For over 20 years, J. Allen Hynek was a scientific consultant

for the U.S. Air Force on Project Blue Book. His instructions

were to study UFO reports and determine whether an astronomical

object, such as the moon or the planet Venus, might explain


Although a UFO skeptic at the start, Hynek became convinced

that a certain percentage of claimed sightings were worthy of

serious study.

In 1973, he founded the Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS) along

with the now noted UFO researcher Jacques Vallee.

There was, by this time, some collateral physical evidence that

seemed hard to explain. Hynek and Vallee considered that where

there was smoke there was fire.

In 1976, Hynek made this observation:

"The conclusion I’ve come to after all these years is that first

of all, the subject is much more complex than any of us imagined.

"It has paranormal aspects but certainly it has very real

physical aspects, too. The attitude we’re taking in the Center

for UFO Studies is that since we’re going to have scientists

involved, we will push the physical approach as hard and far as

we can – instrumentation, physical evidence, photographs, radar


"If we are finally forced by the evidence itself to go

into the paranormal, then we will." (J.Allen Hynek, Fate magazine)


The following year, he was quoted as expressing these views during

an interview:

“HYNEK: [The extraterrestrial] theory runs up against a very big

difficulty, namely, that we are seeing too many UFOs.

The Earth is only a spot of dust in the Universe. Why should it

be honoured with so many visits?

“INTERVIEWER: Then what is your hypothesis?

“HYNEK: I am more inclined to think in terms of something

metaterrestrial, a sort of parallel reality.”

When interviewed by Newsweek, Hynek repeated this theory: “UFOs,

may be psychic phenomena and the ‘aliens’ may not come from outer

space but from a ‘parallel reality.’”

As already noted, Hynek was formerly a skeptic. He was also the

author of numerous technical papers and textbooks on astrophysics.

Surrounding himself with credible and reliable scientists, he

investigated UFOs for nearly 40 years.

Hynek submitted that perhaps UFOs were part of a parallel reality,

slipping in and out of sequence with our own. This was a hypothesis

that obviously pained him as an empirical scientist.

Yet after 30 years of interviewing witnesses and investigating

sighting reports, radar contacts, and physical traces of saucer

landings no other hypothesis seemed to make sense to him.

The findings of numerous other researchers tend to support this

conclusion. Prominent UFO researcher John Welldon has noted that:

1.    In all the millions of sightings, there has never been even

one radar detection of a UFO entering our atmosphere from

outer space.

2.    “ETs” appear quite able to breathe in Earth’s atmosphere

without respiratory equipment.

3.    Although fired upon many times by Russian, Canadian and

American pilots, never has a UFO been brought down.

4.    Startlingly, no UFOs seen at different times ever look

exactly alike.

These observations would suggest that:

1.    They are here – emanating, apparently, from our own planet


2.    Although visible, they may not be physical entities. They

appear to be not bound by the same material, physical laws.


Here are some other characteristics noted by Hynek and Vallee:

"If UFOs are, indeed, somebody else’s ‘nuts and bolts hardware,’ then

we must still explain how such tangible hardware can change shape

before our eyes, vanish in a Cheshire cat manner (not even leaving

a grin), seemingly melt away in front of us, or apparently

‘materialize’ mysteriously before us without apparent detection by

persons nearby or in neighbouring towns.

"We must wonder too, where UFOs are ‘hiding’ when not manifesting

themselves to human eyes." ( ce4premise.htm,

March 7, 2003)

Did you get that? Here are scientists admitting that UFOs apparently

materialize and dematerialize. That suggests another dimension.


But there’s more, much more. Hynek reveals that “There are quite a

few reported instances where two distinctly different UFOs hovering

in a clear sky will converge and eventually merge into one object.

"These are the types of psychic phenomena that are confronting us in

the UFO mystery.”

And John Keel, famous UFO researcher (author of many UFO books,

including The Mothman Prophecies 1975 – later made into a Hollywood

movie of that name) concurs:

"The UFOs do not seem to exist as tangible, manufactured objects.

They do not conform to the natural laws of our environment. They

seem to be nothing more than transmogrifications tailoring themselves

to our abilities to understand.

"The thousands of contacts with the entities indicate that they are

liars and put-on artists." (John Keel. Operation Trojan Horse, 1996,

p. 266)

Researchers Ankerberg and Weldon also note:

"It seems evident that these phenomena are produced in the same

manner that other occult manipulations are produced. They involve

dramatic manipulations of matter and energy. Although they originate

from the spiritual world, they can produce very powerful, temporarily

physical manifestations at the material level….

