Ron Paul: My Friend is Being Targeted

Having stood up for constitutional principles for over 30 years, I know what it’s like to be in the establishment’s crosshairs.

Now, my good friend, State Senator Lee Bright from South Carolina, has the establishment gunning for him, as well.

That’s why - with the June 12 Republican Primary rapidly approaching - I’m writing to endorse his re-election and to urge you to contribute as generously as you possibly can to Lee Bright right away.

You may remember that back in January, Senator Bright was one of four State Senators in South Carolina who endorsed my campaign for President.

I’m sure that move got underneath some of the establishment’s skin.

But the truth is, the real reason they’re coming after him on June 12 is because Senator Bright has an unmatched record of standing up for individual liberty and free markets.

Since his election to the State Senate in 2008, Lee Bright has been the leading voice for individual liberty, lower taxes, decreased state spending, and a smaller, less intrusive government in South Carolina.

Senator Bright is a proud member of the William Wallace Caucus, which is dedicated to voting against government intrusion, wasteful spending, and unnecessary regulations.

And Senator Bright also understands the consequences of the Federal Reserve printing money out of thin air.

In fact, he is the lead sponsor of the South Carolina Sound Money Bill, which is designed to protect South Carolinians from the out-of-control inflationary policies being pursued by the Federal Reserve.

Senator Bright is also leading the fight to restore the Second Amendment freedoms of all South Carolinians by sponsoring Constitutional Carry.

If passed, this legislation would allow law-abiding gun owners in South Carolina to carry a firearm without having to pay expensive fees or go through a bunch of bureaucratic rigmarole.

Senator Lee Bright also sponsored a State Sovereignty Bill designed to force the federal government to stay within its proper limits under the 10th Amendment.

Senator Bright is someone the Liberty Movement needs to stand behind by helping make sure he gets re-elected to serve four more years in the South Carolina Senate.

The establishment is coming after Senator Bright with guns blazing.

So he needs your help to WIN this fight. 

And with the South Carolina June 12 Republican Primary rapidly approaching, he needs that help right away.

So please, join me in supporting Senator Lee Bright by making the most generous contribution you possibly can afford to his campaign.

For Liberty,

Ron Paul

P.S.  I’m writing to proudly endorse Senator Lee Bright’s re-election campaign – and to ask for your help.

You see, Senator Bright has a tough Primary coming up in June, and he is really counting on the support of liberty-minded folks like you.

So can I depend on you to make the most generous contribution you possibly can afford to Senator Bright’s re-election campaign?

Paid for by Liberty PAC.
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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