Cromwell: Warning to Parliament on Domestic and Foreign Affairs, 1658; Pt. 3 of 4
Oliver Cromwell, Defender of the Faith
Read more at www.vaticanassassins.orgHaving concluded his warning of a foreign, Jesuit-led “Design” against the Commonwealth, our beloved Oliver Cromwell turns to domestic affairs. The Protector mentions a multitude of divisions among the Three Nations, both theological and political, these intolerant factions being most beneficial to the Pope’s plot of inciting insurrection and rebellion. As previously stated, Cromwell has proven the Socialist-Communist, Commoner “Levelers” and the Cartel-Capitalist, Noble-born “Cavaliers” work together—as they do today! This damnable, conspired national anarchy shortly to erupt in massive bloodshed, while Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor Charles Stuart II lands in England with Spanish horse and foot, Oliver seeks to thwart. He encourages this Second Protectorate Parliament (stifled from taking action by a few, key Jesuit Coadjutors in its midst) to act quickly and decisively. For only days separate the demise of this most wondrous Protestant political citadel of hope, defending “freedom of conscience” for the Risen Son of God’s Reformation English Bible-believing people, from bloody fire, sword and canon of the Pope’s foreign invaders. If the Parliament will not act, HE WILL.
“If this be the condition of your affairs abroad, I pray a little consider what is the estate of your affairs at home. And if both these considerations, ‘of home affairs and foreign,’ have but this effect, to get a consideration among you, a due and just consideration,—let God move your hearts for the answering of anything that shall be due unto the Nation, as He shall please! And I hope I shall not be solicitous; I shall look up to Him who hath been my God and my Guide hitherto.
“I say, I beseech you look to your own affairs at home, how they stand! I am persuaded you are all, I apprehend you are all, honest and worthy good men; and that there is not a man of you but would desire to be found a good patriot. [Reformation Bible-believing Protestant and Baptist-Calvinist men are patriots, in fact, the foremost of all patriots on earth. We defend our sovereign nations if it costs us our last penny and our last drop of blood. We utterly repudiate the Pope's Temporal Power, that duplicitous usurpation of the authority of the Risen Lord Jesus Christ, upon which heresy the Jesuits have plotted the end of all nations defended by patriotic nationalists. To impose Rome's internationalism---its Satanic world government defended by "International Versions" of Rome's Latin Vulgate-based, false bibles (NIV)---all nationalists must be "terminated," especially patriotic nationalists of conscience, and most importantly, White Reformation Bible-believing patriotic nationalists!---EJP] I know you would! We are apt to boast sometimes that we are Englishmen, and seek the real good of this Nation, and the interest of it.—But, I beseech you, what is our case at home?— —I profess I do not well know where to begin on this head, or where to end,—I do not.
“But I must needs say, Let a man begin where he will, he shall hardly be out of that drift I am speaking to you ‘upon.’ We are as full of calamities, and of divisions among us in respect of the spirits of men, ‘as we could well be,’—though, through a wonderful, admirable, and never to be sufficiently admired providence of God, ‘still’ in peace! And the fighting we have had, and the success we have had—yea, we that are here, we are an astonishment to the world! And take us in that temper we are in, or rather in that distemper, it is the greatest miracle that ever befell the sons of men, ‘that we are got again to peace’—that we are got again to peace. And whoever shall seek to break it, God Almighty root that man our of this Nation! And He will do it, let the pretences be what they may!
