State Of The Ocean: 'Shocking' Report Warns Of Mass Extinction From Current Rate Of Marine Distress

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State Of The Ocean: 'Shocking' Report Warns Of Mass Extinction From Current Rate Of Marine Distress

State Of The Ocean Report 2011 Ipso Mass Extinctio

If the current actions contributing to a multifaceted degradation of the world's oceans aren't curbed, a mass extinction unlike anything human history has ever seen is coming, an expert panel of scientists warns in an alarming new report.

The preliminary report from the International Programme on the State of the Ocean (IPSO) is the result of the first-ever interdisciplinary international workshop examining the combined impact of all of the stressors currently affecting the oceans, including pollution, warming, acidification, overfishing and hypoxia.

“The findings are shocking," Dr. Alex Rogers, IPSO's scientific director, said in a statement released by the group. "This is a very serious situation demanding unequivocal action at every level. We are looking at consequences for humankind that will impact in our lifetime, and worse, our children's and generations beyond that."

The scientific panel concluded that degeneration in the oceans is happening much faster than has been predicted, and that the combination of factors currently distressing the marine environment is contributing to the precise conditions that have been associated with all major extinctions in the Earth's history.

According to the report, three major factors have been present in the handful of mass extinctions that have occurred in the past: an increase of both hypoxia (low oxygen) and anoxia (lack of oxygen that creates "dead zones") in the oceans, warming and acidification. The panel warns that the combination of these factors will inevitably cause a mass marine extinction if swift action isn't taken to improve conditions.

The report is the latest of several published in recent months examining the dire conditions of the oceans. A recent World Resources Institute report suggests that all coral reefs could be gone by 2050 if no action is taken to protect them, while a study published earlier this year in BioScience declares oysters as "functionally extinct", their populations decimated by over-harvesting and disease. Just last week scientists forecasted that this year's Gulf "dead zone" will be the largest in history due to increased runoff from the Mississippi River dragging in high levels of nitrates and phosphates from fertilizers.

A recent study in the journal Nature, meanwhile, suggests that not only will the next mass extinction be man-made, but that it could already be underway. Unless humans make significant changes to their behavior, that is.

The IPSO report calls for such changes, recommending actions in key areas: immediate reduction of CO2 emissions, coordinated efforts to restore marine ecosystems, and universal implementation of the precautionary principle so "activities proceed only if they are shown not to harm the ocean singly or in combination with other activities." The panel also calls for the UN to swiftly introduce an "effective governance of the High Seas."

"The challenges for the future of the ocean are vast, but unlike previous generations we know what now needs to happen," Dan Laffoley of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) and co-author of the report said in a press release for the new report. "The time to protect the blue heart of our planet is now, today and urgent."


What A Friend We Have in Jesus (耶穌恩友) w/ subtitles in 12 languages

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What A Friend We Have in Jesus (耶穌恩友) w/ subtitles in 12 languages

You are advised to wear a headset for the best musical effect. You are also advised to turn on the closed caption (CC) button on the bottom right of the video player and hover the cursor aside and then over the "red" CC button for subtitle selections. (請選擇字幕,並建議用耳筒收聽,以收最佳音響效果。)

Title: What A Friend We Have in Jesus (耶穌恩友)
Words: Joseph M. Scriven
Music: Charles C. Converse
Arrangement: Joyce Eilers Bacak
Date: Sunday Service, June 12, 2011
Choir: Cheung Lo Church, Church of Christ in China (中華基督教會長老堂詩班)

Original lyrics in English:

What a Friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear!
What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer!
O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry everything to God in prayer.

Have we trials and temptations? Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged; take it to the Lord in prayer.
Can we find a friend so faithful who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness; take it to the Lord in prayer.

Translation / lyrics in Albanian:

Ç'mik na është Jezus Krishti
Në çdo rast ai na mbron
Ç'provilegj t'i shpiem Zotit
Çdo gjë zemrën na lëndon
O ç'paqtim shumë herë largojmë
O ç'mundime heqim kot
Vetëm se s'ia bëjmë të njohur
Me të falur të madhit Zot.

Kemi ngasje dhe mundime
Jemi mbushur me hidhërim
Le t'ia bëjmë të njohur Zotit
Na dhuron Ai paqëtim
Mund të gjemë mik të tillë
Tjetër Mik si Zotin Krisht
Jo pra zemrën hap tregoji
Ç'të mundon ty kotësisht.

Translation / lyrics in Chinese:



Translation / lyrics in French:

Quel ami fidèle et tendre
Nous avons en Jésus-Christ!
Toujours prêt à nous entendre,
À répondre à notre cri!
Il connaˆt nos défaillances,
Nos chutes de chaque jour,
Sévère en ses exigences,
Il est riche en son amour.

Quel ami fidèle et tendre
Nous avons en Jésus-Christ!
Toujours prêt a nous comprendre,
Quand nous sommes en souci!
Disons lui toutes nos craintes,
Ouvrons lui tout notre coeur.
Bientôt ses paroles saintes
Nous rendront le vrai bonheur.

