Intensive probation for York City man falsely accused of kidnapping

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Intensive probation for York City man falsely accused of kidnapping

ELIZABETH EVANS - The York Dispatch

A York City man falsely accused of kidnapping a 14-year-old girl in April is being released after spending more than eight months in York County Prison.

James Kenton Naylor, 19, was sentenced Wednesday to four years of intensive probation. He pleaded guilty in November to charges related to the incident, at which time more serious offenses - including kidnapping - were dismissed.

Naylor has been locked up since April 27, a prison official said.

Naylor and co-defendant Ryan Tanner Chambers, 22, of York City, both pleaded guilty to corruption of a minor for the incident in which the girl claimed she'd been kidnapped. Both received time-served sentences, according deputy prosecutor Seth Bortner.

"They were smoking marijuana around her, and that's where the corruption charge comes from," Bortner said. "We also think one of the (men) was trying to kiss her."

On Wednesday, Naylor was sentenced to four years of probation for possession with intent to deliver a controlled substance, which he also pleaded guilty to in November.

Fake crack: Bortner said that when Naylor was arrested on the false kidnapping allegation, he had several grams of counterfeit crack cocaine in his possession.

For the first six months of his probation, Naylor must report daily to his probation officer, Bortner said, and also must submit to intensive drug counseling.

"It's about as close an eye as the probation department can keep on you," Bortner said.

Defense attorney Erin Thompson confirmed Naylor has addiction issues.

"He's obviously happy with the result (of his sentence) and is actually looking forward to treatment," she said.

The sentencing guideline range for Naylor's offense was 12 to 18 months in prison, Bortner said, noting that if Naylor not been charged with the false kidnapping he likely would have served less prison time than he has.

The background: The York City girl reported to police she'd been kidnapped from her South Duke Street home just after midnight April 24.

She isn't allowed out at night, but went outside after her mother went to sleep that night and accidentally locked herself out, Bortner said.

"She was locked out and crying when (Naylor and Chambers) found her, and she went with them because she pretty much didn't have anywhere else to go," he said. "It's not that these two (men) were completely innocent of what happened that night. But it wasn't the violent abduction that was originally reported to us."
Chambers and Naylor had been accused of kidnapping the girl at gunpoint. The girl claimed she was cut on the arm with a box cutter, forced to smoke marijuana and had rocks thrown at her, York City Police said.

'Went along': But Bortner said investigators got a different story from an independent witness.

"He said she went along with them on her own, and that the tales of her being terrorized were ... exaggerated," he said.

Bortner said the girl admitted part of her story was a lie, but continued to stand by some of her kidnapping allegations.

"But at that point we couldn't believe her," he said.

A second independent witness - 18-year-old Drakkar Gentry - could not be interviewed at length because he was fatally shot May 5 at the intersection of Walnut Street and Chain Avenue, Bortner said.

- Reach Elizabeth Evans at, 505-5429 or


Speaking Against Homosexuality Labeled a Hate Crime

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“The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) says it will not back down from its decision to label the Family Research Council (FRC) and other socially conservative groups as hate groups,” together with radical, extremist groups such as the Ku Klux Klan and other Aryan Nations for their views about homosexuality.

The FRC was placed on the list with 11 other groups such as the American Family Association, the Traditional Values Coalition. These conservative groups advocate the biblical marriage and family model, and values. Others such as the National Organization for Marriage and the Concerned Women for America were just classified as being anti-gay.

Tony Perkins, president of the FRC requested to have the SPLC retract the hate group designation, but SPLC Intelligence Project Director, Mark Potok, said that will never happen!

“Labelling people and groups as hate groups is laying the groundwork to then charge them with hate crimes using the full force of government to oppress people for their beliefs,” said Concerned Women America president Wendy Wright.

Potok says that the SPLC added the FRC to the hate group list because it claims that gay men molest children at higher rates than straight men, that gay activists want to eliminate age of consent laws, etc.

“We are not backing up, and we are not shutting up,” he said. “As long as they are pushing their radical social agenda, they are going to be waiting a long time before they are seeing a white flag from [us].”

The SPLC countered with a report against the FRC and similar groups’ anti-gay stance, titled “10 Anti-Gay Myths Debunked.” Perkins said “that the SPLC cherry-picked the scientific evidence it chose to cite against the Family Research Council and other similar groups in its related report… and ignored contrary evidence.”

The bible defines marriage as a monogamous, heterosexual committed relationship between a man and woman, and that any other forms of sexual unions are contrary to God’s will. Those who defend the biblical model of marriage and the family, and denounce these unbiblical practices, will likely be labelled as hate groups/individuals too.

“Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot… Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.” Luke 17:28, 30.


Fracking the Life Out of Arkansas and Beyond

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Fracking the Life Out of Arkansas and Beyond

Rady Ananda, Contributing Writer

Activist Post

The last four months of 2010, nearly 500 earthquakes rattled Guy, Arkansas. [1]  The entire state experienced 38 quakes in 2009. [2]  The spike in quake frequency precedes and coincides with the 100,000 dead fish on a 20-mile stretch of the Arkansas River that included Roseville Township on December 30. The next night, 5,000 red-winged blackbirds and starlings dropped dead out of the sky in Beebe. [3]  Hydraulic fracturing is the most likely culprit for all three events, as it causes earthquakes with a resultant release of toxins into the environment. [4]

A close look at Arkansas’ history of earthquakes and drilling reveals a shocking surge in quake frequency following advanced drilling. The number of quakes in 2010 nearly equals all of Arkansas’ quakes for the entire 20th century. The oil and gas industry denies any correlation, but the advent of hydrofracking followed by earthquakes is a story repeated across the nation.  It isn’t going to stop any time soon, either.  Fracking has gone global.

