Cain says God persuaded him to run for president

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Cain says God persuaded him to run for president

RAY HENRY - Associated Press

ATLANTA (AP) — Republican Herman Cain said God convinced him to enter the race for president, comparing himself to Moses: "'You've got the wrong man, Lord. Are you sure?'"

The Georgia business executive played up his faith Saturday after battling sexual harassment allegations for two weeks, trying to shift the conversation to religion, an issue vital to conservative Republicans, especially in the South.

In a speech Saturday to a national meeting of young Republicans, Cain said the Lord persuaded him after much prayer.

"That's when I prayed and prayed and prayed. I'm a man of faith — I had to do a lot of praying for this one, more praying than I've ever done before in my life," Cain said. "And when I finally realized that it was God saying that this is what I needed to do, I was like Moses. 'You've got the wrong man, Lord. Are you sure?'"

Once he made the decision, Cain said, he did not look back.

Four women have now accused Cain of sexually harassing them when he led the National Restaurant Association more than a decade ago. Cain, who has denied wrongdoing, was silent about the allegations and did not take reporters' questions.

Cain isn't the first to say God prodded him toward a campaign. Texas Gov. Rick Perry's wife, Anita, has said she felt God was speaking to her about the race, adding that her husband needed to see a "burning bush," a Biblical reference to God's first appearance to Moses.

During his speech, Cain also criticized President Barack Obama for canceling the space shuttle program — a decision actually made by President George W. Bush — as NASA shifts its focus on travel farther from Earth's orbit.

"I can tell you that as president of the United States, we are not going to bum a ride to outer space with Russia," Cain said to loud applause. "We're going to regain our rightful place in terms of technology, space technology."

Cain was talking about U.S. plans, now that the space shuttle is retired, to use Russian rockets to send astronauts to the International Space Station. In the meantime, NASA is focused on explorations deeper in space.

It was Bush who decided in 2004 to retire the space shuttle program. The Republican president still supported sending astronauts to the moon and Mars.

Obama, once in office, dropped the goal of a moon mission. Instead, NASA has plans to build a giant rocket capable of sending astronauts to an asteroid and eventually Mars. It wants to outsource to private companies the task of ferrying astronauts and cargo to the space station — a job previously performed by the space shuttle.

Until private companies are ready, NASA will keep buying seats on Russian Soyuz capsules to get astronauts to the space station. The cost per person to fly on a Soyuz is expected to rise from $56 million to $63 million, which is still cheaper than flying on the shuttle.

Cain spoke in advance of a Republican debate Saturday in South Carolina focused on foreign policy.


Amazing Discoveries And Lost Cities Of The Dead The Carter Report.mp4

God Bless our Veterans

PublicAdvocate Banner

Today is a day to give thanks and prayers for the many veterans who have defended our nation, and who are still fighting today.

These men and women fought and sacrificed so much to preserve America and the values and morals that have defined us throughout history.

Today is a day to remember and honor these valiant heroes.

But it makes my heart heavy to think about how our nation has failed their memory this past year.

They defend the values we hold dear, serving us as beacons of virtue and morality.

But our nation has not defended them from the filth of Homosexual perversion.

Yes, I’m talking about the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.

The U.S. Military has sacrificed so much for us, and our government repaid them with disgrace.

Now radical homosexuals are not only allowed to serve openly in uniform, but celebrated for their perversion.

The current president is encouraging them to go as far as they can to homosexualize the armed forces.

Chaplains have been ordered to perform homosexual marriages, despite the opposition of the majority of Americans.

Pro-homosexual magazines are now distributed ON BASES across our country.

The repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell was a betrayal of everything our veterans have fought and died for.

This Veteran’s Day is a very sad one for me.  It just reminds me of how much we have failed their memories.

The repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell this past year is a disgrace and I for one am sorry that our veterans have had to endure it.

As my way of honoring our Veterans today, I’m pledging that Public Advocate will do whatever it takes to restore the honor these heroes deserve.

