Police find bloody footprints on walk

Police find bloody footprints on York sidewalk

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Police find bloody footprints on York sidewalk

Daily Record/Sunday News
York, PA -
York City Police were called to the 300 block of East Poplar Street this morning after someone discovered several bloody footprints on a sidewalk, according to a news release.

As to what caused them and who they belong to, police are not sure.

Officers went to East Poplar Street at 7:46 a.m., where they found the footprints but could not locate anyone in the area with wounds to their feet, according to the news release.

Anyone with information is asked to call York City Police at 846-1234 or send an anonymous text to TIP411 (847411) by typing the word YORKTIPS, then leaving a message.


Franfurt School of Sexual Indoctrination

The Franfurt School of Sexual Indoctrination! The Sexualisation of Children and Why Your Government Wants This

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The Franfurt School of Sexual Indoctrination! The Sexualisation of Children and Why Your Government Wants This

Foreword by Neil Foster – The Sovereign Independent

Anyone reading the article below will come to the conclusion that the Dept. Of Education is just being run by a bunch of nutters. However, nothing could be further from the truth. These lunatics are actually following a long term agenda which comes directly from The Frankfurt School. The link below explains in some detail some of the ideologies it promotes:

We’ve also posted articles about this ‘cult’:

A report from the Daily Express this morning ran with the same story as the Daily Mail today with the added extra of a comments section. I’m sure the person who added the following comment won’t mind it being published here as it gives a simple insight as to what The Frankfurt School’s ultimate goals are. Take a good look at this list and ask yourself the simple question. How can this happen?

A very important article by Lianne Kolirin. This is all part of the deliberate “Frankfurt Subversion” of Britain, being carried out by “Common Purpose”.

A Few Frankfurt Subversion Techniques:

- Creation of political correctness and racial offences

- Teaching sex and homosexuality to children

- Encouraging crime to destabilize society

- Undermining of schools and teachers’ authority

- Promotion of excessive drinking and drugs

- Create confusion through continual change

- Mass immigration to destroy national identity

- Corruption of the courts

- Emptying the churches

- Dependency on the state for benefits

- Control and dumbing down through the media and television

- Creation of trauma through injustice

- Attack on fathers and the breakdown of the family

- Child stealing by the state

- Destroy the economy by selling all industries to foreign companies

- Abolish private property by seizing homes through foreclosures

If we take a look around us today and witness the total destruction of our culture and way of life, I don’t think it’s hard to see how this has come about when this ‘cult’ has infiltrated and permeated every facet of our lives, including our so called ‘leaders’, public and private organisations, our police and even our military.

We are all in serious trouble unless these people are exposed and charged with what amount to assault on all of us through the manipulation of the whole of society through techniques  used on us to change our behaviour and perceptions of reality to suit their goals. Read more…

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Providing Detailed Charges Burdensome

US Gov’t Attorneys: Providing Detailed Charges to Those on Terror Lists ‘Extremely Burdensome’

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US Gov’t Attorneys: Providing Detailed Charges to Those on Terror Lists ‘Extremely Burdensome’

Activist Post

March 9th, 2011

Dees Illustration

Defense lawyers for organizations on the U.S. government’s “terror list” are frustrated fighting the designation, and seizure of assets in many cases, because the government claims it is too tedious to give an explanation of the charges. ”It would be extremely burdensome to give a list of charges,” said the government’s attorney, Douglas Letter, the Associated Press reported today:

Attorneys for the U.S. government told a federal appeals court Wednesday that informing each person and organization listed as a global terrorist of the reasons they are so designated would be too much work.

They made the argument in a case involving the government’s seizure of assets belonging to the U.S. chapter of Al Haramain Islamic Foundation Inc., a Saudi Arabia-based charity. The case is being heard by a three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

Al Haramain attorney David Cole said outside court that representatives of Al Haramain were left in the dark after the organization was put on the global terrorist list. They continued to fight the designation without knowing what was driving it.

Cole said he and other attorneys could have provided a much more effective defense for the organization if they knew the reasons for the charges.

Organizations that are arbitrarily placed on the terror list who have their assets frozen are finding the burden of proof to be on them.  Yet, they don’t even know what they are supposed to prove given the lack of detailed charges.

