Radiation: Real Doctors Have Real Things to Say
Hotel Reception Desk: Chernobyl
The Intel Hub
By Dr. Mark Sircus – IMVA – Contributing Writer
Fortunately we have a medical diagnosis of the situation from a doctor who knows something about iodine and the necessity of taking more of it now.
Dr. David Brownstein, author of Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It, is a friend and a great author of honest medical books. If I could scream with a megaton of force it would be a scream at the orthodox medical establishment to listen to Dr. Brownstein about iodine.
You have to understand, screaming would be required for they are very hard of hearing over there at the FDA and CDC. Even hearing aids don’t do much good for the higher officials in these organizations.
Neither organization puts out trustworthy information because they are front organizations for the organized selling of poisons or what are otherwise called pharmaceuticals. Like the radiation they are telling us is safe, pharmaceuticals must be taken in low dosages to avoid the harmful side effects. It’s the poisonous nature of pharmaceuticals that create the side effects. Same with radiation—it’s the poisonous nature of nucleoid particles that create the radiation sickness and cancer.
As of the 3rd of April Dr. David Brownstein’s diagnosis and advice was:
“I just wanted to give you a quick update on the Japanese nuclear disaster. It is clear that there has been a meltdown at the reactor core. The amount of radioactivity released into the air and the ocean is very large. This may surpass the amount released at Chernobyl.
“There is no question that radioactive particles will be carried by the jet stream and deposited over North America. In fact, there have been multiple reports of radiation spikes occurring in a number of states. Now, the amount of radiation reported has been low. But, do not let that fool you. If you are iodine deficient, your body will try to absorb iodine from whatever source it can get it from, radioactive particles from Japan included.
“As I mentioned in a previous post, it is important to ensure that you are iodine sufficient. How can you do that? The first step is to work with a health care provider who is knowledgeable about iodine. Editors commentary: It’s unfortunate but finding such doctors might be like finding a needle in a haystack.] Next, you can get your iodine levels checked. Many labs will do this with a simple urine test. FFP labs and Hakala Labs do the most complete test on iodine, the 24-hour loading test. I describe this test in more detail in my book, Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It, 4th Edition. You don’t need a doctor’s order to complete this test.
“Finally, ensure that you are taking adequate amounts of inorganic, non-radioactive iodine in order to maintain whole body iodine sufficiency. Iodoral (Optimox), Iodozyme HP (Biotics) and Lugol’s solution are examples of this type of iodine that are effective for maintaining whole body iodine sufficiency. The amount of iodine needed to achieve whole body sufficiency, for most of my patients, varies between 6 and 50 mg/day. What do I mean by ‘whole body sufficiency’?
“Many people and experts talking about the problems with radioactive iodine focus on the thyroid. The thyroid gland has the largest concentration of iodine in the body. However, every cell in the body needs and requires iodine to function optimally. The breasts, ovaries, uterus, prostate, and other tissues also contain large amounts of iodine. If the body is deficient, these tissues will take up radioactive iodine if given the chance. The whole premise of ortho-iodo supplementation that I discuss in my book is to ingest enough iodine in order for all the tissues of the body to be iodine sufficient. The consequences of iodine deficiency are severe—increases in cancer of the breast, ovary, uterus and thyroid. Radioactive iodine exposure in an iodine deficient state will increase the risk of cancer. Again, I discuss this in much more detail in my book.
“The best results with iodine therapy are when it is combined with a holistic treatment regimen. This includes taking vitamin C and salt. Furthermore, correcting nutrient imbalances and detoxifying will help. Finally, ensure that you stay hydrated.
“There is no need to panic over the Japanese disaster. You can use this situation as a wake-up call to ensure that you are doing all that is possible for maintaining your optimal health. Finally, remember to educate yourself about iodine so that you can make the best health care decisions.”
The message is simple:
When it comes to iodine and other minerals it’s about
giving our bodies what they needso they don’t take
on the harmful and radioactive things it doesn’t need.