God Bless our Veterans,

Eugene Delgaudio

President, Public Advocate of the United States

Universal flu vaccine to end annual jabs

A vaccine that could end the need for annual winter flu injections by offering lifelong protection against all strains of the virus has been developed by scientists.

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Universal flu vaccine to end annual jabs

A vaccine that could end the need for annual winter flu injections by offering lifelong protection against all strains of the virus has been developed by scientists.

Universal flu vaccine to end annual jabs

The new universal flu vaccine, which researchers say will only need to be
administered once, has been found to be effective against a number of
different types of influenza virus, including the deadly avian flu and
pandemic swine flu strains.

Flu viruses are highly changeable so elderly people and pregnant women, who
are particularly vulnerable to the illness, are currently given new
vaccinations each year to ensure they are protected.

Small-scale clinical trials on the new vaccine – known as Flu-v – have shown
that it can significantly reduce infection and also cut the severity of

Results of the trials will be presented at an international conference this
week by SEEK, the London-based drug development company behind the vaccine.

Scientists who have been working on it are planning to conduct a large-scale
clinical trial and hope to have a vaccine available for widespread use in
three to five years time. If trials are successful, it would be offered to
the NHS.

Professor John Oxford, a virologist at St Barts and Royal London Hospital and
scientific director of Retroscreen Virology who conducted the clinical
trial, said: "This vaccine clearly has a biological effect worthy of
further investigation, particularly with respect to the broadness of the

"In the 2009 swine flu pandemic it was several months before a vaccine
was available. A universal vaccine could end that wait and also reduce the
need for people to have vaccines each year against seasonal flu."

Vaccinations work by training the immune system to recognise viruses and mount
a defence against them, but the flu virus constantly changes its outer "coat",
meaning it can evade detection.

With the new universal vaccine, however, scientists were able to identify a
crucial part deep inside the influenza virus that does not change and is
found in all strains.

By training the body's immune system to recognise this part, infections from
any strain of flu virus can be detected and combated by the immune system.

Drug development company SEEK, based in London, which developed the Flu-v
vaccine, will present results from a Phase 2 clinical trial to experts at
the Influenza Congress in Washington DC on Tuesday.

They will reveal that healthy volunteers given Flu-v showed less symptoms and
had less virus in their blood streams when exposed to a mild strain of flu
than those who had not been vaccinated.

Blood tests from the vaccinated volunteers also showed that their immune
systems were active against a number of different types of flu, including
bird flu and swine flu.

Gregory Stoloff, chief executive office of SEEK, said: "The trials we
have undertaken suggest that we only need one shot of vaccine. We are going
to explore dose levels and whether further a second dose will be more
effective in future trials."

Each year, winter flu epidemics can affect hundreds of thousands of people.
Last year at least 600 died across the UK.

The NHS spends around £100 million each year on flu vaccinations. Elderly
people over the age of 65 years old and pregnant women are offered the jabs
for free.

In recent years many companies have also offered their employees annual flu
vaccinations in a bid to reduce the burden the illness can have on their

Fears over new flu pandemic have resulted in many people getting vaccinated in
the hope it may protect them.

Health officials, however, warn that a pandemic would be caused by an entirely
new flu virus and so current vaccines are unlikely to offer protection.

In 2009 the H1N1 swine flu virus was declared a pandemic, with at least 50
people dying from swine flu in the UK last winter.

Health experts still fear that the deadly H5N1 avian flu virus could still
combine with human flu viruses to create an even more deadly pandemic strain.

A number of researchers and drug companies have been working on techniques to
produce a universal flu vaccine. BiondVax Pharmceuticals in Israel have also
been conducting clinical trials on a similar vaccine to SEEK's Flu-v.

Mr Stoloff added: "Our aim is for the flu vaccine to become more like the
mumps and measles vaccine – where you only need it once and you get
protection for a long time."


