan for stepped up government regulation of the oceans includes an unreported effort to cede U.S. oceans to United Nations-based international law, WND has learned.
The plan was previously a pet project of Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, whose ocean-zoning scheme was partnered with a globalist group that also aimed to hand over U.S. oceans to U.N. governance.
Obama’s plan is still in draft form. It calls for an executive order to be issued for a National Ocean Policy that will determine how the ecosystem is managed while giving the federal government more regulatory authority over any businesses that utilize the ocean.
The executive order is to be based on the recommendations of Obama’s Interagency Ocean Policy Taskforce, created in 2010 also by executive order.
The agency is tasked with recommending specific actions for a presidential plan to achieve the vision of “an America whose stewardship ensures that the ocean, our coasts, and the Great Lakes are healthy and resilient, safe and productive, and understood and treasured so as to promote the well-being, prosperity, and security of present and future generations.”
The Taskforce’s final recommendations, based in part on the supposed effects of “global warming, were released in a 78-page paper reviewed by WND.
The entire third section of the report recommends that the U.S. join the U.N.’s Law of the Sea Convention.
The convention defines the rights and responsibilities of nations in their use of the world’s oceans, establishing guidelines for businesses, the environment and the management of marine natural resources.
States the report:
The Task Force strongly and unanimously supports United States accession to the Convention on the Law of the Sea and ratification of its 1994 Implementing Agreement. The Law of the Sea Convention is the bedrock legal instrument governing activities on, over and under the world’s oceans.
United States accession to the Convention will further our national security, environmental, economic, and diplomatic interests.
The report lists key reasons for compliance with the law, including:
  • The Convention has garnered the unequivocal support of our national security leadership under both Republican and Democratic administrations, because, among other things, it codifies essential navigational rights and freedoms upon which our Armed Forces rely.
  • The Convention sets forth the rights and responsibilities of nations to prevent, reduce and control pollution of the marine environment and to protect and preserve resources off their shores.
  • By becoming a party to the Convention, U.S. legal rights to our extended continental shelf can be put on the strongest legal foundation.
  • As a party to the Law of the Sea Convention, the United States would have the ability to participate formally and more effectively in the interpretation and development of the Convention.
  • Joining the Law of the Sea Convention would reaffirm and enhance United States leadership in global ocean affairs.
While the White House claims its ocean plans are not meant to zone the seas, a major conclusion of the Taskforce was to “establish a framework for effective coastal and marine spatial planning (CMSP) that establishes a comprehensive, integrated, ecosystem-based approach to address conservation, economic activity, user conflict, and sustainable use of ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes resources.”
Panetta’s ocean scheme
Much of the Taskforce’s recommendations were previously called for by a group headed by Panetta until his appointment as CIA director in 2009. Panetta became defense secretary in July 2011.
Until his CIA appointment in 2009, Panetta co-chaired the Joint Ocean Commission Initiative, which is the partner of Citizens for Global Solutions in a push to ratify U.S. laws and regulations governing the seas.
The oceans initiative bills itself as a bipartisan, collaborative group that aims to “accelerate the pace of change that results in meaningful ocean policy reform.”
Among its main recommendations is that the U.S. should put its oceans up for regulation to the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea.
Other recommendations of Panetta’s Joint Ocean Commission Initiative, which mirror Obama’s taskforce recommendations, include:
  • The administration and Congress should establish a national ocean policy. The administration and Congress should support regional, ecosystem-based approaches to the management of ocean, coastal and Great Lakes.
  • Congress should strengthen and reauthorize the Coastal Zone Management Act.
  • Congress should strengthen the Clean Water Act.
The Joint Ocean Commission Initiative Leadership Council includes John Podesta, president and CEO of the Soros-funded Center for American Progress, which is reportedly highly influential in advising the White House on policy.
Podesta served as co-chairman of Obama’s presidential transition team.
Panetta’s oceans initiative is a key partner of Citizens for Global Solutions, or CGS, which, according to its literature, envisions a “future in which nations work together to abolish war, protect our rights and freedoms and solve the problems facing humanity that no nation can solve alone.”
CGS states it works to “build the political will in the United States” to achieve this global vision.
The organization currently works on issues that fall into five general areas: U.S. global engagement; global health and environment; peace and security; international law and justice; and international institutions.
CGS is a member organization and supporter of the World Federalist Movement, which openly seeks a one-world government. The World Federalist Movement considers the CGS to be its U.S. branch.
The movement brings together organizations and individuals that support the establishment of a global federal system of strengthened and democratized global institutions with plenary constitutional power accountable to the citizens of the world and a division of international authority among separate global agencies.
The movement’s headquarters are located near the U.N. building in New York City. A second office is near the International Criminal Court in The Hague, Netherlands.
The locations are significant, since the movement heavily promotes the U.N. and is the coordinator of various international projects, such as the Coalition for the International Criminal Court and the Responsibility to Protect military doctrine. That doctrine formed the basis of Obama’s justification last year to launch NATO airstrikes in Libya.