In this video we see Greenpeace driving around the Fukushima Daiichi Plant and at around 40km from the plant they see extreme radiation and advise a full evacuation. What I find most disturbing in the video is the invisible nature of radiation. These Greenpeace people are driving through a lovely country side that looks normal but is full of deadly radiation. Beautiful countryside that will be lost to humanity forever! And today the fifth of April water with 5 million times the legal limit of radioactivity is being found in the surrounding sea.
Crime against Humanity
A medical crime is being committed by the medical establishment (one world government). The response across the northern hemisphere is uniform. From the backyard of the Fukushima plant to the Great Plains of the United States radiation levels are determined to be safe when they are not, since there is no such thing as completely safe radiation.
Authorities are not planning yet to expand the evacuation zone around the plant, a senior nuclear official said this week. The government created a 20-km (12-mile) evacuation zone around the site after the earthquake and tsunami and they have no intention of getting more people out of harms way. The same type of consciousness is evident everywhere—do nothing and stay calm.
The radiation is much higher in Japan but in the United States the population is much more deficient in Iodine than in Japan where the people who consume a lot more iodine each and every day than Americans. According to Dr. Brownstein 95 percent of the American population (and in fact most of the world’s population) is deeply deficient in iodine leaving them much more vulnerable to the iodine radiation that is raining down already on the continental United States.
The caesium fallout levels now rival the levels recorded when
the Soviet nuclear reactor at Chernobyl exploded in 1986.
Radioactive caesium and iodine has been deposited in northern Japan far from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, at levels that were considered highly contaminated after Chernobyl. The readings were taken by the Japanese science ministry revealing high levels of caesium-137 and iodine-131 outside the evacuation zone.
One of the principle subjects presented early on in Nuclear Toxicity Syndrome (which I hope to finish by next Monday) is about the situation with iodine. We have a problem on earth that is just not going to go away. At this point does any rational being seriously think that such total destruction at the nuclear plant in Japan can be fixed or repaired?
Dr. Michio Kaku has been talking for weeks about the possible dangers that we are still not preparing for if they lose total control of the Fukushima plant. There is a very high possibility for a worst case scenario event though no one seems too worried about it.
The Environmental Protection Agency said it expected elevated levels of radioactive material in rainwater following the incident at the Fukushima nuclear plant and that in fact has occurred from east to west coast.A report released on Saturday found levels of two kinds of cesium and iodine 131 in Boise’s Idaho precipitation. Boise’s levels were higher than any other U.S. city.
In an obscure report a rooftop water monitoring program managed by UC Berkeley’s Department of Nuclear Engineering detected substantial spikes in rain-borne iodine-131 during torrential downpours a week ago. The levels exceeded federal drinking water thresholds, known as maximum contaminant levels by as much as 181 times, though everything was declared as safe.
India has now imposed a three-month ban on imports of food articles from the whole of Japan on fears that radiation from an earthquake-hit nuclear plant was spreading to other parts of the country, becoming the first country to introduce a blanket ban.
Personal Note: I wonder if the Queen of England is humane enough to warn her own royal family—that has been hip deep in the uranium and nuclear business—that they too, as does everyone, even the people at the FDA and CDC, need to address iodine deficiency. President Obama and your kids too… doctor’s orders… start taking your iodine but don’t panic. That’s all you have to do today!
Though I continue to use and recommend Nascent Iodine, especially for the children and iodine sensitive, please understand that any iodine is better than no iodine at this point so one can run out to the pharmacy and purchase the cheapest iodine and paint some of it on one’s skin every day.
Intel Hub Note: Iodine Products
There are many more companies and natural products that contain Iodine besides the three listed. With that being said, these are the only three that I can say that I 100% trust. Enerfood has been part of my daily routine well before they became a sponsor, I have 3 vials of the Bladderwrack Seaweed and order my spirulina and kelp noodles from Natural News. The most important thing is to consult a doctor before taking any new supplements.
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