by Alan Keyes

URGENT: Obama's erstwhile advocate, the radical anti-Semite leader of the Nation of Islam, Louis Farrakhan, is officially on the Obama campaign bandwagon! Now he's come out full-fury encouraging racial warfare and playing into a larger effort to divide and conquer America under sectarianism and strife. Is the end game Islamization and the rule of shariah law, by ensuring an Obama victory this November?

Farrakhan is notorious for abusing the very Constitution that protects his harsh, anti-American diatribes against our liberty, our heritage and everything we stand for as a nation.

He is now warning young leaders that they risk being killed if they "sell out" and adding new racially-charged, virulently anti-white sentiments to his nationwide college speaking tour.

Earlier this week, Farrakhan told his predominately black audience that they were "always at a disadvantage when you sit down with white people to negotiate." He then addressed Caucasians directly, saying, "I know you. And some of you white people – I know you better than you know yourself because God has revealed you fully."

Farrakhan, the Black Muslim leader of the Nation of Islam, even compared himself to Jesus. Farrakhan said, "You can't talk like this unless you know God. I don't just talk about God or talk about Jesus … Jesus spoke like this. That's why he was hated." Farrakhan even went so far as to tell his numerous audiences that Jesus was a Black Muslim.

Farrakhan – the same man who publicly attacked Obama for U.S. participation in the NATO assault on Libya against murderous Muslim dictator Moammar Gadhafi – also warned white Americans about their need to "change," or else:

It ain't about hating you. We ain't got no time for that. But we know who we're dealing with. We know what we're dealing with… We know your origin in the world and we know how long you were set to live and unless you change, your end has come."

Obama's church, Trinity United Church of Christ, on Chicago's South Side, was taken to task during the 2008 election for having honored Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. The church, through its magazine, bestowed on Farrakhan its Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. Trumpeter Award – named for its notorious "God Damn America" pastor – saying Farrakhan "truly epitomized greatness."

"Maybe for Wright and some others, Farrakhan 'epitomized greatness,' wrote Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen. "For most Americans, though, Farrakhan epitomizes racism, particularly in the form of anti-Semitism."

The column caught the attention of the Anti-Defamation League, which publicly pressed Obama to distance himself from the award and from Farrakhan. As with most matters involving the extremist Rev. Wright, Obama pled ignorance.

The Leftwing media continues to ignore the glaring red flags – among Obama, Gadhafi and U.S. Muslim organizations, including the Nation of Islam, with which Barack Hussein Obama was associated in the 1990s.

E.W. Jackson, bishop of the Exodus Faith Ministries, has cited Obama's role as organizer and "enthusiastic supporter" of Louis Farrakhan during the so-called "Million Man March" in Washington in 1995. Jackson also asserted that "Obama clearly has Muslim sensibilities" explaining that Obama sees the world and Israel from a Muslim perspective, and that Obama's "construct of 'The Muslim World' is unique in modern Western diplomacy as only the Muslim Brotherhood and other radical elements of that religion use that concept. It is a call to unify Muslims around the world," in evocation of the global caliphate.

With his Muslim sensibilities, more than 20 years of Rev. Wright's Afro-centrism, and open sympathy with Farrakhan's Nation of Islam, Barack Obama is smoothing the path for shariah law in America – just as he's facilitated the shariah takeover of Egypt and Libya by the Muslim Brotherhood.

November's general election in the U.S. is not just a referendum on Barack Hussein Obama. It is a referendum on shariah law and every other anti-American policy, action and sentiment espoused by the Obama administration.

Lest we forget what the Farrakhan of the 1990s, the Farrakhan that Obama so much admired, was doing – and with whom in the Islamic world he was doing it:

In January 1996, Louis Farrakhan announced that he was "taking the message of the Million Man March" on the road in a "World Friendship Tour" of African and Middle Eastern states. In reality, however, he was embarking on a global tour to consort with many of the world's bloodiest, most anti-democratic nations and lavish praise on their terror supporting leaders.