Hydraulic fracturing (fracking) pumps water and chemicals into the ground at a pressurized rate exceeding what the bedrock can withstand, resulting in a microquake that produces rock fractures. Though initiated in 1947, technological advances now allow horizontal fracturing, vastly increasing oil and gas collection. [5] In 1996, shale-gas production in the U.S. accounted for 2 percent of all domestic natural gas production, reports Christopher Bateman in Vanity Fair. “Some industry analysts predict shale gas will represent a full half of total domestic gas production within 10 years.” [6] In 2000, U.S. gas reserve estimates stood at 177 trillion cubic feet, but ramped up to 245 tcf in 2008. These new technologies prompt experts to increase global gas reserve estimates ninefold. [7]

The grid below shows a section of the Arkansas River, with Roseville Township at bottom, where the first reports of the fish kill originated. The green lines surrounding and crossing the river indicate gas pipes, ranging from 8-20” in diameter. Any number of leaks in the pipes can explain the fish kill. Gas wells are shown by yellow ‘suns’ (see red arrows) and range from 1,500 to 6,500 feet deep. (Disposal wells, where drilling waste products are injected at high pressures, go as deep as 12,000 feet.) The red numbers next to the ‘suns’ give the number of gas wells in that spot, numbering close to 50 in this small area. [8]

In December alone, over 150 earthquakes rocked Arkansas. [1] The swarm of quakes in Guy likely results from six years of intense drilling. Guy sits within the Fayetteville Shale Formation which, according to the Arkansas Geological Survey (AGS), is “the current focus of a regional shale-gas exploration and development program.”  A billion cubic feet of gas has been produced from this area since 2004. [9]

Thousands of wells are in operation in North-Central Arkansas (blue section of the following map). [10] Beebe, where the bird kill occurred, is in White County and Guy is at the northern end of Faulkner Co., where the anomalous earthquakes continue.

Red-winged blackbirds roost in clusters up to a million or more birds, often with other species like starlings and cowbirds. (In the 1950s and ’60s, roosts could number 20 million birds.)  Blackbirds prefer low, dense vegetative cover in wetlands or near streams. Though some may perch 30 feet above the water, most perch within one to two feet of it, and some will roost with their feet resting in water. Blackbirds can range up to 50 miles a day from roost to feeding sites, but they all settle in for the night before sunset. [11]

An earthquake of whatever scale can release a stream or cloud of gas and fracking chemicals which could easily explain why sleeping birds would suddenly take flight, and then quickly die as they succumbed to the toxic fumes. Of note, eight measured quakes within 40 miles of Beebe, and within 75 miles of Roseville, hit the area on December 30 thru several minutes past midnight on January 1st. [12]  This excludes any micro- or miniquakes which can have the same effect.  Significantly, the area is known for its prolific microquakes — numbering 40,000 since 1982. [1]

Canadian Geologist Jack Century crusades against induced seismicity from irresponsible drilling. In a 2009 speech before the Peace River Environmental Society, he provided a brief explanation of how fracking induces earthquakes, completely refuting industry denial that fracking causes quakes. Fracking induces not only micro- and mini-seismic actions that can compromise the integrity of well casings, but also large earthquakes registering on the order of 5 to 7 on the Richter Scale, resulting in human deaths. [13]

Scott Ausbrooks, geohazards supervisor for AGS, told CNN in December that while earthquakes aren’t unusual in Arkansas, the frequency is. [14]  Indeed, they’ve had a 1,200 percent increase in earthquakes over 2009 data just in the last four months of 2010. All of the quakes registered less than 3 on the Richter Scale; over 98% of them occurred near Guy, where we find the largest concentration of gas wells; and 99% occurred outside the New Madrid Fault zone (circled in red below) where seismic activity is expected, implying they are human induced [1]:

Though AGS publicly claims no earthquake relation to drilling, in early December, Arkansas banned new drilling permits until further notice.

CNN reported that “According to the Arkansas Oil and Gas Commission, there are at least a half dozen ‘disposal wells’ within a 500-square-mile zone around Guy.” Ausbrooks noted similar “incidents in Colorado in the 1960s at Rocky Mountain Arsenal, where deep water injection was tied to earthquakes.” [14] 

Arkansas Earthquake and Drilling History

When comparing Arkansas’ earthquake history with its drilling history, a causative correlation becomes obvious. The entire 19th century saw 15 recorded earthquakes and none in the first decade of the new century.  A total of 694 quakes rocked Arkansas in the 20th century.  That number was surpassed in 2009-2010, with the bulk (483) occurring the last three months of 2010. Table 1 was prepared using complete quake data thru 2009 [15], complete data from August thru December, 2010 [1], and just North Central Arkansas quake data from January thru July, 2010. [16]