Black Pope’s Wicked Masonic Illuminati Planning Terrorist Events in London, 2012

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Black Pope’s Wicked Masonic Illuminati Planning Terrorist Events in London, 2012

British Parliament, London

This video above was forwarded to your Editor just yesterday along with an email from its creator.  He stated that if this information seemed credible, then to please post it.  Yes, this information is most credible, and yes, it is now posted.  Please remember your Editor refuses to set dates for future disasters deemed necessary in furthering the Jesuit Papacy’s quest in restoring the pope’s Dark Ages, aka, “New World Order.”  But since apostate Protestant Great Britain must be submitted in all political, religious and financial arenas to the Vatican and her Frankenstein monster, the Roman Catholic European Union (including the abandonment of the Protestant British Pound for the pope’s Roman Catholic Euro), most assuredly there will be a “terrorist event” in London.  (A similar event will occur in Washington, the racially Black District of ruling White Roman Catholics) in order to justify moving the capital/military command post to Denver/Colorado Springs—a Jesuit fascist design since the early 1940s according to Undercover by John Roy Carlson.)

London Olympic Stadium, 2011

Further, Ireland is seriously resisting the pope’s Temporal Power.  Rome has recalled her ambassador (papal nuncio) and a design is now in place to submit the rebellious Irish Catholics of the Emerald Isle.  Such a terrorist event in London (overseen by the Order’s British Intelligence as in the case of 7/7) could be used to impose draconian measures by Jesuit Coadjutors within the Irish government based in Dublin—the heart of Jesuit power in that land!

One last thought.  The mention of “Zion” in the above video is a favorite Scottish-Rite Masonic term with reference to the pope’s Zion (Jerusalem) within his revived “Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem,” i.e., Israel.  The Black Pope’s Masonic Jewish Labor Zionists rule that city and nation for the benefit of Rome, not for the benefit of the beloved, racial Hebrew/Jewish/Israelitic people living in their land.  Hence, this coming “terrorist event” (overseen by the Black Pope’s International Intelligence Community—the Holy Office of the Inquisition) will, in the end, benefit Rome facilitating the building of the Third Hebrew Temple—for the final Roman Papal Caesar, to be murdered and rise from the dead, then to be the Antichrist/Man-Beast (I John 2:18; Revelation 13:3-10).

Therefore BEWARE!  Please do not attend the London Olympics or use the London Underground during the games next year.  Discretion is the better part of valor.  Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.  Yet our most important warning can be found TWICE in the very Book—the King James Authorized Version of the Bible, 1611—that made England the world capital of gospel preaching and commerce for over 200 years:

“A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself:  but the simple pass on, and are punished.”

Proverbs 23:3; 27:12


100,000 to Die at the London Olympics ?

Occupy The Vatican People!: “Occupy Wall Street.” The Vatican at the Barricades

The Vatican wants to keep their call for a New World Order under wraps!

Cardinal Bertone was dismayed by the public reaction to a recent statement from the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace on the world’s financial system. The statement’s call for a world financial authority drew heavy criticism from some economic analysts.

Officials at the Secretariat of State said that they were caught by surprise by its content.

To prevent such problems in the future, Cardinal Bertone said that all Vatican statements should be cleared for publication through his Secretariat.

See also:

Rerum Novarum

Centesimus Annus

Caritas In Veritate

The Popes Plans On Organizing Political, Economic And Religious Activities Worldwide

Vatican Calls For World Government

Amplify’d from

“Occupy Wall Street.” The Vatican at the Barricades


On the eve of the G-20, the Holy See calls for a universal political authority to govern the economy. For starters, it asks for the introduction of a tax on financial transactions

by Sandro Magister

ROME, October 24, 2011 – In the view of Fr. Thomas J. Reese, a professor at Georgetown University in Washington and a former director of the magazine of the Jesuits of New York, “America,” not only is the document released today by the Holy See “to the left of Barack Obama, it [is] to the left of Nancy Pelosi, and it [is] closer to views of the ‘Occupy Wall Street’ movement than anyone in the U.S. Congress.”

