Watch Josh Romney Get Booed Off The Stage By Ron Paul Supporters In Arizona

by James Crugnale

While campaigning for his father at the Arizona Republican Party convention on Saturday, Josh Romney got drowned out by boos by Ron Paul supporters and was forced to leave the stage.
The Arizona Republic’s Rebekah Sanders reported that Paul supporters screamed out that Romney was “the white Obama.”
“We cannot afford four more years of President Obama,” Romney contended, as he sparred with the noisy crowd to be heard. “We need someone to step in there and turn things around.”
Things took a turn for the worse when Romney began directing attendees how to vote for the presumptive Republican nominee’s slate.
“Make sure it says paid for Romney and that it’s green,” Romney began, but was loudly shouted down by the fervent Paul supporters. Romney quickly exited the stage before things got even more ugly.
“This is not in the bag,” Paul supporter Russ Wittenberg adamantly told KTVU-SF. “Contrary to what you guys in the media are saying, Romney does not have this thing in the bag yet.”
Watch below via KPNX-PHX:

UPDATE: PolicyMic’s Allan Stevo notes several Ron Paul supporters are disputing the media reports that Romney was booed off the stage. “Romney was not booed off the stage. The truth is [Josh] Romney was booed when he called for an endorsement of the Romney slate. He continued his speech until the end. That is definitely documented. He was not booed off the stage.”

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