Arkla, Inc., through its many morphs, mergers and acquisitions,  is and has been a key gas driller in Arkansas.  Between 1975 and the early 1980s, the company found more gas than it produced. By 1982, Arkla was able to sell Central Louisiana Electric Company more than 100 million cubic feet of gas daily. By the early 1990s, it operated the sixth-largest pipeline system in the United States and was among the ten largest operators of natural gas reserves. [17] Its production timeline coincides with the massive jump in earthquakes in the 1970s and 1980s. Today, 37 companies drill for gas and oil in Arkansas. [18] 

Unregulated Fracking on a Global March

The U.S. and Canada are not alone in exploiting this highly destructive technology. Poland also embraces fracking. Several energy companies are currently exploring Poland’s reserves, including Conoco-Phillips, ExxonMobil, Marathon, Chevron, Talisman, Lane Energy, BNK Petroleum, Emfesz, EurEnergy Resources, RAG, San Leon Energy and Sorgenia E&P. [19]  These new technologies will significantly impact the global trade in natural gas, according to Forbes [20]:

“Poland consumes 14 billion cubic meters of gas a year and imports more than 70% of it from Russia. It is easy to see how the country could benefit from starting shale gas drilling as soon as possible. Not only could it decrease its dependency on Russia, it might even turn into a gas exporter.”

Bateman noted that Western and Central Europe have leased their lands to frackers. Australians are suffering from the same frack contaminations as Americans, and China is also exploiting the new technology. [6]

Josh Fox’s 2010 film, Gasland, documents a multitude of harmful consequences on animal and human life, as well as property values. The most infamous scene shows people able to ignite their contaminated tap water [21]:

Fox makes the point that Dick Cheney’s former company, Halliburton, lobbied for and won exemptions from the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, Superfund, and the Safe Drinking Water Act, thanks to our corporate-owned Congress.

Nor do drillers have to disclose the toxic chemicals used, contrary to the 1986 Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act. [22]  Though it did not hesitate to pass on Wall Street’s gambling debts to the public (twice), Congress has not found the will to pass the Fracturing Responsibility and Awareness of Chemicals (FRAC) Act.

In 2004, the Environmental Protection Agency determined that fracking poses no threat to water supplies and that no further studies were needed. [23]  From some Orwellian nightmare, however, at least 65 of the chemicals used in fracking are considered hazardous by the EPA. They have been linked to “cancer; liver, kidney, brain, respiratory and skin disorders; birth defects; and other health problems,” according to a 2005 report by the Oil and Gas Accountability Project. Of primary concern to citizens, OGAP notes that “Approximately half of the water that Americans rely on for drinking comes from underground sources.” [24]

Wyoming took a proactive stance on full disclosure of fracking chemicals when it passed new rules in September. Loopholes, however, still allow companies to claim proprietary ownership of such information, restricting it from public view. [25]

Given the EPA’s position that fracking is safe, it’s not likely that Arkansas citizens will get much help from the federal government. Nor will they find a friend at the state level. The Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality has so far been unwilling or unable to stop UMETCO Minerals Corporation from illegally dumping toxic chemicals into streams. [26]

The same situation applies across the nation where state governments protect industry over environmental and human health.  Recently, outgoing Governor David Paterson vetoed legislation that would have put a moratorium on vertical and horizontal hydraulic drilling in New York. [27]  Already, Pennsylvania leases a third of its public lands to private energy drillers. [21]

Given government bias toward energy giants, and BP’s destruction of the Gulf of Mexico is a case in point, more direct action may be required by citizens, if environmental and human health are to be saved from the fossil fuel industry.

Rady Ananda holds a B.S. in Natural Resources from The Ohio State University’s School of Agriculture.

1. Arkansas Geological Survey, “Arkansas Earthquake Updates.”

2. Arkansas Geological Survey, “2009 Earthquakes.”

3. Food Freedom, “Massive fish kill and 1000s of birds fall from the sky in Arkansas,” 2 Jan. 2010.

4. Earthworks, “Hydraulic Fracturing and Earthquakes.”

Also see:

Ben Cassleman, “Temblors Rattle Texas Town: Residents Suspect a Drilling Boom Is Triggering Small Quakes, but Scientists Lack Proof,” Wall Street Journal, 12 June 2009.

James Glanz, “Deep in Bedrock, Clean Energy and Quake Fears,” New York Times, 23 June 2009.
James Glanz, Video: “The Danger of Digging Deeper,” New York Times, 23 June 2009.

5. U.S. Department of Energy, “Hydraulic Fracturing White Paper,” June 2004.

6. Christopher Bateman, “A Colossal Fracking Mess,” Vanity Fair, 16 June 2010.

7. Martin Walker, “Russia’s Fracked Future,” UPI, 1 Feb. 2010.

8. Arkansas Geological Survey, “Fayetteville Shale Gas Play West Map,” Last updated 2 March 2010.×44.pdf

9. Arkansas Geological Survey, “Gas.”

10. Arkansas Geological Survey, “Fayetteville Shale Gas Play.”

11. Brooke Meanley, “The Roosting Behavior of the Red-Winged Blackbird in the Southern United States,” Wilson Bulletin, Vol. 77 No.3, pp 217-228, Sept. 1965.

