The Radical Homosexual Lobby is attacking real marriage on every front.
Let me warn you, this story goes beyond an outrage.
A Texas judge and radical homosexual activist is refusing to perform any real marriage ceremonies in her court until she gets her way.
That’s right. Judge Tonya Parker said that if she can’t marry a woman, then no one else should marry either.
She is sending away every traditional couple who comes into her court with the order to embrace homosexual “marriage” as sacred.
She is trying to force Texans to accept homosexual “marriage” using the authority of the bench.
All this despite having been elected to a public position in a state which does not allow homosexual “marriage.”
It is particularly horrifying for judge to so openly defy the law of the land.
This is a clear dereliction of her responsibilities and an insult to pro-Family Americans and the very institution of marriage.
And what’s worse, it’s a perversion of her role as a keeper of the law.
Every judge is charged with upholding the laws passed by the legislators and the voters. But Judge Parker is trying to subvert the laws and force homosexual “marriage” into Texas just because she wants it.
Marriage truly is being attacked from all sides.
With two more states added to the homosexual “marriage” cabal -- they almost got a third state -- and with California’s Proposition 8 being attacked by judges... friend, it looks dark.
They will do just about anything to take this decision out of the hands of the American people.
The radical homosexuals know that they cannot pass their perverted agenda by vote, so they resort to activist courts and aggressive legislators.
And I hate to say it, but Public Advocate is the only group in America who is challenging them on every issue; who is fighting to defend the Family every time its attacked.
It is up to you and me.
We have to show the minions of the Homosexual Lobby, like Judge Parker, that we will not bow down to their agenda.
For the Family,
Eugene Delgaudio
President, Public Advocate of the United States