Reince Priebus, RNC Rule 11, and the invalidation of the Romney campaign, State by State

As everyone is well aware there is now a campaign gaining momentum to unseat Chairman Priebus for his violation of Rule 11 ([PDF]( page 20) by [endorsing and supporting a candidate while a primary is still on.]( under section (a).

The Republican National Committee shall
not, without the prior written and filed approval of all
members of the Republican National Committee from
the state involved, contribute money or in-kind aid to
any candidate for any public or party office except the
nominee of the Republican Party or a candidate who is
unopposed in the Republican primary after the filing
deadline for that office.
But what everyone seems to be overlooking and is the most important part of the law is under part (b).

... No person nominated in violation of
this rule shall be recognized by the Republican National
Committee as the nominee of the Republican Party
from that state.
Meaning any state where Romney and the RNC have worked together, without the written and filed prior approval of ALL GOP State Committee members of that state, IS INVALID. He cannot be recognized by the RNC as the nominee of those states. Meaning, we win those states.
This should be the new focus along with unseating Priebus of the Rule 11 Campaign, to invalidate his nomination in any states where this occurred.
After reading over this again several times I am certain that the final sentence includes the entire Rule, not just clause (b) meaning it's the punishment for the violation of the entire rule. to Summarize.
The RNC can't
contribute money or in-kind aid to any
candidate for any public or party office
Unless it has.
prior written and filed approval of all members of the
Republican National Committee from the state involved
Exceptions include:
the nominee of the Republican Party
a candidate who is unopposed in the Republican primary
The RNC will not recognize any state GOP bylaws that allow,
persons who have participated or are participating in
the selection of any nominee of a party
other than the Republican Party
No person nominated in violation of this rule shall be recognized
by the Republican National Committee as the nominee
of the Republican Party from that state.
If you can verify my analysis is sound please go vote up this information at Reddit where trolls are already down voting it.
Proof on Romney's page of this violation.
and a screenshot in case they get jumpy.

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