Melting the Elements: God’s Global Warming Initiative

by David Outten

 When we look at the earth, we think of it as virtually a permanent fixture in the universe. Some scientists discuss changes in the sun over billions of years that could result in the destruction of the earth, but for our generation, and the next 100 to follow, they have little to fear of cataclysmic destruction.
The concern about man-made global warming is over relatively small increases in temperature that threaten to melt polar ice, flood costal regions. and cause population shifts. In recorded history, we've seen significant periods of global warming and cooling, and humans and animals have adjusted.
The Biblical concept of global warming is catastrophic — much more like shown in the movie KNOWING. The global warming dreaded by the politically correct scientific community calls for a human response of conservation and regulation. Calls for environmental law enforcement on a global scale threaten the sovereignty of nations. Many Conservatives see the global warming scare as a ruse to promote ever-increasing government control of life on earth.
The Biblical lesson on global warming has more to do with preparation for a new heaven and a new earth. It's been nearly 2,000 years since the warnings of impending environmental catastrophe were written, but the message has always been, "Prepare to meet your maker. The end may be tonight or it may be thousands of years from now."
There's nothing wrong with recycling plastic, buying cars that get better gas mileage, or putting solar panels on your roof, but none of that behavior will prepare you for Biblical global warming.
2 Peter 3:3-13 reads:
  “In the last days scoffers will come, mocking the truth and following their own desires. They will say, ‘What happened to the promise that Jesus is coming again? From before the times of our ancestors, everything has remained the same since the world was first created.’
“They deliberately forget that God made the heavens by the word of His command, and He brought the earth out from the water and surrounded it with water. Then He used the water to destroy the ancient world with a mighty flood. And by the same word, the present heavens and earth have been stored up for fire. They are being kept for the Day of Judgment, when ungodly people will be destroyed.
“But you must not forget this one thing, dear friends: A day is like a thousand years to the Lord, and a thousand years is like a day. The Lord isn’t really being slow about His promise, as some people think. No, He is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent. But the day of the Lord will come as unexpectedly as a thief. Then the heavens will pass away with a terrible noise, and the very elements themselves will disappear in fire, and the earth and everything on it will be found to deserve judgment.
“Since everything around us is going to be destroyed like this, what holy and godly lives you should live, looking forward to the day of God and hurrying it along. On that day, He will set the heavens on fire, and the elements will melt away in the flames. But we are looking forward to the new heavens and new earth he has promised, a world filled with God’s righteousness.”
A scientific name for the "elements melting with a fervent heat" is a runaway thermonuclear deflagration wave. Should one of these occur, in a twinkling of the eye the earth would be toast. The scientists working on the early atomic bombs were actually concerned about the possibility of initiating one of these.
The Bible tells us God will initiate his global warming when He chooses.
The great news is that if you're ready for that day you don't die. God has planned a new heaven and a new earth where there are no R-rated movies. There'll be no crime, no sorrow, and no bitterness. It'll be astounding. If you think this earth is beautiful, wait 'til you see the new earth.
The question is, "How do you get there?"
There've been lots of science fiction movies that have people fighting over who gets to go on the spaceship that leaves earth just before it's destroyed. Superman was one of a very few to escape a cataclysm on Krypton.
The good news is that there's ample room on the new earth and there's no crowded spaceship you have to have a ticket to ride. What you need is a proper relationship with God. You can't buy it at any price. You can't earn it with good works. This relationship is offered to you by God who sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die on a cross so that your sins could be forgiven and a proper relationship established. The proper relationship is that, being forgiven, you now live to obey God. He gives you His Holy Spirit, living in you, to be your guide. As you surrender your life to Him, He can do amazing things through you to minister to others.
Again, you don't earn a ticket to the new earth, but those living on this earth should see your changed life almost as if you're an alien already.
1 Peter 2:11 reads:
  “Beloved, I implore you as aliens and strangers and exiles [in this world] to abstain from the sensual urges (the evil desires, the passions of the flesh, your lower nature) that wage war against the soul.”
The earth is headed toward disaster and judgment. Wickedness will be judged. But God has His aliens on earth to serve and be salt and light. While wickedness may not be destroyed until the final cataclysmic event, it can be reduced. Those who are prepared for the new heaven and the new earth should be doing what God leads them to do to be light in this dark world.
On earth day 2012 we should ask ourselves, "What kind of world would we like this to be as we approach judgment day? Do we want it to be more hellish or more heavenly? Do we hope for more wickedness or more righteousness? Whichever direction America takes, are we aliens in this world or beings awaiting destruction and judgment?
The next time you put out your bin of recyclables, think for a moment about God’s Biblical global warming.
Are you ready?

