The Picture that Saves Babies Lives

National Pro-Life Alliance

They say a picture is worth a thousand words.

Sonogram of baby

And studies show that between seventy and ninety percent of women who see a sonogram of their unborn baby choose life and reject abortion.

What's more, abortionists know it.

That's why abortionists typically refuse to show ultrasound images to women, although they virtually always use it themselves to perform abortions.

The fact is sonograms show an incredibly powerful image and can mean instant "conversion."

That's what happened to Planned Parenthood Director Abby Johnson who, when asked to assist with an ultrasound-guided abortion, looked on in absolute horror, watching the 13 week baby fight, but ultimately lose its life.

Abby was so appalled that she resigned her position as a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic director and became a pro-life activist and author.

That's why National Pro-Life Alliance members and other pro-lifers have and will continue to push for laws requiring abortionists to show women an ultrasound image of their unborn baby before performing an abortion.

The good news is that fifteen states have now passed such laws and a federal law has been introduced to do the same thing nationally.

The bad news is that thirty-five states have yet to pass similar laws, and although we are pushing for it, we have yet to get roll call votes on the national legislation.

That's why the National Pro-life Alliance and its members are so committed this election year to keep the heat on the politicians and mobilize pro-lifers across the country to hold these politicians accountable.

And why at the same time, National Pro-Life Alliance members are urged to pressure their state level politicians to join in passing state laws like those in Florida, Texas and Arizona.

Already ultrasound images and sounds of heartbeats at crisis pregnancy centers have saved thousands of lives.

And new state laws -- or better yet a national law -- would save tens of thousands more and protect an untold number of pregnant women from a lifetime of guilt for having been swayed to abort their child.

That's why continued pressure from National Pro-Life Alliance members on all fronts is so important.

I urge you to pressure your Members of Congress and politicians on your state level to join in passing laws requiring sonograms.

For Life,
Martin Fox
Martin Fox, President      
National Pro-Life Alliance

P.S. Between seventy and ninety percent of women who see an ultrasound of the unborn baby choose life and reject abortion.

So please click here to chip in $10 or $20 to help in the National Pro-Life Alliance’s ongoing fight on every front to save the unborn.

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