Texas judge attacks marriage

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The Radical Homosexual Lobby is attacking real marriage on every front.

Let me warn you, this story goes beyond an outrage.

A Texas judge and radical homosexual activist is refusing to perform any real marriage ceremonies in her court until she gets her way.

That’s right.  Judge Tonya Parker said that if she can’t marry a woman, then no one else should marry either.

She is sending away every traditional couple who comes into her court with the order to embrace homosexual “marriage” as sacred.

She is trying to force Texans to accept homosexual “marriage” using the authority of the bench.

All this despite having been elected to a public position in a state which does not allow homosexual “marriage.”

It is particularly horrifying for judge to so openly defy the law of the land.

This is a clear dereliction of her responsibilities and an insult to pro-Family Americans and the very institution of marriage.

And what’s worse, it’s a perversion of her role as a keeper of the law.

Every judge is charged with upholding the laws passed by the legislators and the voters.  But Judge Parker is trying to subvert the laws and force homosexual “marriage” into Texas just because she wants it.

Marriage truly is being attacked from all sides.

With two more states added to the homosexual “marriage” cabal -- they almost got a third state -- and with California’s Proposition 8 being attacked by judges... friend, it looks dark.

They will do just about anything to take this decision out of the hands of the American people.

The radical homosexuals know that they cannot pass their perverted agenda by vote, so they resort to activist courts and aggressive legislators.

And I hate to say it, but Public Advocate is the only group in America who is challenging them on every issue; who is fighting to defend the Family every time its attacked.

It is up to you and me.

We have to show the minions of the Homosexual Lobby, like Judge Parker, that we will not bow down to their agenda.

For the Family,

Eugene Delgaudio
President, Public Advocate of the United States



Have you ever wondered why there is no outcry from the pulpit regarding the decline of Christian morality in the pulpit. Would you be interested in knowing why this is and when the silence began? Why, according to Gallup and other polls is morality in the Church the same or worse than outside the Church. I witnessed these very things and began to pray and seek God for the answer. With God’s leading and much prayer I was lead to call my Doctor and ask him how, when a patient came to him and was obviously sick, how did he arrive at a diagnosis. His answer was; 1.First he would observe his overall appearance. 2 Next he would ask what his symptoms were and 3 when did they first begin.4 then he would ask when did these symptoms first appear?
Following his diagnostic procedures I was able to find the exact date and cause of the decline of christian morality in America. It was in 1954 that Lyndon johnson a Democrat from Texas introduced a bill in Congress offering the churches in America tax exempt status if they would not speak out in their pulpits either for or against political candidates.The Pastors accepted this offer and the 501c3 tax exempt status for in exchange for their silence. In effect what they did was to sell their freedom of speech for a bowl of IRS pottage. Then a terrible thing happened. There was not an absence of moral authority and the Devil had a ready substitute. It is called the American Civil libertys Union, or ACLU and a more ungodly group would be hard to find.It was just (9) short years later that the ACLU and (1) woman succeded in getting prayer kicked out of our schools. And 300,000 pulpits kept silent while getting fat on tax exempt dollars. Then just a few years later the ACLU and (1) woman who wanted to murder her baby got abortion, AKA murder of babys, legalized. And 300,000 pulpits were silent. Five tears ago I wrote a book on this subject and sent out over 1600 press releases to Churches and religious organizations with not even (1) response. The books title is, THE AMERICAN CHURCH, BOND SLAVE TO THE IRS and is available at, ebay or amazon. I pray that there are a few bold and brave Christian warriors will check this out for themselves.

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Post-birth abortion?

National Pro-Life Alliance

One of the awful side effects of abortion –- even ignoring the slaughter of unborn human life involved -- is the cavalier attitude it creates toward human life in general.

So it should be no surprise to anyone when recently the so-called Journal of Medical Ethics, based in London, published a study advocating "post-birth abortion."

I'm not making this up.

These self-proclaimed "ethicists" (who I should point out have all already survived the womb themselves) actually argue that parents should be given a kind of "trial period" of unspecified time in which to change their mind and eliminate their baby.

Now not surprisingly, a huge outcry of protest has arisen against this wholly barbaric proposal.

Do you know how the authors defended their arguments?

They simply applied the Planned Parenthood / National Abortion Rights Action League mantra.

They argued that if you accept the abortionists' claim that what they do is ethical under any circumstance, then nothing really changes right after a baby is born.

And you know . . . intellectually, they're right.

If it really is OK to kill a child the month before his birth, or three months before birth, or by partial birth abortion, how do they make a distinction? Why is there any difference in killing one right AFTER birth?

Killing babies is killing babies.

Of course, given the obvious horror, I don't think it's necessary to argue why the advocates of "post-birth abortion" are wrong.

But that is why it is vital that you and I do all we can to force Congress to vote on, and ultimately pass, the Life at Conception Act to reverse Roe V. Wade and ultimately end abortion-on-demand.

For Life,
Martin Fox
Martin Fox, President      
National Pro-Life Alliance

P.S. If you have a few minutes, I think you'll be inspired by the story of one of those people that the post-birth abortionists would do away with.

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