12. U.S. Geological Survey, “Map Centered at 35°N, 93°W” Accessed Jan. 5, 2010:

13. Jack Century, “Earthquake Risks: Building a Nuclear Power Plant near Peace River, Alberta,” Peace River Environmental Society, May 2009 (71 mins.); 8-part video at

14. CNN, “Arkansas Earthquakes,” 13 Dec. 2010.

15. Arkansas Geological Survey, “Earthquake Archive,” 2009.

16. Arkansas Geological Survey, “Recent and Historical Earthquakes in North-Central Arkansas,” October 2010

17. Funding Universe, “Arkla Inc.” n.d.

18., “37 Drilling Oil and Gas Wells Companies in Arkansas,” n.d.

19. STRATFOR, “Poland: Fracing On The Rise?” Forbes Magazine, 1 June 2010.

20. TREFIS Team, “ConocoPhillips Has Big Fracking Plans For Poland, Stock Has Upside,” Forbes Magazine, 14 Dec. 2010.

21. Josh Fox, Gasland, 2010. See trailer showing ignited tap water at

22. Sarah Collins and Tom Kenworthy, “Energy Industry Fights Chemical Disclosure: Natural gas companies want to prevent oversight of fracking,” Center for American Progress, April 2010.

23. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, “Evaluation of Impacts to Underground Sources of Drinking Water by Hydraulic Fracturing of Coalbed Methane Reservoirs Study,” June 2004.

24. Lisa Sumi, “Our Drinking Water at Risk: What EPA and the Oil and Gas Industry Don’t Want Us to Know about Hydraulic Fracturing,” Oil and Gas Accountability Project, April 2005.

25. Earthworks, Powder River Basin Resources Council, “Wyoming Requires Disclosure of Chemicals in Natural Gas Drilling,” 16 Sep 2010.

26. Karoline Wightman, “UMETCO Minerals Corp not yet fined for releasing chemicals,” Fox News, 16 Nov. 2010.

27. Tom Zeller, “New York Governor Vetoes Fracking Bill,” New York Times, 11 Dec. 2010.

Rady Ananda’s work has appeared in several online and print publications. She holds a B.S. in Natural Resources from The Ohio State University’s School of Agriculture. Using years of editorial experience and web publishing, Rady now promotes the ideas and work of a select group of quality writers and artists at Food Freedom and COTO Report.


Fear Mongering: Suspicious Devices Detonate at Maryland State Offices

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Fear Mongering: Suspicious Devices Detonate at Maryland State Offices

Suspicious Devices Detonate at Maryland State Offices

ABC News


A pair of small packages burst into flames inside two government office buildings in Maryland today, causing minor injuries, evacuations and a federal probe into who might have sent what appears to have been incendiary bombs similar to devices recently mailed to embassies in Rome and in Greece. 

The explosives were described as incendiary devices that looked like a small padded envelope or a book. One exploded at the Department of Transportation headquarters, located near the Baltimore airport. The other erupted at the Jeffrey Building in downtown Annapolis, which is home to several departments, including the Maryland Secretary of State and the the Maryland Office of Homeland Security.

Five people were being treated for minor injuries and there were no fatalities, Ed McDonough, a spokesperson for the Maryland Emergency Management Agency, told ABC News.

All the mailrooms at other Maryland state buildings are on lockdown. They are not accepting any deliveries and the packages that are already inside the buildings are being checked, he said.


More Dead Birds In Kentucky? KFWR Official: Hundreds of Dead Birds Found in Murray

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More Dead Birds In Kentucky? KFWR Official: Hundreds of Dead Birds Found in Murray

Editors Note: Another batch of dead birds has been found, this time in Murray Kentucky. Is this connected to the dead birds in Arkansas, Louisiana, Sweden, Brazil, China, and Canada?

KFWR official: Hundreds of dead birds found in Murray

Murray Ledger and Times


A phenomena resulting in thousands of dead birds reported mysteriously fallen dead from the sky in Arkansas and Louisiana last week may have also taken place in Murray.

Kentucky Fish and Wildlife Resources officials reported ‘several hundred’ grackles, red wing blackbirds, robins and starlings were among those reported near Murray State University. The birds were primarily found in the Calloway Street, Ryan Avenue and College Terrace area.

Tony Black, a spokesman for KFWR, said the department received the report last week, took specimens and ordered some testing.


Jesuits and Masons, "intimate enemies" / Jesuitas y masones: “Enemigos íntimos”

Beyond Science n º 246

Frank G. texts Rubio

Although traditionally ascribed historical enmity, it is true that the Jesuits and the Masons have many things in common, as the persecutions to which they have undergone or organizational model. But the main feature of both is, without doubt, the struggle against the established power in all its manifestations.

In 1738 Clement XII (1730-1740), Columna excelsa according to the prophecies of St.

Malachi, issued the bull In Eminenti, the first papal document against Freemasonry. Thirty-five years later, in 1773, Clement XIV (1769-1774), Visus velox, issued the brief Dominus ac Redemptor, under which remained suppressed the Society of Jesus (Societas Iesu). Was poisoned. Before that, between 1759 and 1761, the Marquis of Pombal expelled the Jesuits from Portugal and all its overseas territories. The priests were arrested and transported to the possessions of the Pope in Italy and their properties were confiscated. Six years later, during the early hours of 2 to 3 April, during a police operation meticulously prepared, Spanish troops occupied all the buildings that the Jesuits had both on the mainland and overseas. Without too many formalities, the priests were on board (many were in America) and moved, like its predecessors lusos, the beaches of the Pope in Italy. Then ruled in Spain Carlos III.