In effect, the document released on Monday, October 24 by the pontifical council for justice and peace calls for the advent of a “new world” centered on a universal political authority.

The idea is not unprecedented. It was previously evoked in the 1963 encyclical “Pacem in Terris” of John XXIII, and has been revisited by Benedict XVI in the 2009 encyclical “Caritas in Veritate,” in paragraph 67.

“Caritas in Veritate,” however, said much else and much more, and the wish for global oversight of politics and the economy was certainly not at its center.

Here, instead, the entire document revolves around this idea, which is presented right from the title:

> “Towards reforming the international financial and monetary system in the context of global public authority”

What is utopian and what is realistic in the invocation of such a supreme world government can be seen in the general disorder that the coverage of the current economic and financial crisis describes for us every day.

But one specific element of innovation supported by the document belongs to the realm of realism: the taxation of financial transactions, referred to as the “Tobin tax.”

The document dedicates just a few lines to it. And it is known that the proposal is opposed with strong and well reasoned objections. Just as it is also known that is supported by famous economists, like Joseph Stiglitz and Jeffrey Sachs.

But in presenting the document to the press, the Holy See has decided to take a highly resolute stance in favor of the “Tobin tax.” Not only asking for “reflection” on it, as the document puts it, but responding point by point to the objections and demonstrating the practicability and utility even in the immediate term.

This apologia for the “Tobin tax” was entrusted to the economist Leonardo Becchetti, a professor at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata.” And he fulfilled his task with precision and in great detail:

> “L’aspetto positivo delle crisi…”

At the table of the heads of state of the G-20, who will meet in Cannes, France next November 3 and 4, there will therefore be this clear statement of position by the Holy See in favor of the introduction of the “Tobin tax,” the revenue from which “could contribute to the creation of a global fund to support the economies of countries hit by crises.”

English translation by Matthew Sherry, Ballwin, Missouri, U.S.A.


Too Much Confusion. Bertone Puts the Curia Under Lock and Key

The Vatican wants to keep their call for a New World Order under wraps!

Cardinal Bertone was dismayed by the public reaction to a recent statement from the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace on the world’s financial system. The statement’s call for a world financial authority drew heavy criticism from some economic analysts.

Officials at the Secretariat of State said that they were caught by surprise by its content.

To prevent such problems in the future, Cardinal Bertone said that all Vatican statements should be cleared for publication through his Secretariat.

See also:

Rerum Novarum

Centesimus Annus

Caritas In Veritate

The Popes Plans On Organizing Political, Economic And Religious Activities Worldwide

Vatican Calls For World Government

Too Much Confusion. Bertone Puts the Curia Under Lock and Key

The document of "Iustitia et Pax" on the global financial crisis is blasted with criticism. The secretary of state disowns it. "L'Osservatore Romano" tears it to shreds. From now on, any new Vatican text will have to be authorized in advance by the cardinal

by Sandro Magister

ROME, November 10, 2011 – Precisely when the G20 summit in Cannes was coming to its weak and uncertain conclusion, on that same Friday, November 4 at the Vatican, a smaller summit convened in the secretariat of state was doing damage control on the latest of many moments of confusion in the Roman curia.

In the hot seat was the document on the global financial crisis released ten days earlier by the pontifical council for justice and peace. A document that had disturbed many, inside and outside of the Vatican.

The secretary of state, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, complained that he had not known about it until the last moment. And precisely for this reason he had called that meeting in the secretariat of state.

The conclusion of the summit was that this binding order would be transmitted to all of the offices of the curia: from that point on, nothing in writing would be released unless it had been inspected and authorized by the secretariat of state.


Of course, the fact that Bertone and his colleagues had seen that document only after its publication is astonishing in itself.