In a previous case, U.S. Judge, Gary Karr, ruled that freezing the assets of organizations suspected of terrorist ties has been done without due process by the Treasury Department.  However, he also ruled that the “Treasury Department Office of Foreign Assets Control needed only a reasonable belief that the charity was a component of a larger organization that funds terrorism” to take action.

This erosion of due process and reversal of burden of proof, along with Obama’s recent Executive Order to detain suspected terrorists indefinitely, are troubling signs for the “Land of the Free.”

Intel Hub Note: This is an open admission by the government that they do NOT need to show defense lawyers any real evidence they against peoples and organizations that are on terror lists. 100% Unconstitutional!


TSA Pats Down Pregnant Woman

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TSA Pats Down Pregnant Woman As Possible Security Threat, Police State In Full Force

The Intel Hub

By Alex Thomas

March 9th, 2011

In recent months we have seen the TSA search and harass 9 year old boys, disabled women, women with prosthetic breasts, attractive women, and just about anyone else that they have felt like harassing.

Millions of Americans have denounced these Orwellian tactics yet the Department of Homeland Security continues to push for stricter security measures and even plans to plant TSA agents at malls and sporting events nationwide.

In yet another disgusting youtube video, TSA is seen patting down a pregnant women as a possible terrorist! There is absolutely no possible way that the TSA actually thought this women was a security threat. No, this is about much more then cave dwelling ninjas, this is about total control of every aspect of our society.

Do you believe this women was a security threat?

Fortunately we have recently seen multiple state legislatures come out in support of bills that would charge TSA agents with sexual harassment if they continued their invasive procedures.

Texas Rep. David Simpson(R) has brought forth a bill that would do just that. Speaking to Raw Story, Rep. David Simpson exposed TSA procedures as clear cut sexual harassment.

“We’re talking about what would be a criminal act in any other place,” Rep. David Simpson (R) told Raw Story on Monday. “If you viewed someone naked without their permission or consent, or as a condition of travel, it would be sexual harassment or voyeurism. If you touched people’s privates, that would be sexual assault.

Last week New Hampshire State Rep. George Lambert made news when he co-sponsored a similar bill in a state where live free or die actually means something.

“Fighting a monumental battle over the TSA Scanner Operations is Rep. George Lambert, R-Litchfield, who is co-sponsor of bill (HB628-FN) which makes the touching or viewing with a technological device of a person’s breasts or genitals by a government security agent without probable cause a sexual assault, according to the introductory text of the bill,” wrote Shepard Ambellas.

“That is a crime in this state, and we should charge them every single time,” said bill co-sponsor Rep. George Lambert, R-Litchfield.(WMUR9)

If these bills are able to pass they could be used as blueprints for other states to follow. Not only do these bills show that even politicians see the tyranny, it also shows that Americans CAN stop the coming police state.

If we do not stand together, liberal and conservative, what we know as America will continue to deteriorate to the point of no return.


Trained Whore Of The Priest Class Elite

James O’Keefe Is A Council for National Policy And Leadership Institute Trained Whore Of The Priest Class Elite

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James O’Keefe Is A Council for National Policy And Leadership Institute Trained Whore Of The Priest Class Elite

By Lee Rogers

March 9th, 2011

James O’Keefe the character who has generated a great deal of media attention for secretly recording compromising audio and video of people affiliated with so-called left leaning organizations has had close historical ties to the Council for National Policy linked Leadership Institute.  O’Keefe got his start in media during his time at Rutgers where he founded the Rutgers Centurion a right-wing oriented newspaper from a grant provided to him by the Leadership Institute.  The Leadership Institute was founded by Morton Blackwell a long time member of the Council for National Policy which is a secretive right-wing networking organization whose membership consists of many in the mainstream religious and political elite.

The purpose of the Leadership Institute is to identify and train young conservatives so they can be placed in positions throughout politics, government and media.  People like Grover Norquist, Karl Rove, Mitch McConnell and Mike Pence are alumni of the Leadership Institute indicating the organization’s influence amongst the right wing of the phony mainstream political system.

After O’Keefe graduated from Rutgers, he would go work for the Leadership Institute where he traveled to colleges training students on how to start up conservative newspapers.

O’Keefe would soon begin secretly capturing audio and video of people associated with various left wing organizations catching employees of groups like Planned Parenthood and ACORN making embarrassing statements.   His work has largely been used to continue promoting the divide and conquer mindset of the false left versus right political paradigm and getting people fighting over Republican versus Democrat ideologies.  He has even been praised by right-wing propagandists like Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Bill O’Reilly and others.