Translation / lyrics in Japanese:

などかは下ろさぬ, 負える重荷を。


Translation / lyrics in Korean:

죄짐 맡은 우리 구주 어찌 좋은 친군지
걱정 근심 무거운 짐 우리 주께 맡기세
주께 고함 없는 고로 복을 얻지 못하네
사람들이 어찌하여 아뢸 줄을 모를까

시험 걱정 모든 괴롬 없는 사람 누군가
부질없이 낙심말고 기도 드려 아뢰세
이런 진실하신 친구 찾아볼 수 있을까
우리 약함 아시오니 어찌 아니 아뢸까

Translation / lyrics in Russian:

Что за Друга мы имеем?
Нас Он к жизни пробудил,
В Нем мы счастием владеем,
В Нем источник вечных сил.
Ах, как часто мы страдали,
Боль терпя напрасно там,
Где просить мы забывали,
Чтоб один помог Он нам.

Искушенье ль нас тревожит,
Жизнь печальна ли у кого,
Каждый пусть из нас возложит
Скорбь свою всю на Него.
Он один среди вселенной
Может свет средь тьмы пролить;
Лишь Христос один мгновенно
Может горе облегчить.

Translation / lyrics in Spanish:

¡Oh, qué amigo nos es Cristo!
El sintió nuestro aflicción
Y nos manda que llevemos
Todo a Dios en oración.
¿Vive el hombre desprovisto
De consuelo y protección?
Es porque no tiene dicho
Todo a Dios en oración.

¿Vives débil y cargado
De temor y tentación?
A Jesús, tu amigo eterno,
Cuenta todo en oración.
¿Te desprecian tus amigos?
Dilo a él en oración:
En sus brazos cariñosos
Paz tendrá tu corazón.
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What A Friend We Have in Jesus (耶穌恩友) w/ subtitles in 12 languages

What A Friend We Have in Jesus (耶穌恩友) w/ subtitles in 12 languages

Whitehouse to want Streaming Media of any copyrighted materials to be a felony

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Whitehouse to want Streaming Media of any copyrighted materials to be a felony

Obama wants you in copyright prison for streaming political videos

This image looks more cleaner then the other one so this one will be the new Obama copyright prison illustration.

Author: Brian D. Hill

The White House whitepaper has been archived at USWGO in cases of censorship!

Now that the Protect IP Act (S.968) has been exposed then blocked at the committee level, a new threat bill is being implemented in the House and Senate committees known as S. 978, and then the Whitehouse issued a whitepaper, a decree that he wants people that commit any form of copyright infringement even non commercial to be prosecuted then thrown into prison. It means that those that expose truth such as the Alex Jones channel on YouTube, FederalJack-Tube, and other truther members would be arrested for copyright infringement then thrown into prison for no less then 20 years in prison. It ain’t just the Protect IP Act, the White House wants an end to truth sites and alternative media.

So the three bills we need to tell our congress to vote No are as follows:

S.968 – Protect IP Act – Preventing Real Online Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property Act of 2011 – Govtrack

S.978 – To amend the criminal penalty provision for criminal infringement of a copyright, and for other purposes. (Introduced in Senate – IS) – Govtrack

So now they want to make all forms of using copyrighted content on YouTube to be illegal and a criminal act. That also includes acts that are protected under Fair Use Exemptions under the Copyright Act. This means that the elite and Bilderberg class of political infiltrators want to go after everyone now under the guise of stopping copyright infringement.

This quote is what the administration wants to do against truth video uploaders:

Ensure Felony Penalties for Infringement By Streaming and by Means of Other New Technology: It is imperative that our laws account for changes in technology used by infringers. One recent technological change is the illegal streaming of content. Existing law provides felony penalties for willful copyright infringement, but felony penalties are predicated on the defendant either illegally reproducing or distributing the copyrighted work.2 Questions have arisen about whether streaming constitutes the

distribution of copyrighted works (and thereby is a felony) .

So it looks like the Obama Administration is pulling no punches against shutting down most of the Internet and truth blogs.

Not just criminal penalties against infringers but also wiretap which the NSA and CIA are good at.

Recommendation: The Administration recommends that Congress amend 18 U.S.C. § 2516 to give law enforcement authority to seek a wiretap for criminal copyright and trademark offenses.


'Technical Error': NATO admits killing babies

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'Technical Error': NATO admits killing babies

NATO has admitted that civilians were killed in an air strike on a Tripoli suburb on Sunday. Gaddafi officials say two babies were among the nine dead. It's the first time the Alliance has conceded responsibility for civilian deaths, although Libya's Health Ministry claims more than 800 people have died in three months of air attacks. Maria Finoshina reports now from the capital Tripoli. You may find some of the images disturbing.
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Driving Fear: Radioactive cars from Japan?

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Driving Fear: Radioactive cars from Japan?

The Fukushima nuclear crisis has sent the motor industry into turmoil. Officials say all Japanese vehicles are thoroughly checked for radiation before shipment, but reports suggest that contaminated cars could still find their way into the market.
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Driving Fear: Radioactive cars from Japan?

'Technical Error': NATO admits killing babies

The Sanctity of Marriage must be preserved

Public Advocate BannerThe legislative session in New York ends midnight tonight and...

...only ONE vote hangs in the balance in the battle between Traditional Values and Homosexual Marriage.

The Sanctity of Marriage must be preserved.

Please call Andrew Lanza at (518) 455-3215 and urge him to continue standing strong for the family.

Even if you have already called, you must call again.

This could be it...

Please take action today.

For the Family,

Eugene Delgaudio

President, Public Advocate of the United States