Ron Paul FLIX Daily News - Apr 19 2012 - TSA - Rick Santorum - Mitt Romn...

Ron Paul Pandemic causes Romney split

All hell breaks loose in Alaska
By Doug Wead
There is a split at the senior levels of the Mitt Romney campaign over how to deal with the ongoing Ron Paul takeover of the Republican Party, this, from an old friend inside.  Some are saying, “Let it happen, so what?  We have the nomination, they represent youth and Hispanics and they are the future, we need them.”  Others, I will call them Romney Hawks, are saying, “We don’t know exactly how many delegates they have and that, in itself, is dangerous.  They already have enough to embarrass us at the Republican National Convention in Tampa.”
They point to the disastrous RNC of 1992 which many believe contributed to the loss of George H. W. Bush to Bill Clinton in the general election.  They say, “We must stop the Ron Paul people at any cost.”
The Romney Hawks have been able to win in states like Alaska, Nevada and North Dakota, where they anticipated a Ron Paul takeover and carefully planned strategies to disenfranchise them.  And the war, by the way, is not just with the Ronulans.  The votes of Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich and now, in many states, with any pro life delegates as well.
Part of the reason for the hardball is that the Romney team was caught by surprise in Missouri, Colorado, Minnesota, Iowa and other states.  Even more worrisome for the Romney Hawks are the delegates that they are calling “stealth Paulies” lost in the mix, among the GOP faithful, going to Tampa as bound votes for Romney but Ron Paul activists at heart.  Some estimates say that Ron Paul could end up with a third of the delegates on the floor of the RNC and “who knows what they can do?”  That has galvanized the Romney hardliners.  The purge is on.
Alaska is an example where the Romney hardliners pressed their advantage.  Last Monday, GOP state party chairman, Randy Reudrich called a state committee meeting and announced that delegate fees would be accepted no later than 48 hours “from this date” setting a deadline for Wednesday, April 18.  Then suddenly, the next day, the state party changed its mind, saying that delegate fees were required by 6:00 p.m. that very evening.
The massive Ron Paul delegation, which under fair, democratic circumstances would dominate the Alaska convention, had to move quickly to adjust, but nothing could prepare them for how dirty the fight would get and how fiercely they would be resisted.
First Reudrich’s GOP state party told delegates they could pay their $250 registration fee with personal check or by credit card online.  Then they promptly pulled the online link.  The Ron Paul-Santorum forces encouraged as many supporters as possible to make the long physical journey to the state convention a day early.  Alaska is a big state with many remote regions.  And this was an operation that had to be planned and executed in a matter of hours, at a cost of time, money and arrangements for family and work.  Miraculously it came together.  But when delegates began arriving to pay their fee the Reudrich Rules had changed again.  Personal checks were no longer acceptable.  Many rushed to the banks, while they were still open, to get money orders, barely meeting the deadline.  Some missed it by minutes, making the long trek across the state for nothing.  One was denied registration by a Party official who declared that even a money order was unacceptable.
The Alaska GOP told individual Ron Paul, prolife, or non-Romney supporters that they were prohibited from sponsoring the fee for surrogate delegates, and prohibited from covering any expenses for airfare or accommodations for anyone else.  Of course, this was not true but it worked to send some of the less wealthy delegates back home, without a chance to participate, even after being elected as a delegate from their home District.  One Ron Paul supporter who quietly, but firmly, pointed out the legality of the process, and listed Romney delegates whose expenses were paid by friends, was then told, “Yes, but they filed a state GOP waiver form.” He was then told that the party was out of forms.  “Sorry.”
In the end, it may be Governor Mitt Romney, and the GOP, who are sorry.
“They are saying that GOP state chairman, Randy Reudrich, was promised a Romney job in Washington,” says one of the Santorum organizers.  “He better hope that’s the case because he is finished in this state.”
Cooler heads in the Romney camp are concerned that Romney Hawks are driving young people, Hispanics and Independents to a Third Party or a “sit at home” attitude in the general election.  The recent Rasmussen poll which showed Ron Paul beating President Barack Obama in a general election and Mitt Romney not, may have been missed by the national media but it was seen clearly by people in both the Romney and Obama camps.
The good news for the Ron Paul people is that if no one else believes in the success of their campaign, the Romney Hawks obviously do and they are willing to cheat, lie and deceive to stop them.  Said one of the staff at Ron Paul Headquarters today, “If Mitt Romney had this thing won, he would be telling his state chairs to make it easy for new people to come into the party.”  The fact that they are shutting us out is revealing.”

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Randy Reudrich and the Alaska GOP. "No newcomers allowed." (Photo from

 PHONE NUMBER OF THE ALASKAN REPUBLICAN PARTY... Leave a message! I left one for the Chairman. DO NOT CUSS! Flood them to let them know we know what they are doing!!!!!! 1-907-276-4467