It was due to these activities that Blackwell claims they parted ways with O’Keefe because they were afraid that the Leadership Institute would lose their tax exempt status as a result.  Of course, it is highly doubtful that O’Keefe is making a living doing what he claims is independent muckraking and shooting hidden video footage.

It is almost 100% certain that he is working with somebody close to the establishment considering his association with Blackwell and others in the Republican mainstream.  O’Keefe’s videos would not be covered as extensively as they have on major media outlets over the past several years if he were doing this reporting out of the kindness of his heart.  O’Keefe is an obvious operative of some kind otherwise his videos would have never gotten this amount of attention by the corporate media whores that present false realities to the masses.

O’Keefe has also been at the center of the recent National Public Radio or NPR scandal where he shot hidden video footage of NPR executive Ron Schiller making controversial comments about Christians, Jews, Republicans and Tea Party members.  Since NPR is a publically funded media organization, this has made it quite easy for the corporate media to stage a false left versus right debate with this story.  What’s really odd about this whole situation is that Schiller was getting ready to leave NPR in order to take a position at the Aspen Institute a globalist think tank funded by the Ford Foundation and the Rockefellers.

Among the board of trustees at the Aspen Institute is Dave H. Koch who is a huge supporter of Tea Party related causes.  This raises questions about the entire NPR scandal being staged for the purposes of public consumption.   The timing of this footage coming out just as Schiller was getting ready to leave NPR for a group that has affiliations with Tea Party funder David H. Koch is another indication that this event was completely staged.   O’Keefe claims he has additional video footage which he has yet to release, which means we can count on this circus surrounding NPR, Schiller and O’Keefe to go on for quite some time.

Last year, news outlets reported a failed attempt by O’Keefe to lure CNN correspondent Abbie Boudreau onto a boat that is said to have been filled with sex devices.   On the boat, O’Keefe planned to make sexually suggestive comments towards her while everything was being filmed secretly.  It was an obvious attempt by O’Keefe to try to shoot what could have been potentially embarassing video footage of her.  This type of encounter indicates clearly that O’Keefe is some sort of deranged pervert.

O’Keefe has also been involved in other high profile scandals including his arrest on felony charges for interfering with the telephone system of U.S. Senator Mary Landrieu.  O’Keefe was sentenced to three years probation, community service and forced to pay a fine.

It is also funny to see how the media outlets O’Keefe has founded both have veiled references to Rome.  The Rutgers newspaper he founded as mentioned previously is the Rutgers Centurion and a Centurion was a Roman military rank.  His web site is called TheProjectVeritas.Org which is interesting considering that Veritas is Latin for “Truth” and Latin was of course the language spoken in Ancient Rome.

Although Latin is considered to be a dead language of sorts, it is still spoken by many members of the clergy.  His use of this terminology could very well be a sick joke as he openly declares his alliegance to the priest class elite.

Long story short, O’Keefe is another operative of the priest class elite considering his extensive ties to the Council for National Policy linked Leadership Institute.  This whole situation with NPR looks as if it is a staged operation as there are many questions about the players involved.   Unfortunately, it looks as if this O’Keefe clown will be responsible for putting out more material that will continue to facilitate the false Republican versus Democrat mindset that has been very effective at controlling the minds of many individuals.


Social Security Paying for Wars Bailouts

Stealing from Social Security to Pay for Wars and Bailouts

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Paul Craig Roberts

March 10, 2011

The American Empire is failing. A number of its puppet rulers are being overthrown by popular protests, and the almighty dollar will not even buy one Swiss franc, one Canadian dollar, or one Australian dollar. Despite the sovereign debt problem that threatens EU members Greece, Ireland, Spain, and Portugal, it requires $1.38 dollars to buy one euro, a new currency that was issued at parity with the US dollar.

The US dollar’s value is likely to fall further in terms of other currencies, because nothing is being done about the US budget and trade deficits. Obama’s budget, if passed, doesn’t reduce the deficit over the next ten years by enough to cover the projected deficit in the FY 2012 budget.

Indeed, the deficits are likely to be substantially larger than forecast. The military/security complex, about which President Eisenhower warned Americans a half century ago, is more powerful than ever and shows no inclination to halt the wars for US hegemony.