For his part, King Louis XV had already signed a decree of the Parlement (1762) that ended the activities of the Jesuits in France. And the same would happen in Naples, Parma and Austria. In 1814 Pius VII (1800-1823), Aquila rapax, who anointed Pope in Paris Napoleon Bonaparte as Emperor-and-then excommunicated, restored both the Inquisition and the Society of Jesus. It should be noted, however, that the Jesuits never were dissolved in Russia, where Catherine II ruled, nor in Prussia, where Frederick the Great did, both nothing Catholic monarchs, of course. Father Malachi Martin, former Jesuit theologian, in his book The Jesuits argued as the cause of these events the influence of freemasonry on the monarchs of the House of Bourbon.


We will review the current relationship between the Masons and Jesuits from a series of relatively recent news. The first occurred in 2008 and is the granting by the Supreme Council, 33 of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite for Spain's first international prize "Alberto Martinez Lacaci" the Jesuit

Pedro Alvarez Lazaro. The award recognizes his "work of spreading Masonic values." Don Pedro is Professor of History at the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas (Madrid), academician of the Royal Academy of History and founding member of the Institute for Research on Liberalism, Krausismo and Masonry, where he was deputy director between 1990 and 2004 . In 1983 El Pais published a statement by José Antonio Ferrer Benimeli, Professor of Contemporary History, Universal and Spain at the University of Zaragoza and masonry specialist, which referred to Freemasonry as follows: "It is not so bad not as good as claimed by both. He has not had, nor indeed has the importance it has tried to give. Have tried to play with the mysteries, and this can only fool the ignorant to the specialists in secret societies serve us no mysteries. " Recently, in another interview with this magazine (BEYOND, 231), Benimeli, currently director of the Center for Historical Studies of the Spanish Masonry (CEHME) stated: "Freemasonry initiation could be considered an association that seeks the truth and a man's training school to be more free, more caring and more democratic and that may fit better in this utopia of brotherhood of the Universe than we're getting farther away.

Freemasonry is beyond religions and political parties. " Time passes and old wounds heal. Other people with other experiences occupy the stage reciting papers that respond to other scripts. Those who had been sworn enemies for centuries (the nineteenth and much of the twentieth were extremely contentious between the two groups) now appear to converge. A new world, other considerations and other priorities become relevant. However, they also might think, and we are not get me wrong, it could be applicable in this case the famous quote from Adam Smith "The merchants of the same trade seldom meet together, even for a good time without ending plotting against the public. " For how far there is still animosity between the Catholic Church and the Masons? In a Masonic publication Peru (2008) Eduardo Seleson states: "A few years ago, the renowned teacher and licensed Alfonso Sierra Item attempted to publish in newspapers of Mexico City A copy of the minutes of initiation into a lodge in Paris where he established that the secular left Angelo Roncalli (John XXIII) and Giovanni Montini (Paul VI) had been raised on the same day to be initiated into the August Mysteries of Freemasonry. " He continues: "Pier Carpi, serious investigative reporter and on a strong opponent of any type of initiation or secret societies, is, paradoxically, who was to be found in the course of their investigations the documentary evidence of Masonic initiation Angelo Turkey Roncalli (Pope John XXIII). " The details of this story can be found in the work of John XXIII Prophecies (Ed. Martínez Roca), Pier Carpi. Writer, comic writer and film director, Carpi was a member of the P2 and friend of his Grand Master, Licio Gelli (BEYOND, 178), the deus ex machina, on which she wrote a book exculpatory.

Jesuitas y masones: “Enemigos íntimos”

Más Allá de la Ciencia nº 246
Textos Frank G. Rubio
Aunque tradicionalmente se les atribuye una enemistad histórica, lo cierto es que los jesuitas y los masones tienen muchas cosas en común, como las persecuciones a las que han sido sometidos o su modelo de organización. Pero el principal rasgo de ambos es, sin duda, su lucha contra el poder establecido en todas sus manifestaciones.

En 1738 Clemente XII (1730-1740), Columna excelsa según las profecías de San
Malaquías, emitió la bula In Eminenti, el primer documento papal contra la masonería. Treinta y cinco años después, en 1773, Clemente XIV (1769-1774),Visus velox, promulgó el breve Dominus ac redemptor, en virtud del cual quedaba suprimida la Compañía de Jesús (Societas Iesu). Murió envenenado. Antes de esto, entre 1759 y 1761, el Marqués de Pombal expulsó a los jesuitas de Portugal y de todos sus territorios ultramarinos. Los sacerdotes fueron detenidos y transportados a las posesiones del Papa en Italia y sus propiedades fueron confiscadas. Seis años después, durante la madrugada del 2 al 3 de abril, en el transcurso de una operación policial meticulosamente preparada, las tropas españolas ocuparon todos los edificios que los jesuitas poseían tanto en la Península como en ultramar. Sin demasiadas formalidades, los religiosos fueron embarcados (muchos se encontraban en América) y trasladados, como sus predecesores lusos, a las playas del Papa en Italia. Gobernaba entonces en España Carlos III.

