Personal Liberty Alerts

Latest From John Myers May 23, 2012
'The Thing' That Scares Romney And Obama 'The Thing' That Scares Romney And Obama »
Few things have scared the wits out of me more than seeing the movie "The Thing" 30 years ago. With just six months to go until the election, both President Barack Obama and Republican front-runner Mitt Romney seem to have their own "Thing" that scares them: the economy.  More »

Freedom Watch

The Stock Market Racket The Stock Market Racket »
The stock market is a racket, and Wall Street is an organized crime syndicate. Last week's initial public offering of Facebook demonstrates exactly how the deck is stacked against individuals for the benefit of the bankster mob. More »

Personal Liberty News

Cato To Track Bad Cops Cato To Track Bad Cops »
The Cato Institute has launched an initiative focused on keeping an eye on incidents of misconduct by police throughout the United States. The site gives visitors the ability to report police misconduct if their stories are "supported by third-party witnesses or other compelling evidence." More »

Ronald Reagan's Blood Up For Auction Ronald Reagan's Blood Up For Auction »
An auction in the United Kingdom has some Ronald Reagan supporters' blood boiling. Supposedly, a vial of the former President's blood is up for auction. The blood sample was obtained at the George Washington University Hospital after the attempted assassination of Reagan in 1981. More »

Federal Corruption Ruins Organic Food Federal Corruption Ruins Organic Food »
The Federal government is letting insiders linked to the same big agribusiness companies that produce chemical-laden and genetically modified products be the judges of what is organic. More »

Man Turns Water Gun Into Functioning Shotgun, Arrested Man Turns Water Gun Into Functioning Shotgun, Arrested »
Randy Smith, a 54-year-old living in Fresno, Calif., was arrested after officers discovered that the water gun slung around his neck was loaded with a shotgun shell. More »

Political Cartoon

Graduation Day

David Fitzsimmons, The Arizona Star
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