Frosty was vocal at the first Minuteman Project event in Tombstone/Naco AZ, 4/05. Here he speaks in front of the Naco Border Patrol HQ.
While Wooldridge makes good points, he does just like everybody else does, no mention at all about the Vatican's orchestration of this Spanish Catholic invasion. To Wooldridge, its all about economics and health and politics. But these issues, although of grave concern, are not the real motivation behind this Spanish Catholic invasion. What is entirely lacking in every video that I've seen on this issue is what the Papacy has now publicly declared, the forced redistribution of the world's wealth. The Papacy has declared itself to be the world's Robin Hood and has called for the rich Protestant nations to give to the poor Catholic nations. And to foster that goal, the Vatican, with the cooperation of our Jesuit controlled Catholic majority government, is supporting the invasion of this once Protestant nation by starving CATHOLIC hoards in order to strengthen the power of the Catholic Cult in America; to overthrow Protestantism. Its all about religion. Its all about making America Catholic. No mention is ever made about the fact that 98% of immigrants, Mexican or otherwise, illegal or otherwise, are CATHOLIC. This is a Jesuit led Counter-Reformation Invasion of a once Protestant land. Its about destroying the sovereignty of a Protestant nation and the overthrow of a Protestant Constitution to be replaced by a totalitarian hierarchical Roman Catholic church/state form of government, the signing of a U.S./Vatican concordat, and the absorption of the Protestants back to the Roman Catholic Cult by force of law and necessity. Wooldridge isn't going to talk about that, even if he knows about it. Nobody is willing to suffer the religious persecution that will result from Catholics by talking about the REAL ISSUE, not even Wooldridge. Wooldridge stands to make a lot of friends and a lot of money and a lot of fame by publicly avoiding THE ISSUE! But unless somebody finds the courage to talk about THE ISSUE, this country is TOAST and Protestants, true Bible believing Protestants, will be in the EXTREME MINORITY and directly and immediately faced by a bloodthirsty Roman Catholic government and all that entails. Once the REAL aims of the Papacy are comprehended, all of a sudden the issues that Wooldridge discusses fall into the background.
If we would all focus on THE ISSUE, the forced Catholicization of America and the planned overthrow of our Protestant Constitutional liberties and its replacement by a concordat-driven totalitarian Roman Catholic church/state, even the Spanish Catholic invaders might have their eyes opened to what the Vatican is doing to them and convert to Christ and abandon the Cult of Rome and then help us preserve our Protestant liberties. But because people like Wooldridge won't talk about it, everybody remains ignorant of this Vatican/Jesuit-led Counter-Reformation scheme to destroy liberty.....Protestantism. And I'm not just picking on Wooldridge. Its EVERYBODY in the media! Without realizing it, the entire media is functioning, whether they know it or not, to deceive and misdirect the entire American population about who's really responsible for the collapse of this county. And because of that, the American people will actually be looking toward the Catholic Cult and all her Harlot daughters to come up with a solution. And the solution is already planned, a Roman Catholic church/state form of government. Wooldridge is in reality part of the problem, not the solution. As innocent and well intentioned as Wooldridge may be, he is actually helping Rome by not exposing her. That goes for Alex Jesuit Jones and EVERYBODY in the mainstream and the alternative medias. And until this nation puts its finger on Rome, Rome's agenda to Make America Catholic is a virtual certainty.
Tom Friess
Inquisition Update
See this Amp at
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