The cost of these wars is enormous. The US media, being good servants for the government, only reports the out-of-pocket or current cost of the wars, which is only about one-third of the real cost. The current cost leaves out the cost of life-long care for the wounded and maimed, the cost of life-long military pensions of those who fought in the wars, the replacement costs of the destroyed equipment, the opportunity cost of the resources wasted in war, and other costs. The true cost of America’s illegal Iraq invasion, which was based entirely on lies, fabrications and deceptions, is at least $3,000 billion according to economist Joseph Stiglitz and budget expert Linda Bilmes.

The same for the Afghan war, which is ongoing. If the Afghan war lasts as long as the Pentagon says it needs to, the cost will be a multiple of the cost of the Iraq war.

There is not enough non-military discretionary spending in the budget to cover the cost of the wars even if every dollar is cut. As long as the $1,200 billion ($1.2 trillion) annual budget for the military/security complex is off limits, nothing can be done about the U.S. budget deficit except to renege on obligations to the elderly, confiscate private assets, or print enough money to inflate away all debts.

The other great contribution to the US deficit is the offshoring of production for US markets. This practice has enriched corporate management, large shareholders, and Wall Street, but it has eroded the tax base, and thereby tax collections, of local, state, and federal government, halted the growth of real income for everyone but the rich, and disrupted the lives of those Americans whose jobs were sent abroad. When short-term and long-term discouraged workers are added to the U.3 measure of unemployment, the U.S. has an unemployment rate of 22%. A country with more than one-fourth of its work force unemployed has a shrunken tax base and feeble consumer purchasing power.

To put it bluntly, the $3 trillion cost of the Iraq war, as computed by Joseph Stiglitz and Linda Bilmes, is 20% of the size of the U.S. economy in 2010. In other words, the Iraq war alone cost Americans one-fifth of the year’s gross domestic product. Instead of investing the resources, which would have produced income and jobs growth and solvency for state and local governments, the US government wasted the equivalent of 20% of the production of the economy in 2010 in blowing up infrastructure and people in foreign lands. The US government spent a huge sum of money committing war crimes, while millions of Americans were thrown out of their jobs and foreclosed out of their homes.

The bought-and-paid-for Congress had no qualms about unlimited funding for war, but used the resulting “debt crisis” to refuse help to American citizens who were out of work and out of their homes.

The obvious conclusion is that “our” government does not represent us.

The US government remains a champion of offshoring, which it calls “globalism.” According to the US government and its shills among “free market” economists, destroying American manufacturing and the tax bases of cities, states, and the federal government by moving US jobs and GDP offshore is “good for the economy.” It is “free trade.”

It is the same sort of “good” that the US government brings to Iraq and Afghanistan by invading those countries and destroying lives, homes and infrastructures. Destruction is good. That’s the way our government and its shills see things. In America destruction is done with jobs offshoring, financial deregulation, and fraudulent financial instruments. In Iraq and Afghanistan (and now Pakistan) is it done with bombs and drones.

Where is all this leading?

It is leading to the destruction of Social Security and Medicare.

Republicans have convinced a large percentage of voters that America is in trouble, not because it wastes 20% of the annual budget on wars of aggression and Homeland Security porn-scanners, but because of the poor and retirees.

Pundits scapegoat the middle class and blame the struggling middle along with the poor and retirees. Fareed Zakaria, for example, sees no extravagance in a trillion dollar military budget. The real money, he says, is in programs for the middle class, and the middle class “will immediately punish any [politician] who proposes spending cuts in any middle class program.” What does Zakaria think the military/security complex will do to any politician who cuts the military budget? As a well-paid shill he had rather not say.

Andrew Sullivan also has no concept of reductions in military/security subsidies: “they’re big babies I mean, people keep saying they don’t want any tax increases, but they don’t want to have their Medicare cut, they don’t want to have their Medicaid [cut] or they don’t want to have their Social Security touched one inch. Well, it’s about time someone tells them,you can’t have it, baby.”

Niall Ferguson thinks that Americans are so addicted to wars that the U.S. government will default on Social Security and Medicare.

Republicans tell us that our grandchildren are being saddled with impossible debt burdens because of handouts to retirees and the poor. $3 trillion wars are necessary and have nothing to do with the growth of the public debt. The public debt is due to unnecessary “welfare” that workers paid for with a 15% payroll tax.

