Fukushima is now the radioactive Deepwater Horizon of the Pacific
Fukushima is now the radioactive Deepwater Horizon of the Pacific
by Mike Adams
April 05, 2011
(NaturalNews) With its massive, ongoing release of radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean, Fukushima has become the Deepwater Horizon of the Pacific. As finally admitted by Japanese authorities, Fukushima is releasing massive quantities of radioactive material into the ocean on an ongoing basis.
This highly contaminated water (7.5 million times) being released today is just the beginning: At least 200 tons of water are being poured onto Reactor No 2 every day, and that extremely radioactive water is, of course, ultimately getting dumped directly into the ocean.
If you do the math, that’s 48,000 gallons of highly radioactive water being flushed into the Pacific Ocean each and every day.
Remember the video of the dark, cloudy oil gushing out of the hole in the ocean floor underneath BP’s Deepwater Horizon drilling rig? Now imagine an invisible cloud that’s far more deadly because it’s radioactive! That’s essentially what we have now with Fukushima.
The seafood is somehow still safe to eat, we’re told
Not surprisingly, the fish being caught off the coast of Japan are already showing high levels of radioactive contamination. (And remember, they all told us that the seafood would be perfectly safe!)
So-called “sand lance” fish are now being detected with 4,080 becquerels of iodine-131 per kilogram. (http://www.nytimes.com/2011/04/06/w…)
Japan was quick to announce new levels of allowable radiation in fish that make up to 2,000 becquerels of iodine-131 legal. This official limit will no doubt be rapidly adjusted upward as more and more radiation contaminates the oceans. Before long, we’ll all be eating fish with a hundred thousand becquerels of iodine-131, and the government will say it’s somehow actually good for you!
The Pacific Ocean is like a giant swimming pool, we’re told
The explanations of why this is all no big concern border on the comically insane. Hidehiko Nishiyama, the official excuse-maker for Japan’s nuclear industry, is now on the record saying, “We’ve decided that discharging the contaminated water into the sea poses no major health hazard.”
What a relief! Now that a bureaucrat has decided it’s safe for us, we have nothing to worry about! I suppose that if Nishiyama were a Jedi master who could move oceans with his mind, then maybe his wishful thinking might actually have some measurable impact, but given that the man appears to possess no telekinetic powers (or even powers of rational thought, for that matter), we might want to get a second opinion from someone whose nose isn’t shoved two meters up the anus of the nuclear power industry.
The Americans, too, are getting in their brown-nosing licks in while the nuclear contamination of the world continues. Timothy Jorgensen, chair of the radiation safety committee at Georgetown University Medical Center, believes the Pacific Ocean is like a collection of trillions of swimming pools. And he says flushing huge quantities of radioactive water into the ocean is essentially no big deal:
“To put this in perspective, the Pacific Ocean holds about 300 trillion swimming pools full of water, and they are going to release about five swimming pools full.”
Except there are three huge problems with this fairy tale explanation. First, they’re releasing 48,000 gallons of radioactive water EVERY DAY into the Pacific, with no end in sight. Even according to Japan’s own reluctant admissions, this process could go on for years — even decades!
Secondly, if releasing radioactive water into the ocean is no big deal, then why don’t we just build all our nuclear power plants on the coast and have them all routinely dump their radioactive water into the ocean instead of bothering with recirculating radioactive coolant liquids?
Thirdly, the Pacific Ocean is not a giant swimming pool, and the water isn’t all “churned up” and homogenized. In fact, the circulation of the water in the Pacific is actually limited to some surprisingly narrow channels. For example, most of the deep water in the Pacific Ocean hasn’t seen the surface of the planet for thousands of years. There is a very long cycle of water movement at work in the ocean, and any assumption that somehow a massive dump of radiation into the ocean is magically and instantly going to be dispersed across tens of trillions of gallons of ocean water is just pure lunacy.
Once again, we see scientists resorting to describing what they wish would happen rather than what will actually happen. I suppose we can all play that same game, no?
I wish all the Fukushima radiation would simply stop being emitted, and that the laws of physics will be suspended in Fukushima so that spent nuclear fuel rods magically and suddenly stop engaging in nuclear fission. There. That’s my wish. Did it work? Probably no better than Jorgensen’s wish that radioactive water will be magically dispersed across the entire Pacific Ocean. When wishful thinking collides with the laws of physics, the laws of physics usually win unless you’re an ascended master who can literally part the seas with the power of intention. And Japan’s nuclear engineers are not ascended masters. Read more…
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