What happens when you legalize homosexual "marriage?"

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Just two weeks after New Zealand legalized homosexual "marriage," the government's Human Rights Tribunal is prosecuting an Anglican Bishop for "discriminating" against a homosexual who desires to become a priest.

These government prosecutions against churches, businesses and schools are a perfect example of what is to follow when a country legalizes same-sex "marriage."

And if the United States were to legalize same-sex "marriage," these prosecutions will become more frequent.

The homosexual "victim" is said to be unmarried and in a sexual relationship with his male partner.

According to the Anglican Church in New Zealand, if you’re in an out-of-wedlock relationship with anyone – man or woman – you cannot be ordained in their church which makes the homosexual "victim" ineligible.

But the Homosexual Lobby doesn’t care about a church's religious freedom or any other organization deciding what it would like to do with its institution.

The Homosexual Lobby only cares about their agenda: to make their lifestyle a common and even preferred characteristic of society.

And what happens if you don’t embrace their way of life?

You will be taken to court and prosecuted.

This isn’t about "equality."

This is about radical homosexual activists' desire to receive special treatment as a protected class in society.

We already see an influx of lawsuits here in America by radical homosexual activists against innocent churches, business owners and schools.

And if homosexual "marriage" were legalized federally here in the United States, our liberties would be further threatened by the Homosexual Lobby and their goal to force their lifestyle into everyday life.

That is why we must always fight to safeguard our long-honored tradition of marriage and pro-Family values.

I pray you will keep up the fight.

For the Family,

President, Public Advocate of the U.S.

P.S. Blaine, would you please consider chipping in with a donation of $10 or more to help Public Advocate fight the Homosexual Lobby.

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