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Action Alert: I need your help

Public Advocate Banner

Things are getting desperate in Tennessee.

Despite the flood of phone calls pouring into Nashville in support of the Classroom Protection Act (SB 49), there are still local politicians who are not willing to support it -- a dangerous decision that will leave young children vulnerable!

This bill is absolutely crucial to our fight to liberate education in America.

Already the California Homosexual Education (CHE) model is being shopped around to new states.

And the radical homosexuals could not be happier with it.

It has caused irreparable harm to California school children -- the extant of the damage may never be fully known.

CHE is the Radical Homosexual Lobby's back-up plan for the Homosexual Classrooms Act -- if they can't pass the Act at the national level, then they will force CHE into state after state locally.

Either way, they will win.

Entire generations of young, defenseless children raised with homosexualism part of their everyday lives.

But if Tennessee's Classroom Protection Act passes -- then we can offer this pro-Family alternative to every state where California Homosexual Education comes knocking.

The Classrom Protection Act will prevent teachers from forcing pro-homosexual lessons onto their students, and protect the rights' of parents to raise their children how they feel best.

So you see, we absolutely must get this bill passed!

Unfortunately, Public Advocate's champion Joey Hensley has been stalled due to opposition in the House and from the governor's office.

And that's where you and I come in.

I'm on the ground in Nashville getting the lay of the land -- and there are two key individuals who need to hear from you right now.

First, please call Tennessee Governor Bill Haslem at (615)741-2001 and let him know that you expect him to stand strong against the attacks of the Homosexual Lobby.

Once SB49/HB229 passes the House, he must sign it or leave school children unprotected.

Now, the second action I need you to take is even more important. My sources tell me that one man in the House is leading the charge to delay or kill the Classroom Protection Act: Rep. Bill Dunn.

This man has declared himself an enemy of the Family and of our children.

I need to contact him and let him know that you and I are on to his sabotage efforts and that we oppose and condemn his efforts to allow adult homosexual propagandists to have their way with Tennessee children.

I want you to contact Bill Dunn with both email and phone if you can!


Office Ph.: (615)741-1721

Public Advocate needs to bombard him with our pro-Family message to show him, and his friends, that they cannot stand against the Family.

I have already put out a warning to other legislators in Nashville:

Don't even try calling Bill Dunn today; his phone line is going to be jammed from morning till night with Public Advocate's supporters.

I know we can do it. We certainly have enough members.

All it will take is for you to pick up your phone and voice your support.

And please don't let a busy signal deter you.  That only means our campaign is working.  Just keep trying till you get through!

Together, we can win this crucial battle.

For the Family,

Eugene Delgaudio
President, Public Advocate of the United States

Absolute Pandemonium Ron Paul arrival Mesa New Life Bible church

No Alternative

It's no secret the American people are desperately looking for a conservative alternative to Mitt Romney.

And the truth is, it's NOT Rick Santorum.

Just like the other counterfeit conservatives that have risen in the polls over the past few months, once the American people find out Rick Santorum is just another Big Government, big spending Republican, I'm confident his campaign will come crashing down, as well.

But Super Tuesday is less than two weeks away.

So time is running out to get the truth about Rick Santorum's statist record to the voters.

As you may have seen, my campaign has put together a new ad highlighting Rick Santorum's Big Government record.

Click to Watch

Can I count on you to make a generous donation to help run this ad in several states before voters go to the polls on Super Tuesday?

With our nation now over $15 TRILLION in the hole, you and I can't sit idly by and watch the American people be fooled by another fake conservative. 

It's up to us to make sure voters learn the truth about Rick Santorum.

Once they do - and also discover my track record of standing up for free markets, sound money, individual liberty, and constitutional principles for over 30 years - that will be the springboard needed to help put us over the top.

Unlike my opponents, I've never flip-flopped on the issues.

I've never voted for a tax increase.  I've never voted for an unbalanced budget.  And I've never voted to raise the debt ceiling.

During my time in Congress, I've been true to the American people and to my oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States.

But with 10 states set to vote in less than two weeks, it's vital I get my message out IMMEDIATELY to the voters.

So please, make the most generous contribution you possibly can afford to help me expose Rick Santorum's Big Government, big spending record.

Once Rick Santorum is exposed, voters will realize I'm the only real conservative in this race.

Time is running out, so please donate immediately.

Together, you and I can Restore America NOW!

For Liberty,

Ron Paul

P.S.  Super Tuesday is less than two weeks away.

That means time is running out to tell voters the truth about Rick Santorum's Big Government, big spending record.

So can I count on you to help me run this ad in several states to expose Rick Santorum as a counterfeit conservative?

Your generous donation will help show voters that I am the only true constitutional conservative left in this race.

Click to Watch

Paid for by Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee

Have you signed your Official Firearms Sovereignty Survey yet?

The National Association for Gun Rights has collected over 500,000 signed Official Firearms Sovereignty Surveys against the UN Small Arms Treaty with tens of thousands of more pouring in each week!

But if you haven't yet signed, please go ahead and do so by clicking here. It's vital that your Senators feel pressure to oppose the UN Small Arms Treaty from grassroots gun rights activists like you.

Once you have signed your Official Firearms Sovereignty Survey against the UN Small Arms Treaty (or even if you have signed it before), I would like to ask you to do our Second Amendment rights a small favor.

By forwarding this email to your family and friends, you will be letting them know that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have their sights set on advancing, and passing, the UN Small Arms Treaty.

Click here to forward the Official Firearms Sovereignty Survey right now.

On the page I link to there is a space for a personal message. Please make sure to add a short note so your friends know what the email is about.

This is an important step in growing the grassroots gun rights army opposed to the UN Small Arms Treaty.

I hope I can count on your action today.

Click here to forward the Official Firearms Sovereignty Survey to your family and friends.

Please read my email below to find out just how dangerous the UN Small Arms Treaty is to our gun rights.

For Freedom,

Rand Paul
United States Senator

Ron Paul Post CNN Arizona Debate Interview