Ron Paul Ties Obama in Latest General Election Matchup Poll

Poll proves limited-government principles are viable vs. unfulfilled promises and big-money establishment backing

LAKE JACKSON, Texas, May 09, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul would tie the sitting president 42 to 42 percent if the general election were held today, according to a recent survey from Rasmussen Reports as reported by Real Clear Politics.
"President Obama receives support from the liberal establishment including full reputational umbrella coverage from many in the media and he is aided by hundred million dollar advertising budgets. This poll tying Ron Paul with Obama is nothing short of a biting embarrassment to the president," said Ron Paul 2012 National Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton.
"Ron Paul continues to match or outperform the sitting president due in part to his 'Plan to Restore America,' winning on principle as opposed to unfulfilled promises and overflowing campaign coffers. In short, the electability of the president should be held in question as voters shift attention from rhetoric and status quo solutions to authenticity, substance, and real change." added Mr. Benton.
This poll marks the third time this year Paul has either tied or bested Obama in a Rasmussen matchup poll. The data are derived from the responses of 1,000 likely voters surveyed from May 6th-7th. Proprietary access to the poll can be found here.
Authorized and paid for by Ron Paul 2012 PCC Inc.
SOURCE: Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee
        Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee 
        Gary Howard, 855-886-9779

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