Beginning in early December 1997, Louis Farrakhan and his 24 member delegation embarked upon his third "World Friendship Tour." Farrakhan stated that he "…would like to demonstrate how diplomacy and friendly relations should be carried out" while paying visits to 52 nations on the tour. In the end, the total number of nations visited was 37, several of them notorious, Islamist tyrannies like Libya and Iran, and other Muslim despotisms like Iraq, Sudan and Syria.

Indeed, during the course of his 27 day trip, Farrakhan was feted in these five countries described by the United States government as sponsors of terrorism: Libya, Iran, Iraq, Sudan and Syria. He repeatedly denounced the American government, calling it (while in Iran) "the Great Satan."

Farrakhan returned to the U.S. in time for the Nation of Islam's annual Savior's Day celebration held February 20-22, 1998 in Chicago.

Obama, forever the facilitator and appeaser-in-chief (especially when it comes to kowtowing to Muslim terrorist groups), just recently gave his explicit approval for the Muslim Brotherhood – the radical embodiment of shariah law – to come to America and be officially recognized.

It does not seem to have occurred to the occupant of our Oval Office to instead deal with these actors as terrorists, denouncing their heinous crimes against humanity.

Shariah's strategic objective is to DESTROY WESTERN CIVILIZATION – starting with the United States.

The U.S. Constitution has been in peril ever since Barack Obama took the oath of office more than three years ago, but now he is facilitating both violent and stealth jihad determined to institute shariah law into our country via its mosques and our prisons, schools, media, government, courts and even financial institutions.


That is the Muslim Brotherhood motto. And that is what Barack Hussein Obama is supporting in Egypt with your tax dollars, and supporting at home by facilitating the stealthy shariah penetration of our country's institutions – and those of other Western countries, as well.

While the Muslim Brotherhood "Perception Management Team" came to America and schmoozed with White House officials claiming their shared principles of freedom, human rights, and justice for all – the actual record shows that nothing could be further from the truth.

Shariah law is a harsh and excessive legal and societal code straight from the Middle Ages:

It encourages husbands to beat their wives.
It allows Muslim men to marry more than one wife, including "child brides" of only a few years old!
It calls for "eye for an eye" revenge rather than justice.
It commands torture for those convicted of crimes, including cutting off hands or feet, mutilation, and even crucifixion.
It demands that "adulterers" – including innocent victims of rape – be stoned to death.
It says anyone critical of Islam or Muhammad must be killed.
It calls for the deaths of "apostates" – that is, anyone who leaves Islam.
It commands violent jihad and the total subjugation or annihilation of all religions other than Islam.
Shariah law is quickly entwining its deadly tentacles through our public schools, our courts, our society.

That's why you must, for the survival of the United States of America, help stop shariah here and now.
Islamists have declared war against you, me, and all freedom-loving Americans on multiple fronts.


The Muslim Brotherhood's single priority in the United States is to "wage a grand jihad in eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house" achieved through appearing as non-threatening "moderates" portrayed in a friendly light by the media and the Obama administration.

This insanity must stop, and it must stop now! But is it? Oh no, it's not. In fact, we are working against ourselves. Pro-shariah Obama is welcoming known sponsors of terrorism into the "democratic" process via his own State Department, not to mention aiding and abetting the hypocritical actions taken by the self-proclaimed "pro-human rights" U.N. in embracing the Muslim Brotherhood with open arms.

And if that's not enough to turn your stomach, FBI officials have just announced they are open to considering a proposal from a coalition of known terror-sponsoring Islamic organizations and extremist "interfaith" groups to establish a committee of experts to review materials used in FBI anti-terrorism training.

But shariah's quest for world domination is not the strategic objective for only the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood.

Islamist terror cells AROUND THE WORLD have been placed on high alert to attack pre-designated targets in the United States and Europe, according to a source in Iran's Revolutionary Guards. Iran, as you know, is encouraging and supporting the unrest and violence plaguing the Middle East and North Africa as fundamentalist groups, like the Muslim Brotherhood, seize control in pseudo-democratic elections or foment violent uprisings as faux-democratic revolts to achieve Islamist coups.