Por su parte, el monarca Luis XV ya había firmado un decreto del Parlement (1762) que ponía fin a las actividades de los jesuitas en territorio francés. Y lo mismo ocurriría en Nápoles, Parma y Austria. En 1814 Pío VII (1800-1823), Aquila rapax, el papa que ungió a Napoleón Bonaparte en París como emperador –y al que luego excomulgó–, restauró tanto la Inquisición como la Compañía de Jesús. Es preciso señalar, sin embargo, que los jesuitas nunca se disolvieron en Rusia, donde gobernaba Catalina II, ni en Prusia, donde lo hacía Federico el Grande, ambos monarcas nada católicos, por cierto. El padre Malachi Martin, teólogo y ex jesuita, en su obra Los jesuitas aduce como causa de estos acontecimientos la influencia de la francmasonería sobre los monarcas de la Casa de Borbón.


Abordaremos la relación actual entre masones y jesuitas a partir de una serie de noticias relativamente recientes. La primera se produjo en 2008 y es la concesión por parte del Supremo Consejo del Grado 33 del Rito Escocés Antiguo y Aceptado para España del primer premio internacional “Alberto Martínez Lacaci” al jesuita
Pedro Álvarez Lázaro. El galardón reconoce su “labor de propagación de los valores masónicos”. Don Pedro es catedrático de Historia de la Universidad Pontificia de Comillas (Madrid), académico correspondiente de la Real Academia de la Historia y miembro fundador del Instituto de Investigación sobre Liberalismo, Krausismo y Masonería, del que fue director adjunto entre los años 1990 y 2004. En 1983 El País publicó unas declaraciones de José Antonio Ferrer Benimeli, profesor de Historia Contemporánea Universal y de España en la Universidad de Zaragoza y especialista en masonería, en las que se refería a la masonería en los siguientes términos: “No es ni tan mala ni tan buena como pretenden unos y otros. No ha tenido, ni por supuesto tiene, la importancia que se le ha pretendido dar. Han pretendido jugar con los misterios, y esto solo engaña a los ignorantes; a los especialistas en sociedades secretas no nos sirven los misterios”. Recientemente, en otra entrevista concedida a esta revista (MÁS ALLÁ, 231), Benimeli, en la actualidad director del Centro de Estudios Históricos de la Masonería Española (CEHME), señalaba: “La masonería podría considerarse una asociación iniciática que busca la Verdad y una escuela de formación del hombre para que sea más libre, más comprensivo y más demócrata y para que pueda encajar mejor en esa utopía de la fraternidad del Universo de la que cada vez estamos más lejos.

La masonería está por encima de las religiones y de los partidos políticos”. El tiempo pasa y las viejas heridas cicatrizan. Otros personajes con otras vivencias ocupan el escenario recitando papeles que responden a otros guiones. Los que habían sido enemigos declarados durante siglos (el XIX y gran parte del XX fueron extremadamente conflictivos entre ambas agrupaciones) hoy parecen converger. Un nuevo mundo, otras consideraciones y otras prioridades adquieren relevancia. No obstante, también podríamos pensar –y no se nos tome a mal– que podría ser aplicable a este caso la famosa cita de Adam Smith “Los comerciantes del mismo gremio rara vez se reúnen, siquiera para pasar un buen rato, sin que terminen conspirando contra el público”. Porque ¿hasta donde sigue existiendo enemistad entre la Iglesia católica y la masonería? En una publicación masónica peruana (2008) Eduardo Seleson afirma lo siguiente: “Hace unos años, el ilustre profesor y licenciado Alfonso Sierra Partida intentó publicar en los periódicos de la ciudad de México D.F. una copia del acta de iniciación en una logia de París donde se deja asentado que los profanos Angelo Roncalli (Juan XXIII) y Giovanni Montini (Pablo VI) habían sido elevados el mismo día para ser iniciados en los Augustos Misterios de la Francmasonería”. Y prosigue: “Pier Carpi, serio investigador periodístico y en un tiempo fuerte detractor de todo tipo de sociedades iniciáticas o secretas, es, paradójicamente, quien habría de encontrar en el transcurso de sus pesquisas las pruebas documentales de la iniciación masónica en Turquía de Angelo Roncalli (papa Juan XXIII)”. Los detalles de esta historia pueden consultarse en la obra Las profecías de Juan XXIII (Ed. Martínez Roca), de Pier Carpi. Escritor, guionista de cómic y director de cine, Carpi fue miembro de la logia P2 y amigo de su Gran Maestre, Licio Gelli (MÁS ALLÁ, 178), su deus ex machina, sobre el cual escribió un libro exculpatorio.

Former CIA Officer Arrested for Alleged Unauthorized Disclosure of National Defense Information

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Former CIA Officer Arrested for Alleged Unauthorized Disclosure of National Defense Information and Obstruction of Justice

WASHINGTON—A former CIA officer was arrested today on charges that he illegally disclosed national defense information and obstructed justice, announced Assistant Attorney General Lanny A. Breuer of the Criminal Division and U.S. Attorney Neil H. MacBride for the Eastern District of Virginia.

