Will christians further abandon God for Obama?

I have to wonder if Christians will continue to abandon their Savior and Lord Jesus Christ for Obama or if Obama’s latest outing in support of gay marriage will finally open their eyes.
We have to know will the black church punish Obama for his hypocrisy or will they let this slide (like they have everything else because he is black?

As a conservative I have been telling black folks that he supports gay marriage (see past interviews and policies passed) and they said “no, no he does not he said he doesn’t” even though in the past he said he did. So now that Obama has again said he has “evolved” into believing in same-sex marriage will he become their new messiah and follow Obama’s teachings or God’s.
I am just wondering and waiting to see how this plays out.

Especially since so many also turn a blind eye to Obama support of abortion.

Ayesha Kreutz

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