When you hear a Republican sneer “entitlement,” he or she is referring to Social Security and Medicare, for which people have paid 15% of their wages for their working lifetime. But when a Republican sneers, he or she is saying “welfare.” To the distorted mind of a Republican, Social Security and Medicare are undeserved welfare payments to people who over-consumed for a lifetime and did not save for their old age needs.

America can be strong again once we get rid of these welfare leeches.

Once we are rid of these leeches, we can really fight wars. And show people who is boss.

Republicans regard Social Security as an “unfunded liability,” that is, a giveaway that is

interfering with our war-making ability.

Alas, Social Security is an unfunded liability, because all the money working people put into it was stolen by Republicans and Democrats in order to pay for wars and bailouts for mega-rich bankers like Goldman Sachs.

What I am about to tell you might come as a shock, but it is the absolute truth, which you can verify for yourself by going online to the government’s annual OASDI and HI reports. According to the official 2010 Social Security reports, between 1984 and 2009 the American people contributed $2 trillion, that is $2,000 billion, more to Social Security and Medicare in payroll taxes than was paid out in benefits.

What happened to the surplus $2,000 billion, or $2,000,000,000,000.

The government spent it.

Over the past quarter century, $2 trillion in Social Security and Medicare revenues have been used to finance wars and pork-barrel projects of the US government.

Depending on assumptions about population growth, income growth and other factors, Social Security continues to be in the black until after 2025 or 2035 under the “high cost” and “intermediate” assumptions and the current payroll tax rate of 15.3% based on the revenues paid in and the interest on those surplus revenues. Under the low cost scenario, Social Security (OASDI) will have produced surplus revenues of $31.6 trillion by 2085.

When I was Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury, Deputy Assistant Secretary Steve Entin worked out a way to put Social Security on a sound basis with the current rate of payroll tax without requiring one cent of general revenues. You can read about it in chapter 9 of my book, The Supply-Side Revolution, which Harvard University Press has kept in print for more than a quarter century. Entin’s solution, or a variation of it, would still work, so Social Security can easily be saved within the current payroll tax rate. Instead of acknowledging this incontrovertible fact, the right-wing wants to terminate the program.

Treasury was blocked from putting Entin’s plan into effect by the fact that other parts of the government and the Greenspan Social Security Commission had agendas different from ensuring a sound Social Security system.

Wall Street insisted that the Reagan tax rate reductions would explode consumer spending, cause inflation and destroy the values of stock and bond portfolios. When inflation collapsed instead of exploding, Wall Street said that the deficits, which resulted from inflation’s collapse, would cause inflation and destroy the values of stock and bond portfolios. This didn’t happen either.

Nevertheless, the Greenspan commission played to these mistaken fears. The “Reagan deficits” could not cause inflation, because they were the result of the unanticipated collapse of inflation (anticipated only by supply-side economists). As I demonstrated in a paper published in the 1980s in the US, UK, Japan, Germany, Italy, and other countries, tax revenues were below the forecast amounts because inflation, and thus nominal GNP, were below forecast. The collapse of inflation also made real government spending higher than intended as the spending figures in the five-year budget were based on higher inflation than was realized.

The subsidy to the US government from the payroll tax is larger than the $2 trillion in excess revenue collections over payouts. The subsidy of the Social Security payroll tax to the government also includes the fact that $2.8 trillion of US government debt obligations are not in the market. If the national debt held by the public were $2.8 trillion larger, so would be the debt service costs and most likely also the interest rate.

The money left over for war would be even smaller. More would have to be borrowed or printed.

The difference between the $2 trillion in excess Social Security revenues and the $2.8 trillion figure is the $0.8 trillion that is the accumulated interest over the years on the mounting $2 trillion in debt, if the Treasury had had to issue bonds, instead of non-marketable IOUs, to the Social Security Trust Fund. When the budget is in deficit, the Treasury pays interest by issuing new bonds in the amount of the interest due. In other words, the interest on the debt adds to the debt outstanding.

The robbed Social Security Trust Fund can only be made good by the US Treasury issuing another $2.8 trillion in US government debt to pay off its IOUs to the fund.