“‘Peacekeepers, do they consider what it is they are driving towards? They should do it!’ He that considereth not the “woman with child,”—the sucking children of this Nation that know not the right hand from the left, of whom, for aught I know, it may be said this City is as full as Nineveh was said to be;—he that considereth not these, and the fruit that is like to come of the bodies of those now living added to these; he that considereth not these, must have the heart of a Cain; who was marked, and made to be an enemy to all men, and all men enemies to him! For the wrath and justice of God will prosecute such a man to his grave, if not Hell!—I say, look on this Nation; look on it! Consider what are the varieties of Interests in this Nation,—if they be worthy the name of Interests. If God did not hinder, it would all but make up one confusion. We should find there would be but one Cain in England, if God did not restrain! We should have another more bloody Civil War than ever we had in England. For, I beseech you, what is the general spirit of this Nation? Is it not that each sect of people,—if I may call them sects, whether sects upon a Religious account or upon a Civil account—[Sentence gone; meaning left clear enough---Carlyle]—Is not this Nation miserable in this respect? What is that which possesseth every sect? What is it? That every sect may be uppermost! That every sort of men may get the power into their hands, and “they would use it well;”—that every sect may get the power into their hands! [A reflection to make one wonder.---Let them thank God they have got a man able to bit and bridle them a little; the unfortunate, peppery, loud-babbling individuals,---with so much good in them too, while 'bitted'!---Carlyle]
“It were a happy thing if the Nation would be content with rule. ‘Content with rule,’ if it were but in Civil things, and with those that would rule worst;—because misrule is better than no rule; and an ill Government, a bad Government, is better than none!—Neither is this all: but we have an appetite to variety; to be not only making wounds, ‘but widening those already made.’ As if you should see one making wounds in a man’s side, and eager only to be groping and grovelling with his fingers in those wounds! This is what ‘such’ men would be at; this is the spirit of those who would trample on men’s liberties in Spiritual respects [specifically, first Romanists, then Anglicans and then Presbyterians, all vying to be the State Church of England. It is for this reason the Presbyterians of Scotland sided with Charles II, he "promising" the Scots the State-Church status if they would but help him defeat Cromwell, a promise crypto-Roman Catholic Charles never intended to keep with "heretics." This alliance necessitated Cromwell's invasion and defeat of Scotland first at Dunbar and finally at Worcester, 1651---EJP]. They will be making wounds, and rending and tearing, and making them wider than they were. Is not this the case? Doth there want anything—I speak not of sects [Bible-reading Christian sects---EJP] in an ill sense; but the Nation is hugely made up of them,—and what is the want that prevents these things from being done to the uttermost but that men have more anger than strength? They have not power to attain their ends. ‘There wants nothing else.’ And, I beseech you, judge what such a company of men, of these sects, are doing, while they are contesting one with another! They are contesting in the midst of a generation of men (a malignant Episcopal Party, I mean); contesting in the midst of these all united. What must be the issue of such a thing as this? ‘So stands it;’ it is so.—And do not judge what proofs have been made of the spirits of these men. Summoning men to take up arms; and exhorting men, each sort of them, to fight for their notions; each sort thinking they are to try it out by the sword; and every sort thinking that they are truly under the banner of Christ, if they but come in, and bind themselves in such a project!
[This is the very reason why your Editor seeks to establish a new White Protestant and Baptist nation somewhere within Pennsylvania, New York or New England practicing no amalgamation of races; a new nation having learned from the failure of Cromwell's White Republic of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland (1649-1660) and having learned from the failure of Washington's White Federal Republic of these United States of America (1789-1868); a new nation separate from Washington, Rome's District of Columbia, where only racially White, Reformation Bible-believing Christian sects from around the world are welcome; a new nation in which these Christian sects agree on the essential, fundamental Christian doctrines (i.e., only the New and Old Testament Holy Scriptures being the final authority for Biblical faith and practice; the Biblical Triune One God; the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ; the death, burial and resurrection of Messiah Jesus of Nazareth; the Second Coming of Christ; salvation by grace through faith via the preaching of the Gospel; justification by faith alone; forgiveness of sins through blood redemption of Christ; utter repudiation of and absolute religious and political separation from Mystery Babylon Religion now centered in the Antichrist Pope of Rome leading his Jesuit-ruled Vatican Empire; and non-persecution of the racial Hebrew/Jewish/Israelites who may voluntarily live within our new nation that we may enjoy God's blessing of Genesis 12:1-3); a new nation