"However the UFO is produced, it is frequently of small dimensions –

an area where an extremely large amount of energy is concentrated."

(John Ankerberg and John Weldon, The Facts on UFOs and Other

Supernatural Phenomena. 1992, pp. 36-37)

In a nutshell, the weight of evidence suggests these were not physical,

but spiritual manifestations.

You ask, Then what about seeming traces of physical landings?

Considering the weight of evidence, even those could be explained as

manipulation of mass and energy.

Not only that, many UFOs demonstrate the ability to make 90 degree

turns at impossible speeds, as well as other maneuvers considered

impossible in the physical realm.

Could it be that one needs to wear “spiritual glasses” to understand

what is going on here… to understand who these entities are… and what

is motivating them?


One question used to repeatedly nag at some of us:

Was it reasonable to assume that the objects we see with our eyes are

the only ones which exist?

Bearing in mind that all solid objects have a vibration frequency within

the range perceptible to the human eye. What if the vibration frequency

could be altered into vibrations outside the visible range? Some

scientists considered it possible.

You’ll understand, it is not easy to revise one’s thinking. But the

evidence was now pressing itself upon me. There had to be another

dimension, from which these non-human aliens were orchestrating their

control and manipulation.

One could no longer disbelieve their existence. Yet one must not let

oneself take an obsessive, unhealthy interest in them. Not to believe

meant not to be alert and on guard. But to be obsessed could lead to

their control of a person.

The evidence was pointing more and more in one direction – to the

possibility of a spirit “world” existing as another dimension all

around us…. not in some far-off place.

Many open-minded scientists were, in fact, concluding as much - that

the cosmos consists of frequencies or dimensions of life that share

the same space, just as radio and television frequencies do.


That word psychic. Have you ever thought what it means? It means

spiritual (or spirit).

And it is true that encounters do have a spiritual nature - and

abduction experiences have a spiritual effect!

It turns out that these entities are not real physical ETs from other

worlds in space. No, they are emanating from another dimension!

And isn’t this precisely what so many UFO researchers from different

sides of the fence are now coming to realise… well-known researchers

like Vallee, Keel, Mack and others?

Psychiatrist John Mack of the prestigious Harvard University founded

the Program for Extraordinary Experience Research (PEER).

To explain abduction claims, Mack, initially a skeptic, looked hard

for any and every psychological root cause he could, including

childhood abuse.

From 1990, he began interviewing abductees. Over the next few years

he would interview more than 100 of them, practising, as he described

it, a thorough psychoanalysis of each one.

His conclusion? That these folk were solid citizens, of a sound mind.

And he became convinced that something real – and important – was

going on.

“These abduction accounts,” said he, “are so congruent among healthy

people, from all over the United States – people who are not in touch

with each other, who have nothing to gain and everything to lose by

telling their stories.” (“Are Aliens Already Here? Harvard’s

Controversial John Mack. Interview with John Mack,

<>, July 29, 2003)

His years of research led Mack to a conclusion similar to that of other

researchers - that the visitors are inter-dimensional… from another

reality or spiritual realm.


And these aliens? There ias something suspicious about the aliens’


It was common in the early days of UFO contacts for aliens to claim

they were visiting from Venus. An example was Frank Strange’s 1959

encounter with a “Venusian” calling himself Val Thor.

That was before the space program sent out probes to that region.

But nowadays, most aliens are purporting to come from further away,

somewhere else in the galaxy where we cannot test their claims.

These intruders – these aliens – are changing the identity of their

home planet so we cannot check up on them.

Something fishy here?

And then, what about this…



UFO researchers, such as Ankerberg and Weldon have been asking:

“How credible is it to think that literally thousands of

extraterrestrials would fly millions or billions of light-years

simply to teach New Age philosophy, deny Christianity, and support

the occult….? (The Facts on UFOs and Other Supernatural Phenomena,

1992, p. 13)

So that is the truth? Is it that they did not have to fly here?

Indications are that they were already here. They’ve been

emanating from our own planet Earth!

So who are they? Have you heard of the Lucifer Legion?

And if you would like to get further into this and soak up

a hundred or more clues that they have been dropping for us

(that’s no exaggeration), then here's where to go right now:

Take care.

Your friend

Jonathan Gray

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