Quds Force, a special unit of Iran's Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution (Revolutionary Guard described as "tasked with exporting" abroad Iran's Islamic revolution) is reportedly operating out of the Iranian Interests Section in Washington DC. The "interest section" is the de facto diplomatic representation of the terrorist Islamic Republic of Iran in the United States, housed under the umbrella of the Pakistani embassy. Quds Force personnel are coordinating terror cells around the world and in our own country, working out of safe houses where ammunition and explosives are already stored. Rep. Peter King (R-NY), chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee stated in an interview last October that he was convinced that Iranian diplomats, operating out of New York and Washington, D.C., were attempting to spy on America reporting back to terrorist forces in Iran. The information gathered by these so-called diplomats will then be used by the Quds Forces in Tehran "to select targets for maximum effect."

Last month, the director of the New York Police Department's intelligence analysis unit, Mitchell Silber, revealed in testimony before a U.S. House intelligence panel that Iranian "diplomats" had carried out "hostile reconnaissance" of sites in New York as many as SIX TIMES.

A White House invitation is not the only way these operatives enter our country. Several hundred Quds operatives allegedly entered our country and others in Western Europe, using fake identities and claiming to be part of religious minorities under persecution in Iran. More operatives are penetrating illegally from Mexico where they have teamed up with violent Mexican drug cartels, being provided the necessary network to infiltrate America using the existing illegal drug trade to their advantage. In Latin America, the Revolutionary Guards' intelligence apparatus is training AND recruiting.

More than 800 sensitive sites in the U.S. have already been targeted for attacks by the Guards. That's not to mention those 'pre-selected' by other Islamist terror groups both abroad and here at home. According to one source, vital energy resources (power, gas and oil facilities) will be targeted for terror attacks first, followed by high-population areas, and lastly the assassination of officials of the host country who have supported war with Iran. This is only after an "all-out response" to include attacks on other countries in the Mid-East region, such as Saudi Arabia and Bahrain AFTER Israel has been decimated "by hundreds, if not thousands, of missiles."

In a statement issued just days ago, the General Command of Iran's Armed Forces said the Arab Spring (which resulted in shariah law and the Muslim Brotherhood's rise to dominance in Egypt) is "a result of the message of the Islamic Republic of Iran and its path, which is based on true Islam [shariah law]." It said, "This message has not only helped the spread of the Islamic Awakening in the region but has spread through protests in Europe and the U.S. (the Occupy Wall Street movement).

Make no mistake: WE ARE UNDER ATTACK – Appeasement is NOT the answer!

Abroad, one after another, with the open assistance of Barack Obama's administration, secularized Arab states in the Middle East are reverting into Islamist regimes and governing under the harsh imposition of shariah. Just in the last few months, Tunisia, Egypt and Libya have announced new strict Islamic forms of governance, and enforced shariah law as the ground of their nations' justice systems.

Should the West expect democratic reforms or consolidation of the "global caliphate" to be the next major Arab development in the Middle East?

Barack Obama's Arab Spring, which he absurdly claims holds such imminent promise of democratic reform for Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Syria, Bahrain, Yemen, Iraq and Afghanistan, continues to unfold – in violence and bloodshed. Experts say the revolts Obama is aiding are "essentially awarding one part of the Middle East to Iran and the other part to the Muslim Brotherhood." Both govern in adherence to shariah.

Radical Islam, with its essential, incestuous relationship to the deadly dictates of shariah law, represents a mortal threat to the sovereignty of the constitutional republic we know as the United States of America.

It is already actively imperiling western civilization in Europe … and now it has started in the United States!


And please understand, by "radical Islam" I do not mean to imply there is actually an entity truthfully described as "moderate Islam." What I mean by "radical" – in its truest sense – is returning to the root.

Because the truth is, the root of Islam – the all-encompassing teachings of Mohammed – is violent jihad aimed at total world domination.

Consider those three words: total world domination. That, my friend, includes our homeland, over which militant Islamists aim to hoist the banner of the Arabic crescent and star.