that has secured religious freedom/freedom of conscience for these non-Roman Catholic, Christian sects alone; a new nation that, with nearly the same words of the "Baptist First Amendment" to the U.S. Constitution, separates any organized, Christian Church denomination from the duly-constituted Government of our new Sovereign Nation-State of "ProBaptiCal (composed of Protestants, Baptists and Calvinists!); a new nation that utterly outlaws and condemns the public or private promotion of any sort of government-mandated secular religion such as Evolution, Humanism, Socialism or Communism! The White people and their sects of this new nation are Christian; the government is not Christian (rightly stated by George Washington and John Adams concerning the First American Government (1789-1868) in the American Treaty of Tripoli (1797), i.e., the government is NOT united with a specific Protestant Christian Church, the Baptist distinctive of true "Separation of Church and State" being part of the new nation's written Constitution). Yet the government, manned by Bible-believing Christian people, promotes the reading of Reformation Bibles in all languages while its governing powers are specifically limited by the nation's written Constitution reflecting Christian principles championed by the the anti-divine right, White Protestant Reformation fine-tuned by historically non-persecuting, White Independent Baptist-Calvinists.---EJP]
“Now do but judge what a hard condition this poor Nation is in. This is the state and condition we are in. Judge, I say, what a hard condition this poor Nation is in, and the [condition the---EJP] Cause of God ‘is in,’—amidst such a party of men as the Cavaliers are, and their participants! Not only with respect to what these—["Cavaliers and their Participants," both equally at first, but it becomes the latter chiefly, and at length exclusively, before the Sentence ends]—are like to do of themselves: but some of these, yea some of these, they care not who carry the goal [Frantic-Anabaptist Sexby, dead the other day, he was not very careful!---Carlyle]:—some if these have invited the Spaniard himself to carry on the Cavalier Cause.
“And this is true. ‘This’ and many other things that are not fit to be suggested unto you; because ‘so’ we should betray the interest of our intelligence. [Spy-Royalist Sir Richard Willis and the like ambiguous persons, if we show them in daylight, they vanish forever,---as Manning, when they shot him in Newburg, did.---Carlyle] I say, this is our condition! What is your defence? What hindereth the irruption of all this upon you, to your utter destruction? Truly, ‘that’ you have an army in these parts,—in Scotland, in England and Ireland. Take them away tomorrow, would not all these Interests run into one another?—I know you are rational prudent men. Have you any Frame or Model of things that would satisfy the minds of men, if this be not the Frame, ‘this’ which you are now called together upon, and engaged in,—I mean, the Two Houses of Parliament and myself? What hinders this Nation from being an Aceldama, ‘a field of blood,’ if this doth not? It is, without doubt, ‘this:’ give glory to God; for without this, it would prove as great a plague as all that hath been spoken of. It is this, without doubt, that keeps this Nation in peace and quietness. — And what is the case of our Army ‘withal’? A poor unpaid Army; the soldiers going barefoot at this time, in this city, this weather! [Twenty-fifth of January.---Carlyle] And yea a peaceable people, ‘these soldiers;’ seeking to serve you with their lives; judging their pains and hazards and all well bestowed, in obeying their officers and serving you, to keep the Peace of these Nations! Yea, he must be a man with a heart as hard as the weather who hath not a due sense of this! [A severe frost, though the Almanacs do not mention it.---Carlyle]
So that, I say, it is most plain and evident, this is your outward and present defence. [This frame of Government; the Army is part of that.---Carlyle] And yet, at this day,—do but you judge! The Cavalier Party, and the several humours of unreasonable men ‘of other sorts,’ in those several ways, having ‘continually’ made battery at this defence ever since you got to enjoy peace—[Sentence catches fire---Carlyle]— — What have they made their business but this, To spread libellous Books [Their "Standard," "Killing no Murder" (the doctrine of the Jesuit Order's Moral "Immoral" Theologians), and other little fiddling things belonging to that sort of Periodical Literature---Carlyle (EJP)]; yea and pretend the “Liberty of the Subject”—[Sentence gone again---Carlyle]—?—which really wiser men that they may pretend! For let me say this to you at once: I never look to see the People of England come into a just Liberty, if another ‘Civil’ War overtake us. I think, ‘I’ at least, that the thing likely to bring us into our “Liberty” is a consistency and agreement at this Meeting!—Therefore all I can say to you is this: It will be your wisdom, I do think truly, and your justice, to keep that concernment close to you; to uphold this Settlement ‘now fallen-upon.’ Which I have no cause but to think you are agreed to; and that you like it. For I assure you I am very greatly mistaken else, ‘for my own part;’ having taken this which is now the Settlement among us as my chief inducement to bear the burden I bear [as the Defender of the Protestant Faith---EJP], and to serve the Commonwealth in the place I am in [as as the Protector of the Commonwealth---EJP]!
