Audit the Fed needs your help

Campaign for

As H.R. 459, Audit the Fed, continues to gain momentum in the U.S. House, I need your help today to turn up the pressure on the Senate to support its companion legislation, S. 202.

Currently, S. 202 stands at 20 cosponsors.

But with Congress in the middle of their “Spring Break,” things are quiet on the Hill.

So our collective shout in support of transparency will ring even louder if we take advantage of this opportunity!

The Fed’s defenders know the Senate is their stronghold, but you and I have a staunch defender of liberty in Senator Rand Paul to champion this cause.

While he works on the inside to gain support for Audit the Fed, you and I can provide critical grassroots support by continuing to apply pressure on the outside.

When legislators get back from their break, they need to be greeted by their staff with one message: Support Audit the Fed now!

Here are just a few actions you can take today to help increase support for Audit the Fed in the Senate:

***  Click here to find out if your senators are supporting S. 202.
***  If your senators have signed on, call them through the congressional switchboard at (202)224-3121 to urge them to do everything in their power to achieve a roll call vote on S. 202.
***  If your senators currently don’t support the bill, call Congress and demand they stand up for transparency and accountability by cosponsoring as soon as they return from their break.
***  Visit your senators’ websites to get their district office information and call their local offices with the same message you sent to their Hill staff.
***  Once you’ve contacted your senators, forward this email on to your contacts and encourage them to join you in supporting this historic cause.
Campaign for Liberty first made Audit the Fed its top legislative priority in 2009.

Since then, we’ve seen millions of Americans rally to our side, legislation passed to peel back some of the layers of secrecy from the Fed, and Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke desperately try to spin his way out of the corner we’ve put him in.

But we must not stop until a thorough audit is passed.

Every day the Fed remains unchecked is another day they can put you and me on the hook for trillions more in handouts and promises to their well-entrenched friends.

This can be the year we finally put an end to the Fed’s stranglehold on our economy.

C4L members have rallied to the cause to make sure H.R. 459 gains support in the House, so I hope you will help S. 202 advance by contacting your senators right away.

In Liberty,

Campaign for Liberty

Matt Hawes
Vice President

P.S. With H.R. 459 fast gaining momentum in the U.S. House, I hope you’ll agree to help turn up the pressure on your senators to support its companion legislation, S. 202.

Click here to find out if your senators are currently on board the bill.

If they are, contact them through the congressional switchboard at (202)224-3121 to urge them to do everything in their power to seek a roll call vote.

If they are not yet on the bill, call them right away to demand they support transparency and accountability.

And if you are able, chipping in $10 or $15 today would go a long way toward helping C4L continue to spread the word about Audit the Fed!

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