Vatican Urges for Global Financial Reform for Common Good via Global Public Authority

The Vatican wants to keep their call for a New World Order under wraps!

Cardinal Bertone was dismayed by the public reaction to a recent statement from the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace on the world’s financial system. The statement’s call for a world financial authority drew heavy criticism from some economic analysts.

Officials at the Secretariat of State said that they were caught by surprise by its content.

To prevent such problems in the future, Cardinal Bertone said that all Vatican statements should be cleared for publication through his Secretariat.

See also:

Rerum Novarum

Centesimus Annus

Caritas In Veritate

The Popes Plans On Organizing Political, Economic And Religious Activities Worldwide

Vatican Calls For World Government

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Vatican Urges for Global Financial Reform for Common Good via Global Public Authority

In a statement recently released from the Vatican, there were many statements addressing current issues with the financial and monetary systems around the world.  The Vatican emphasized over 20 times in the letter the words Common Good, which for me personally couldn’t resonate more with and being able to help those both domestic and foreign.

The Vatican aims to be able to combat soem fo the current issues with the financial and monetary systems by implementing a universal or ‘global’ Public Authority.  This Global Authority would have the means to oversea and control the world’s marketplace to a certain extent including arms control, migration, food security, and environmental protection.

The official documet was titled “Toward Reforming the International Financial and Monetary Systems in the Context of Global Public Authority”, and thus far has stirred up mixed emotions with people around the globe.

What are your thoughts on a Global Public Authority and do you believe in a Common Good?

Leave your thoughts and comments below.

Signed, Rick Jeffries


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