When a government is faced with a $14 trillion public debt growing by trillion dollar deficits as far as the eye can see, how does it add another $2.8 trillion to the mix?

Only with great difficulty.

Therefore, to avoid repaying the $2.8 trillion that the government has stolen for its wars and bailouts for mega-rich bankers, the right-wing has selected entitlements as the sacrificial lamb.

A government that runs a deficit too large to finance by borrowing will print money as long as it can. When the printing press begins to push up inflation and push down the exchange value of the dollar, the government will be tempted to reduce its debt by reneging on entitlements or by confiscating private assets such as pension funds. When it has confiscated private assets and reneged on public obligations, nothing is left but the printing press.

We owe the end-time situation that we face to open-ended wars and to an unregulated financial system concentrated in a few hands that produces financial crises by leveraging debt to irresponsible levels.

The government of the United States does not represent the American people. It represents the oligarchs. The way campaign finance and elections are structured, the American people cannot take back their government by voting. A once proud and free people have been reduced to serfdom.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts is the father of Reaganomics and the former head of policy at the Department of Treasury. He is a columnist and was previously an editor for the Wall Street Journal. His latest book, “How the Economy Was Lost: The War of the Worlds,” details why America is disintegrating.


Debit cards: $50 spending limit coming?

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Blake Ellis

March 10, 2011

Editor’s note: Another good reason to use cash instead of plastic.

Declined! Your debit card may soon be denied for purchases greater than $100 — or even as little as $50.

JPMorgan Chase, one of the nation’s largest banks, is considering capping debit card transactions at either $50 or $100, according to a source with knowledge of the proposal.

Why? Because of a tricky thing called interchange fees.


Bahrain Using Nerve Gas On Demonstrators

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Kurt Nimmo

March 10, 2011

Back on February 13, Bahrain vowed to use tougher anti-protest methods to prevent the people of the tiny kingdom from demanding government reform.

All substances currently being used in Bahrain to disperse what the state deems rioters are internationally approved, military courts director Major Humood Saad told parliament at the time. “He said that they were natural substances and that banning police from using them during riots, would mean that they would have to use more potentially lethal and stronger methods, such as rubber bullets,” Bahraini TV reported.

MP Dr Aziz Abul said that Bahraini law bans the country from using chemical warfare against enemies, “but allows police to use it against the people.”

Doctors confirmed the Bahraini state is in fact using “potentially lethal and stronger methods” in order to put down calls for a more representative government.

“Doctors from the scene of violent anti-government protests in Yemen’s capital said that what was thought to be tear gas fired by government forces on demonstrators may have been nerve gas, which is forbidden under international law,” reports the Australian.

“The material in this gas makes people convulse for hours. It paralyses them. They couldn’t move at all. We tried to give them oxygen but it didn’t work,” said Amaar Nujaim, a field doctor who works for Islamic Relief.

Pathologist Mohammad Al-Sheikh said that some of the victims had lost muscular control and were forced to wear diapers.

Reports indicate victims of nerve gas apparently used by the monarchy on its citizens were not engaged in violence. “Military personnel opened fire on Tuesday night and used what was originally assumed to be tear gas to disperse a group of demonstrators who were trying to bring additional tents into the protest area outside Sanaa University,” the Australian continues.

Witnesses said soldiers fired warning shots into the air before shooting gas and live bullets at demonstrators, killing one and injuring at least 50.

The Shi’ite majority population has been protesting against al-Khalifa, the Sunni family that has ruled Bahrain for over 200 years.

Sectarian violence has erupted in the tiny kingdom between Shiite and Sunni Muslims.

While the protests have primarily focused on demands for political reform and for better access to jobs, housing and education, demonstrators have also rallied against a controversial policy to extend citizenship to Sunnis from Syria, Jordan and other countries.

Earlier this month, it was reported that the Saudi government had shipped dozens of tanks to Bahrain. Eyewitnesses reported seeing “15 tank carriers carrying two tanks each heading towards Bahrain” along the 25-km King Fahd causeway, which links the small island nation of Bahrain to Saudi Arabia, RIA Novosti reported on March 1.

It is not clear where Bahrain acquired nerve gas. Saudi Arabia, according to the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies, does not have a chemical or biological weapons program. Bahrain is not tracked by the center.

Bahrain is home to the U.S. Navy’s 5th Fleet and 370 offshore banking units and representative offices.