President Evangelizes Liberalism To Latent Hispanic Voters On Texas Jobs Visit

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Latest From Chip Wood May 10, 2013
Obama's 'Biggest Lie of All' Obama's 'Biggest Lie of All' »
Will we ever get all of the truth about the false explanations and misdirection from the Administration of President Barack Obama after the terrorist assaults on our consulate in Benghazi, Libya, on Sept. 11? Probably not. But we've gotten a lot closer in the past few days. More »

Freedom Watch

A Shameless Bid To Hold The Reins Of Power A Shameless Bid To Hold The Reins Of Power »
It's clear the Administration of President Barack Obama and then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were either incompetent in their handling of Benghazi or they made a conscious effort to let four Americans die. It's equally clear their initial story was a bald-faced lie, and they knew it was a lie as they told it. More »


Can You Smell What Barack Is Cooking? President Evangelizes Liberalism To Latent Hispanic Voters On Texas Jobs Visit Can You Smell What Barack Is Cooking? President Evangelizes Liberalism To Latent Hispanic Voters On Texas Jobs Visit »
It requires a condescending disdain to complete a circle of logic that presumes a lemming-like, groupthink mentality as a defining characteristic of all the members of an amorphous and diverse ethnic population. But that's exactly what President Barack Obama is hoping to do by assuming that Texas Hispanics are ready for the yoke of entitlement. More »

Personal Liberty News
Immigration Bill Expands Authority Of DHS Empire, Allows Big Sis To Overrule Enforcement Immigration Bill Expands Authority Of DHS Empire, Allows Big Sis To Overrule Enforcement »
If the immigration reform bill before the Senate passes, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano will gain the power to pre-empt the enforcement efforts of the Nation's Immigration and Customs officers on a case-by-case basis. More »

Young Americans Waking To Obama's Collectivist Fascism In Growing Numbers Young Americans Waking To Obama's Collectivist Fascism In Growing Numbers »
Young Americans have had a pretty tough time getting a start in life since the economy tanked in 2009. And according to a new poll, the bad economy and government's inability to do anything to assuage the pain has led a majority of younger Americans to question the value of big government. More »

Lieberman: Terror! Terror! Hurry, Throw Money At It! Lieberman: Terror! Terror! Hurry, Throw Money At It! »
Former Senator Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) did his part to further the cause of making the United States more of a police state on Thursday; he told House lawmakers that because the Nation is at "war" with homegrown terrorists, local police agencies need more funding. More »

Demanding Accountability

Is There Justice?

Justice is supposed to be blind. It's supposed to be equal and fair. It's supposed to be everything our system no longer is.

There are two phrases important enough to be inscribed on the exterior of the Supreme Court building in Washington, D.C.: "Equal Justice Under Law" and "Justice, the Guardian of Liberty." Sadly, and due in large part to a shift in how prosecutors do their jobs and are allowed to operate above the very law they supposedly represent, these tenets — the founding principles of our justice system — have seemingly been replaced with "Justice Dispensed Without Equality" and "Injustice, Usurper of Liberty." True justice suffers now from a system designed to get the highest conviction rating and the most fines and fees. Gone are the days of caring about guilt and innocence. Why bother when you can create an air of perceived guilt? As long as the public believes, guilt is really in the eye of the beholder, isn't it? Not to those falsely accused, not to those who are innocent but sitting in a prison, not to those who fight for the innocence of their loved ones: It's not right if we ever want to truly live in the "land of the free." More »

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