Already on October 19, in fact, five days ahead of time, the Vatican press office – which reports directly to the secretary of state – had made the announcement of the press conference to present the document, at which the speakers would be Cardinal Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson, president of the pontifical council for justice and peace, and Bishop Mario Toso, the council's secretary.

Toso, a Salesian like Bertone and his longtime friend, was chosen for this office by the cardinal secretary of state himself.

As for the text of the document, the Vatican press office had given notice that it was already available in four languages, and would be distributed to accredited journalists three hours before it was made public.

On October 22, a further notification added the name of Professor Leonardo Becchetti to the ticket of the presenters.

Becchetti, a professor of economics at the University of Rome Tor Vergata and an expert on microcredit and fair trade, is believed to have been the main architect of the document.

And in fact, at the press conference presenting the document on October 24, his remarks were the most specific, centered in particular on calling for the introduction of a tax on financial transactions, called a "Tobin tax" after the name of its creator, or a "Robin Hood tax."

 At the G20 summit in Cannes, the idea of this tax popped up in some of the comments of Barack Obama and Nicholas Sarkozy, but nothing concrete was done about it.

Another assertion of the Vatican document, according to which the economy of Europe is in danger of inflation rather than deflation, was contradicted on November 1 by the decision of the new governor of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi, who lowered the interest rate of the euro instead of raising it, as is always done when inflation is a real threat.

As for the main objective of the document, nothing less than a one world government of politics and the economy, this came out of the G20 in Cannes shredded to pieces. Not only did no one even speak vaguely of such a utopia, but the little that was decided in the concrete went in the opposite direction. The disorder in the world is now more severe than before, and has its most serious deficit in the increased the inability of European governments to guarantee "governance" of the continent.

It is little consolation for the Vatican document that it has been compared to the views of the "Occupy Wall Street" protesters. Or that it was echoed in a pugnacious  article by Anglican primate Rowan Williams in the "Financial Times" on November 2, in favor of the "Robin Hood tax."


But more than these terrible grades, what has been even more irritating for many authoritative readers of the document of the pontifical council for justice and peace is the fact that it is in glaring contradiction with Benedict XVI's encyclical "Caritas in Veritate."

In the encyclical, pope Joseph Ratzinger does not in any way call for a "public authority with universal competency" over politics and the economy, that sort of great Leviathan (no telling who gets the throne, or how) so dear to the document of October 24.

In "Caritas in Veritate" the pope speaks more properly of the "governance" (meaning regulation, "moderamen" in Latin) of globalization, through subsidiary and polyarchic institutions. Nothing at all like a monocratic world government.

When one then delves into the analyses and specific proposals, it is also stunning how strong the divergence is between what is written in the document of the pontifical council for justice and peace and what has been maintained for some time in the financial commentaries published in "L'Osservatore Romano" by Ettore Gotti Tedeschi, president of the Institute for the Works of Religion, the Vatican bank, also chosen for his post by Cardinal Bertone.

For example, not even one line in the document attributes the global economic and financial crisis to the collapse in the birth rate and to the resulting higher and higher costs of population aging.

It was easy to predict that Gotti Tedeschi would not remain silent. And in fact, on November 4 – the same day as the summit convened by Bertone in the secretariat of state – "L'Osservatore Romano" published an editorial by Tedeschi that reads like a complete repudiation of the document of the pontifical council for justice and peace.

The editorial follows here. And reading it raises the suspicion that the first draft was even more devastating . . .



by Ettore Gotti Tedeschi

There have been serious errors, which continue to persist, in interpreting and underestimating the current economic crisis.

The true origins of the collapse of birthrates and the consequences of the increase of taxes on the GDP to absorb the costs of the ageing of the population were wrongly interpreted. The effects of the decisions made to compensate for these phenomena were underestimated, especially with the de-localization of production and consumer debt.

Then, the urgency to intervene and the criteria to follow in order to “deflate” the debt produced were not taken into enough consideration. Thus, the collapse of trust which led to the reduction of the value of the stock market and the debt crisis was not anticipated.