Jeffrey Alexander Sterling, 43, of O’Fallon, Missouri, was charged in a 10-count indictment returned by a federal grand jury in the Eastern District of Virginia on Dec. 22, 2010, and unsealed today. The indictment charges Sterling with six counts of unauthorized disclosure of national defense information and one count each of unlawful retention of national defense information, mail fraud, unauthorized conveyance of government property, and obstruction of justice. Sterling was arrested today in St. Louis and is expected to make his initial appearance this afternoon before U.S. Magistrate Judge Terry I. Adelman in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri.

According to the indictment, Sterling was employed by the CIA from May 1993 to January 2002. From November 1998 through May 2000, he was assigned to a classified clandestine operational program designed to conduct intelligence activities related to the weapons capabilities of certain countries, including Country A. During that same time frame, he was also the operations officer assigned to handle a human asset associated with that program. According to the indictment, Sterling was reassigned in May 2000, at which time he was no longer authorized to receive or possess classified documents concerning the program or the individual.

In connection with his employment, the indictment alleges that Sterling, who is a lawyer, signed various security, secrecy, and non-disclosure agreements in which he agreed never to disclose classified information to unauthorized persons, acknowledged that classified information was the property of the CIA, and also acknowledged that the unauthorized disclosure of classified information could constitute a criminal offense. According to the indictment, these agreements also set forth the proper procedures to follow if Sterling had concerns that the CIA had engaged in any "unlawful or improper" conduct that implicated classified information. These procedures permit such concerns to be addressed while still protecting the classified nature of the information. The media, according to the indictment, was not an authorized party to receive such classified information under such circumstances.

The indictment alleges that Sterling, in retaliation for the CIA’s refusal to settle on terms favorable to him in the civil and administrative claims he was pursuing against the CIA, engaged in a scheme to disclose information concerning the classified operational program and the human asset—first, in connection with a possible newspaper story to be written by an author employed by a national newspaper in early 2003 and, later, in connection with a book published by the author in January 2006.

"The indictment unsealed today alleges that Jeffrey Sterling violated his oath to protect classified information and then obstructed an investigation into his actions. Through his alleged actions, Sterling placed at risk our national security and the life of an individual working on a classified mission," said Assistant Attorney General Lanny A. Breuer. "Those who violate the law, and the trust placed in them by the U.S. government to keep our national security information secure, must be held accountable."

"Our national security requires that sensitive information be protected," said U.S. Attorney MacBride. "The law does not allow one person to unilaterally decide to disclose that information to someone not cleared to receive it. Those who handle classified information know the law and must be held accountable when they break it."

The indictment alleges that Sterling took a number of steps to facilitate the disclosure of the classified information, including:

  • stealing classified documents and other information from the CIA and unlawfully retaining those documents without the authority of the CIA;
  • communicating by telephone, via e-mail and in person with the author in order to arrange for the disclosure of or to disclose classified information to the author;
  • meeting with the author in person to orally disclose classified information to the author and to provide documents containing classified information to the author for review or use;
  • characterizing the classified information in a false and misleading manner as a means of inducing the author to write and publish a story premised on that false and misleading information;
  • deceiving and attempting to deceive the CIA into believing that he was a former employee adhering to his secrecy and non-disclosure agreements; and
  • deliberately choosing to disclose the classified information to a member of the media, knowing that such an individual would not reveal his identity, thereby concealing and perpetrating the scheme.

Specifically, the indictment alleges that beginning in August 2000, Sterling pursued various administrative and civil actions against the CIA concerning alleged employment-related racial discrimination and decisions made by the CIA’s Publications Review Board regarding Sterling’s efforts to publish his memoirs. According to the indictment, on Feb. 12, 2003, the CIA rejected Sterling’s third offer to settle his discrimination lawsuit, which was ultimately dismissed by the court.

The indictment alleges that beginning a few weeks later, in February and March 2003, Sterling made various telephone calls to the author’s residence, and e-mailed the author a newspaper article about the weapons capabilities of Country A. According to the indictment, while the possible newspaper article containing the classified information Sterling allegedly provided ultimately was not published in 2003, Sterling and the author remained in touch from December 2003 through November 2005 via telephone and e-mail. The indictment alleges that in January 2006, the author published a book which contained classified information about the program and the human asset.

The indictment also alleges that Sterling obstructed justice when, between April and July 2006, he deleted the e-mail he had sent to the author concerning the weapons capabilities of Country A from his account. According to the indictment, Sterling was aware by June 2003 of an FBI investigation into his disclosure of national defense information, and was aware of a grand jury investigation into the matter by June 2006, when he was served a grand jury subpoena for documents relating to the author’s book.

The charges of unauthorized disclosure and retention of national defense information each carry maximum penalties of 10 years in prison. The charge of mail fraud carries a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison. The charge of unauthorized conveyance of government property carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison. The charge of obstruction of justice carries a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison. Each of these charges also carries a maximum fine of $250,000 or twice the loss or gain associated with the offense.

An indictment is merely an accusation, and the defendant is presumed innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law.

This case is being prosecuted by Senior Litigation Counsel William M. Welch II of the Criminal Division, Trial Attorney Timothy J. Kelly of the Criminal Division’s Public Integrity Section and Senior Litigation Counsel James L. Trump of the Eastern District of Virginia. The case was investigated by the FBI’s Washington Field Office, with assistance in the arrest from the FBI’s St. Louis Field Office.