The Mohammedan banner is not the biblical banner of love, as portrayed in the Song of Solomon. Rather, it stands for destruction, domination, and death.

It matters little that our American history and culture rest squarely on the foundations of Judeo-Christian heritage. The forces of Islam, true to their medieval origin, seek to grind our Western way of life under their tyrannical heel … unless we stop them here and now!

To be frank, Islamists often rely on brute force to accomplish their goals … crushing their opponents into submission, as we've witnessed with invasion after invasion, throughout history in country after country.

But naked force is NOT the only weapon of Islam's arsenal. In nations like ours, where they are yet a relatively small minority, Muslims rely on stealth jihad. And that is accomplished through the imposition of shariah, the Islamic legal system that demands death for those who oppose Islam and its many legalistic dictates.

You see, Islamic shariah is the antithesis of American constitutional law. In order for shariah to thrive, personal freedom and liberty must die. That is exactly the goal of Islamists in America – and they are making tremendous headway.

My friend, right now – even as you are reading the words of this critically important message – stealth jihad is stealing your freedom … and that of your loved ones.

What's more, through this insidious form of Islamist warfare, Muslims are pushing shariah law in the United States, treasonably working for a barbaric foreign legal system to have precedence over our own constitutional republic … and in the process shredding the U.S. Constitution our forefathers crafted for us based upon the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
The simple truth is: you cannot allow this destruction of the U.S. Constitution to continue. You must help stop shariah!

Shariah law is already perverting American jurisprudence. In fact, in 2010 a New Jersey judge dropped charges against a Muslim man who brutally beat and raped his wife, all because the judge said the man's Islamic beliefs allowed such criminal conduct to overrule U.S. law!

There are presently pending more than 50 Appellate Court cases from 23 states that involve conflicts between shariah and American state law.

Florida's U.S. Rep. Sandy Adams has introduced H.R. 973 which forbids foreign law – including shariah – from our United States court system.

I say, let's begin a nationwide tidal wave of anti-shariah, pro-Constitution action to battle against both open and stealth Islamic jihad in America.

Please call your Senator or Representative demanding that they defend our God-given natural rights and our U.S. Constitution's foundational legal protections by supporting H.R. 973 to stop shariah.

Help mount a pre-emptive strike against Islamic shariah law before America finds itself sharing the plight of our Islamized European allies, like the Netherlands and France, and even Great Britain.

With all the economic disarray confronting legislators today, America's accelerating culture war with shariah – portending major implications for freedom and national security – is being largely overlooked! It is imperative that we inundate Congress, especially House and Senate Republican offices, with faxed petitions as soon as possible demanding action in stopping shariah law NOW.

If you are a patriotic, Constitution-loving American – as I know you are – your help in preserving our sovereign nation is desperately needed immediately.


My friend, don't delay. The forces of anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, anti-American shariah are hard at work right now, to weaken and destroy all that is good and decent in our country. It is critically necessary that you respond today, before the Islamists further diminish your constitutional liberties… in pursuit of their plan to turn you and your children into a dhimmi subject or literal slave of an Islamic state.

Make no mistake, Muslim imams across America, with ties to violent Islamists like Fort Hood shooter Nidal Malik Hasan and Osama bin Laden's Al Qaeda, openly support the establishment of a "global caliphate" and the Islamic overthrow of our republic. Under the guise of "religion" they openly advocate sedition – and shariah is their vehicle for subversively implementing their overthrow of the United States and the European West.

This is a battle for America! And when you send your faxed petition, please don't forget to add a generous gift to help us expand our fight. Your donations enable us to pursue our many liberty-defending, freedom-promoting projects. A gift today of $25, $50, or $100 will go a long way to not only educate the public about the stealth jihad war being waged upon us by shariah law, but to also help defray our costs as we lobby on Capitol Hill to stop the Islamization of America.

We CAN stop the Islamic jihadists who are, right this very moment, shredding the U.S. Constitution in their crazed attacks on freedom, liberty, security. But time is short to contain the damage to our great country. Shariah must be stopped today.


I need you to answer our nation's call without delay.

Keep Faith,

Alan Keyes

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