At this point, there are no longer many solutions.

To deflate the total debt – public, banking, business and family – and bring it back to pre-crisis levels, that is, to around 40% less, it is possible, though not advisable, to cancel a part of the debt with a type of “preventive agreement,” where creditors are paid at 60%.

It is possible, but it would be a hypothesis without a future, to invent some new bubble to compensate for debt with an increase in the value of real estate or goods.

It could be considered – but we hope it is only a temptation – to tax the wealth of families, sacrificing however, a necessary resource for development and at the same time creating an injustice.

One could also look for a way for rapid development, thanks to a growth in competition, which however in the global crisis is not easy to generate. There is no capital to invest, the banks are weak, the demographic problem penalizes demand and investments. In this context, besides, consumer debt is not even imaginable.

Western countries are expensive and to make them economical in a short period, one must intervene on the cost of labor. Protectionist interventions to sustain businesses that are not competitive however, would produce disadvantages for consumers and would reduce buying, already in decline

The single currency could be devaluated, but this would lead to an increase in the price of imported goods.

Someone, to lower the debt, has also thought of inflation. But inflation does not happen if economic growth is at zero, salaries are at a standstill, the shadow of unemployment looms and even the price of raw goods is diminished.

One could say that the spiral of inflation will not occur as long as there is lack of faith in one’s currency. The problem is that today, one cannot have faith in any currency: all of them, including the euro and the dollar, are weak.

Inflation will not take off also because liquidity does not circulate, but mostly because that created by the central banks has substituted that produced by the banking system to sustain debt growth.

The first problem today, then, is not inflation but deflation. Markets, in fact, are privileging liquidity. This is because in a deflationary regime, the value of currency increases while during inflation, it decreases.

To advance the economy today without increasing public debt means correlating interest rates with the GDP. For public debt superior to 100% of GDP, it is evident that to obtain a growth of 1%, without increasing debt, means not having taxes superior to 1% and penalizing savings.

The solution is in the hands of governments and central banks who must come up with a coordinated strategic action of re-industrialization, strengthening of credit institutions and support for employment.

This will take time, a time of austerity in which the foundations of economic growth must be rebuilt.

Above all, governments must restore citizen and market trust through a governance that is adapted to the times and which, more than just being technically competent, is also a leadership model. A governance which aims for the common good.


Among Ettore Gotti Tedeschi's many discussions of the collapse in birth rates as the ultimate cause of the current economic crisis, here is a summary of the article he published last summer in "Atlantide," the magazine of the Foundation for Subsidiarity, part of Communion and Liberation:

> Riprendiamo a fare figli e l'economia ripartirà

In "L'Osservatore Romano" on August 27, 2011, Gotti Tedeschi also argued forcefully against the taxation of assets supported by politicians, union leaders, economists, entrepreneurs, and businessmen of various countries, as well as by numerous Catholic figures:

> Noah's Horizon. For a Real Solution to the Crisis

Gotti Tedeschi is also staunchly opposed to the taxation of financial transactions in a country like Italy, in which the household savings rate is very high. In his view, these private savings, instead of being punished with new taxes, should be used, with guarantees on the part of the state, to finance the small and medium-sized businesses that are the backbone of Italy's productive economy.


A clear rejection of the document of the pontifical council for justice and peace has also come from an authoritative secular Italian economist, Professor Francesco Forte, the successor at the University of Turin to the post of the great liberal economist Luigi Einaudi, governor of the Bank of Italy and then president of the republic from 1948-1955:

> Il professor Forte boccia il temino targato Bertone


The October 24, 2011 document of the pontifical council for justice and peace:

> "Towards reforming the international financial and monetary system in the context of global public authority"

And the presentation made by Cardinal Turkson, Bishop Toso, and the economist Becchetti:

> Conferenza stampa del 24 ottobre 2011


The "social" encyclical of Benedict XVI:

> "Caritas in veritate"


English translation by Matthew Sherry, Ballwin, Missouri, U.S.A.

