MIM is seeking an investigation on link between pornography and rise in military sexual assaults

We're engaged in three critical battles today

MIM is seeking an investigation on link between pornography and rise in military sexual assaults

shutterstock_83708890A blockbuster report came out this week from the Pentagon indicating that perhaps 26,000 servicemembers have been sexually assaulted while serving our country in the last year (a 35% increase). MIM has fought to stop the Pentagon from selling pornography in its exchanges and to prohibit access to porn on military bases. We are now calling for stronger measures and an investigation into the link between the widespread access to porn and the rise in these sexual assaults.

ACTION: If you have experiences to share or know of some groups with whom we should partner, please contact us at (All experiences are kept anonymous.)

MIM got 75+ groups to ask Congress to demand broadcast decency standards remain in full force

The Federal Communications Commission recently proposed weakening current broadcast TV decency standards which would allow full female frontal nudity and profanity on broadcast TV. Congress has oversight of the FCC and must approve the new chairman so we got groups from all over the country to ask Congress to address this issue in the upcoming FCC hearings. See the letter we sent to Congress here. We have been on Capitol Hill meeting with key members of Congress two days this week and have much support there in this fight.

ACTION: If you haven't yet filed a public complaint to keep the current standards, do so before the May 20th deadline. Instructions here. Also, SAVE THE DATES May 20 and 21st for a national call-in day to Congress. We will send details next week.

MIM is supporting Senator McCain's proposed bill for cable choice

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MIM has been involved in this battle for many years. Currently, cable networks force consumers to accept cable packages which include channels that consumers do not want. Sen. McCain's the so called “a la carte cable TV bill” would help many families protect their children from indecent and pornographic content that is now so prevalent on cable and satellite TV. Under the McCain bill, parents would be able to select only those channels that they consider appropriate and thus would not be required to accept or pay for those distributing pornography and indecency on cable or satellite TV. Costs to consumers would also be less.

ACTION: There will be lots to do on this in the coming months. We'll keep you posted.
Contact us at
This effort is directed by Morality In Media, Inc.

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