Hate Crime Legislation is here!

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Hate Crime Legislation is here!

Capt Honors was McChrystaled.

Capt. Owen Honors was asked to step down from his Navy post because of gay slurs. Honors played "lewd" videos making fun of homosexuals on an Aircraft Carrier he commanded a few years ago.
We're becoming a lot like Sodom and Gomorrah with government approval.
Heaven help us all!
It's only a matter of time;
Soon we won't be able to preach the Three Angel's Messages without suffering persecution.
Yet, they keep "Moving Forward" with their satanic agenda...

Lao Officials Arrest 11 Christians at Gunpoint Christians in three villages forced to renounce their faith

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Lao Officials Arrest 11 Christians at Gunpoint
Three leaders remain in prison; Christians in three villages forced to renounce their faith.
DUBLIN, January 6 (CDN) —
Following the arrest of 11 Christians at gunpoint on Tuesday (Jan. 4), three house church leaders remain behind bars for “holding a secret meeting,” according to advocacy group Human Rights Watch for Lao Religious Freedom (HRWLRF).
Lao authorities today released six of the house church Christians, including two children ages 4 and 8, from Khammouan Provincial Prison, central Laos. Two other men were released yesterday (Jan. 5).
The charge against the three church leaders is a political offense punishable by law, HRWLRF said. It identified the three men only by their given names as Pastor Wanna from Nakoon village church, Chanlai from Tonglar village church and Kan from nearby Nahin village church, all in Hinboun district, Khammouan Province.
The other eight Christians initially arrested were identified as Sompon, his wife and two children, along with a man identified only as Wantorn, all from the capital, Vientiane; Bounma and Kay from Nakoon village church, and Pastor Sipan from Dongthai church in Takkek district, Khammouan Province.
Authorities first detained the 11 Christians at gunpoint on Tuesday (Jan. 4) after they gathered at Wanna’s home for delayed Christmas celebrations, according to HRWLRF.
In December, Wanna informed authorities that church members would gather at his home on Wednesday (Jan. 5) to celebrate Christmas, in line with official celebrations by the government-approved Lao Evangelical Church scheduled between Dec. 5 and Jan. 15.
A truckload of district police officers with guns cocked and ready to shoot burst into Wanna’s house after dark on Tuesday (Jan. 4) shouting, “Stop! Nobody move!” They then forcibly detained the 11 who were quietly sharing an evening meal and charged them with conducting a “secret meeting” without approval.
Police officers released two of the Christians yesterday (Jan. 5) and moved the remaining nine to Khammouan Provincial Prison. A further six, including Sompon’s wife and children, were released today, leaving only three key leaders from Khammouan house churches behind bars.
HRWLRF has called for urgent advocacy for the three, on the grounds that officials have charged them with a political offense that may lead to harsh prison terms.
Oppression, Re-Education, Imprisonment
Oppression in Hinboun district, Khammouan Province began in earnest after residents of three villages professed faith in Christ, according to HRWLRF.
In 2008 a handful of Christians began meeting at Wanna’s house in Nakoon village. By 2009 the number had grown to 105 people, or 25families. During that time, local officials repeatedly interrogated Wanna, threatening him with arrest and imprisonment if he did not renounce his faith and cease encouraging others to believe in God.
Wanna, however, continued to hold meetings at his home until officials arrested and imprisoned him last May. Authorities then rounded up the church members and subjected them to several days of re-education, informing them that, “We have fought the Americans for many years, and now you are being deceived and caught by their traps.”
The Christians were then forced to sign documents renouncing their faith.
After releasing Wanna in October, officials warned him to practice his faith in private and hold no further meetings at his home. Wanna ignored these warnings, and several families joined him for Sunday worship services.
In December, Wanna informed village authorities that the church would hold Christmas celebrations at his home on Jan. 5, in line with plans by the official Evangelical Church of Laos to hold Christmas celebrations between Dec. 5 and Jan. 15.
Another Christian, Chanlai (also known as Yohan), began sharing his faith in 2008 with the residents of Tonglar village, some five kilometers (nearly three miles) away from Nakoon. By 2009, a total of 15 families had professed faith and began worshiping in Chanlai’s home. Authorities arrested Chanlai along with Wanna last May, charging Chanlai with influencing residents to believe in God and holding worship meetings in his home.
Following Chanlai’s arrest, officials detained the other 14 families for a day of re-education and forced them to sign documents renouncing their faith.
In October, when Chanlai and Wanna were released, authorities warned Chanlai that he should desist from holding worship meetings or “be killed.”
Another house church was established in 2008 in nearby Nahin village, around five kilometers (nearly three miles) from Nakoon village, with 10 families or 58 Christians meeting at the home of church leader Kan.
Nahin village authorities early last year subjected the Christians to five days of re-education, announcing that, “Whoever believes in the Christian faith is caught in the trap of the enemy!” They also declared that worship meetings were considered to be “secret meetings,” a term with political connotations punishable by law.
Under great duress, five families or a total of 27 Christians in Nahin then signed documents renouncing their faith; the others refused, but they refrained from meeting together for fear of further punishment until Wanna was released last October.