Vatican Urges for Global Financial Reform for Common Good via Global Public Authority

The Vatican wants to keep their call for a New World Order under wraps!

Cardinal Bertone was dismayed by the public reaction to a recent statement from the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace on the world’s financial system. The statement’s call for a world financial authority drew heavy criticism from some economic analysts.

Officials at the Secretariat of State said that they were caught by surprise by its content.

To prevent such problems in the future, Cardinal Bertone said that all Vatican statements should be cleared for publication through his Secretariat.

See also:

Rerum Novarum

Centesimus Annus

Caritas In Veritate

The Popes Plans On Organizing Political, Economic And Religious Activities Worldwide

Vatican Calls For World Government

Amplify’d from

Vatican Urges for Global Financial Reform for Common Good via Global Public Authority

In a statement recently released from the Vatican, there were many statements addressing current issues with the financial and monetary systems around the world.  The Vatican emphasized over 20 times in the letter the words Common Good, which for me personally couldn’t resonate more with and being able to help those both domestic and foreign.

The Vatican aims to be able to combat soem fo the current issues with the financial and monetary systems by implementing a universal or ‘global’ Public Authority.  This Global Authority would have the means to oversea and control the world’s marketplace to a certain extent including arms control, migration, food security, and environmental protection.

The official documet was titled “Toward Reforming the International Financial and Monetary Systems in the Context of Global Public Authority”, and thus far has stirred up mixed emotions with people around the globe.

What are your thoughts on a Global Public Authority and do you believe in a Common Good?

Leave your thoughts and comments below.

Signed, Rick Jeffries


Vatican backtracks on world government doc

The Vatican wants to keep their call for a New World Order under wraps!

Cardinal Bertone was dismayed by the public reaction to a recent statement from the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace on the world’s financial system. The statement’s call for a world financial authority drew heavy criticism from some economic analysts.

Officials at the Secretariat of State said that they were caught by surprise by its content.

To prevent such problems in the future, Cardinal Bertone said that all Vatican statements should be cleared for publication through his Secretariat.

See also:

Rerum Novarum

Centesimus Annus

Caritas In Veritate

The Popes Plans On Organizing Political, Economic And Religious Activities Worldwide

Vatican Calls For World Government

Wow, sounds like the Vatican was gobsmacked by the reaction to the recent statement by the Peace and Justice pontifical council. The fallout, via Sandro Magister:

Precisely when the G20 summit in Cannes was coming to its weak and uncertain conclusion, on that same Friday, November 4 at the Vatican, a smaller summit convened in the secretariat of state was doing damage control on the latest of many moments of confusion in the Roman curia.

In the hot seat was the document on the global financial crisis released ten days earlier by the pontifical council for justice and peace. A document that had disturbed many, inside and outside of the Vatican.

The secretary of state, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, complained that he had not known about it until the last moment. And precisely for this reason he had called that meeting in the secretariat of state.

The conclusion of the summit was that this binding order would be transmitted to all of the offices of the curia: from that point on, nothing in writing would be released unless it had been inspected and authorized by the secretariat of state.

This part is especially interesting:

But more than these terrible grades, what has been even more irritating for many authoritative readers of the document of the pontifical council for justice and peace is the fact that it is in glaring contradiction with Benedict XVI’s encyclical “Caritas in Veritate.”

In the encyclical, pope Joseph Ratzinger does not in any way call for a “public authority with universal competency” over politics and the economy, that sort of great Leviathan (no telling who gets the throne, or how) so dear to the document of October 24.

In “Caritas in Veritate” the pope speaks more properly of the “governance” (meaning regulation, “moderamen” in Latin) of globalization, through subsidiary and polyarchic institutions. Nothing at all like a monocratic world government.

We chewed over what the Pope meant, or might have meant, here.