Emotional Testimony Recalls Benghazi Attack

May 9, 2013
In My Opinion
Free Breakfasts: Another Destructive Progressive Idea
By: Dennis Prager
The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) announced last week that it will discontinue the free school breakfast plan it initiated last year. Called "Food for Thought," the plan provides school breakfasts to about 200,000 students. It was funded by the LAUSD and the nonprofit Los Angeles Fund for Public Education, whose goal is to raise the number who participate to about 450,000 students (out of a total of 645,000 in the entire district).
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The Weekly Feed
Emotional Testimony Recalls Benghazi Attacks
By: Siobhan Hughes & Adam Entous
A high-ranking American diplomat delivered an emotional reconstruction Wednesday of the Sept. 11, 2012, attacks on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, providing new details about frantic efforts to get military assistance, locate the missing ambassador and evacuate the surviving Americans. In testimony before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, Gregory Hicks, the former deputy chief of mission in Libya, recounted what he saw as unanswered appeals for help, taunting calls from the missing ambassador's phone, the saddest conversation of his life and the frantic efforts of an axe-wielding office manager trying to destroy sensitive information.
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SRN Talkers

Bill Bennett

Bill spoke with Marc Thiessen about the latest on the Benghazi scandal.
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Mike Gallagher

Mike talks about Mark Sanford's victory and return to politics and the various reactions.
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Dennis Prager

The Left has gone grape nuts over Dennis’ column that criticizes LA schools free breakfast program.
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Michael Medved

Michael discusses a group in Occupy Portland who worship golden bull on May Day.
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Hugh Hewitt

Hugh covers the Benghazi hearing, plays audio, and talks to Bill Kristol and Stephen Hayes.
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SRN Correspondents

Greg Clugston
White House Correspondent
SRN Correspondent Greg Clugston keeps you informed about all the news coming from the White House.
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Linda Kenyon
Capitol Hill Correspondent (Senate)
Reporting from Capitol Hill, Linda Kenyon has updates on what's going on in the Senate.
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Wally Hindes
Capitol Hill Reporter
SRN Correspondent Wally Hindes reports the latest events from Capitol Hill.
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Featured Articles
The American Spectator
Falling Behind in Obama's Economy
By: Peter Ferrara
The day after his second inauguration, the New York Times and the Washington Post blared about Obama’s speech heralding a new vision and agenda for equality in America. But apparently the Left is happy with just words. Official U.S. government data shows that inequality is rising sharply under President Obama. It was stable under Bush. But Obamanomics has brought back exactly the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.
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New York Post
The madness of liberal moralizing
By: Heather Mac Donald
The paradoxes of liberal morality were on glaring display last week. The Obama administration OK’d the sale of “Plan B” post-coital emergency contraception over the counter without prescription (or parental consent) to girls as young as 15. At the same time, the City Council moved a step closer to banning anyone under the age of 21 from buying cigarettes (the legal age is now 18). Apparently, a 15-year-old is a fully mature adult when it comes to deciding to have sex. But a 20-year-old, in the City Council’s eyes, can’t be trusted to make her own informed decisions on smoking and must be restrained by the government.
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The Hill
Obama Lied to the American People
By: Jonathan Easley
Former Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee said on his radio show Monday that President Obama “will not fill out his full term” because he was complicit in a “cover-up” surrounding the attack that killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans in Libya. “I believe that before it’s all over, this president will not fill out his full term,” Huckabee said. “I know that puts me on a limb, but this is not minor.” “When a president lies to the American people and is part of a cover-up, he cannot continue to govern,” he added.
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