By the time you learn about the other issue, it’s usually too late to stop it.
All eyes are on the Supreme Court right now, as the 50 states await a decision on the constitutionality of ObamaCare.
But something sinister is lurking behind the scenes. ObamaCare is being planned and developed in the states RIGHT NOW!
Health Insurance Exchanges are not a new concept in America. They were created in Utah and Massachusetts long before ObamaCare, and they have been costly and ineffective failures.
In order to institute the infamous “individual mandate,” ObamaCare bribes each state to set up what is known as a Health Insurance Exchange. Without a state-created exchange, the individual mandate cannot be enforced.
And once our state creates an exchange, it will remain in place - even if the mandate is overturned.
Regardless of what happens in court, our state should be fighting the implementation of ObamaCare at every turn.
We must oppose ObamaCare State Exchanges every step of the way, regardless of any court decision, because:
- ObamaCare State Exchanges mean mandated, government-run health care.
- Hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars are being used to develop ObamaCare Exchanges. Your taxpayer dollars are being wasted, and you are footing the bill while they steal your freedoms.
- There are strings attached to the bribe money. Accepting the money requires the state to submissively surrender sovereignty on all health care issues.
- After the State Exchange is up and running, federal money will dry up - and states will have to pick up the tab. Your state taxes will have to be increased in order to pay for it!
Yet, Governor Corbett claims that establishing a CorbettCare Exchange will protect Pennsylvania citizens from undue federal regulation. The opposite is actually true. Creation of the CorbettCare Exchange does great harm and forces onerous federal regulations on our state.
Governor Corbett is readily ceding state sovereignty to the central government, and relinquishing all authority on health care matters.
Our state has already received over $34 million in bribe money!
Click here to sign the petition demanding that ALL of the grant funds be returned immediately and all efforts to enforce ObamaCare in Pennsylvania be abandoned.
If you’d like to tell Governor Corbett how you feel about this scheme, you can reach him at 717-787-2500.
Tell your legislators that no matter what the Supreme Court decides, you expect them to protect your rights and jealously guard our state sovereignty by refusing to establish a State Exchange.
In Liberty,
Deb Wells
Interim State Coordinator
Pennsylvania Campaign for Liberty
P.S. After you sign the petition demanding that our state return all ObamaCare Exchange grant funds, please pass this message along to all of your contacts.
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