The Blaze

Firewire from THE BLAZE May 06, 2013
Report: Rush Limbaugh Looks At Major Talk Radio Shake Up
A Sunday night POLITICO report claims Rush Limbaugh, host of the most listened to radio program in the country, is considering a major shake-up at the end of 2013. If the report is correct, a huge group of radio stations would no longer be able to carry the most listened-to radio show in the country. Get the details HERE.
Obama To Grads: 'Reject These Voices' Against Big Government 
A year to the day after kicking off his re-election campaign at Ohio State University, President Barack Obama returned to the college campus and told graduates that only through vigorous participation in their “democracy” can they right an ill-functioning government and break through relentless cynicism about the nation’s future. Mr. Obama also urged the students to “reject these voices” that warn of the evils of government. Watch the commencement address HERE.

  • Former U.S. Official Thought Benghazi Was Terror 'From The Get-Go' - See the clip HERE
  • Names Of Three Benghazi Whistleblowers To Be Revealed. Learn the latest HERE.
  • Dem Congressman: Rice's Talking Points Were 'Absolutely False.' Watch the video HERE.

Dan Sandini at Daylight Disinfectant recently posted videos from the “May Day” protests in Portland, Oregon. One of those videos shows an alarming scene of a group of young individuals dancing around a golden calf. From Sandini's post: Dressed as Egyptian belly dancers they then proceeded to sing and dance about it.  You just can’t make this stuff up folks.  About three minutes 34 seconds of you life that you can’t get back. Watch the video HERE.

The Wiki-Weapons project by Defense Distributed, which has been striving for months towards its goal of creating a fully functional 3D-printed gun, has succeeded in the first tests of a firearm created using only a 3D printer. See video of the gun in action HERE.

A funeral director trying to find a cemetery to take the body of Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev is going next to the city where Tsarnaev lived, but will run into another obstacle: It doesn’t want him. The debate has spawned an obvious question, does the alleged terrorist deserve to be buried on U.S. soil? Read the story, take our Blaze Poll HERE.

A Benign Bit Of Advice From An NRA Speaker Freaked Out The Left
On Saturday, Rob Pincus, the owner of self-defense training company I.C.E., told the audience at his seminar on home defense that if they hear an intruder, their first instinct will be to run to their kids. Therefore, he argues, that’s where their gun should be as well. Check out the clip and see the over-the-top reaction from many on the Left HERE.
CNN Anchor Says She Was Mugged In Atlanta 
Atlanta police are investigating after a CNN anchor reported that her iPhone was snatched from her hand as she strolled down a street in the city’s midtown section. Police tell WSB-TV that Carol Costello was talking on the phone while walking around 4:30 p.m. Thursday when two teenagers ran up behind her and grabbed the phone. Costello also claims that she lost a "chunk" of her hair in the attack. Get the full report HERE.

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  • FOR THE RECORD: EPISODE 2 -- BROTHERHOOD BACKLASH -- This episode takes an exclusive look inside Egypt exposes the truth about the Muslim Brotherhood's campaign to persecute and destroy an entire faith. Get firsthand accounts from brave men and women inside Egypt who risked their own safety to shed light on their government's brutal persecution of Christians and other non-Muslims. For The Record - Probing, Fair, but Unforgiving. -- Wednesday May 8 at 8pm ET or on TheBlaze TV.

In an exclusive backstage interview with TheBlaze on Sunday, NRA board member Ted Nugent savaged the “grossly unprofessional” and “sinfully biased” so-called journalism peddled by the mainstream media. Watch Ted 'just being Ted" HERE. 

The Remarkable Life Of A 107-Yr-Old Concentration Camp Survivor
While time has finally taken Leopold Engleitner at the age of 107, the oldest-known male survivor of Nazi concentration camps leaves behind a remarkable legacy of standing up to oppression and the indomitable will to survive. Take a few moments today and read about this amazing man HERE.
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