“And therefore if you judge that all this be not argument enough to persuade you to be sensible of your danger—?— ‘A danger’ which ‘all manner of considerations,’ besides goodnature and ingenuity ‘themselves,’ would move a stone to be sensible of !—Give us leave to consider a little, What will become of us, if our spirits should go otherwise, ‘and break this Settlement’? If our spirits be dissatisfied, what will become of things? Here is an Army five or six months behind in pay; yea, an Army in Scotland near as much ‘behind;’ an Army in Ireland much more. And if these things be considered,—I cannot doubt that they will be considered;—I say, judge what the state of Ireland is if free-quarter come upon the Irish people! [Free-quarter must come, if there be no pay provided, and that soon! ( For the Jesuit Coadjutors within Parliament have deliberately withheld voting pay to the Army so as to incite martial revolt---thereby breaking Cromwell's power---further contributing to the general insurrection necessary for a successful foreign invasion led by Charles II)---Carlyle (EJP)] You have a company of Scots in the North of Ireland, ‘Forty or Fifty thousand of them settle there;’ who, I hope, are honest men. In the Province of Galway almost all the Irish, transplanted to the West. [During World War II, Irish Roman Catholic Galway was a Nazi stronghold, and some English intelligence officers believed that if Nazis were to invade Great Britain during Hitler's plotted "Operation Sea Lion," U-Boats would be deployed to Galway harbor.---EJP] You have the Interest of England newly begun to be planted. The people there, ‘in these English settlements,’ are full of necessities and complaints. They bear to the uttermost. And should the soldiers run upon free-quarter there,—upon your English Planters, as they must,—the English Planters must quit the country through mere beggary [as intended by the anti-Protestant Jesuits, they seeking to keep Ireland for the Irish Roman Catholics in anticipation of "Irish Independence" attempted by Jesuit Coadjutor Napoleon Bonaparte and later achieved, with aid from the Order's British Crown, in 1923.---EJP]: and that which hath been the success of so much blood and treasure, to get that Country into your hands, what can become of it, but that the English must needs run away for pure beggary, and the Irish must possess the country ‘again’ for a receptacle to the Spanish Interest?—
“And hath Scotland been long settled? [Middleton's Highland Insurrection, with its Mosstroopery and misery, is not dead three years yet.---Carlyle] Have not they a like sense of poverty? I speak plainly. In good earnest, I do think the Scots Nation have been under as great a suffering, in point of livelihood and subsistence outwardly, as any People I have yet named to you. I do think truly they are a very ruined Nation. [Torn to pieces with now near Twenty Years of continual War, and foreign and intestine worrying with themselves and with all the world.---Carlyle] And yet in a way (I have spoken with some Gentlemen come from thence) hopeful enough;—it hath pleased God to give that plentiful encouragement to the meaner sort in Scotland. I must say, if it please God to encourage the meaner sort—The meaner sort ‘in Scotland’ live as well, and are likely to come into a thriving a condition under our Government, as when they were under their own great Lords, who made them work for their living no better than the Peasants of France. I am loath to speak anything which may reflect upon that Nation: but the middle sort of people [the Middle Class born out of the Protestant Reformation---EJP] do grow up there into such a substance as makes their lives comfortable, if not better than they were before. [Scotland is prospering; has fair-play and ready-money;---prospering though sulky.---Carlyle]
“If now, after all this, we shall not be sensible of all those designs that are in the midst of us: of the united Cavaliers; of the designs which are animated every day from Flanders and Spain; while we have to look upon ourselves as a divided people—[Sentence off---Carlyle]—A man cannot certainly tell where to find consistency anywhere in England! Certainly there is no consistency in anything, that may be worthy of the name of a body of consistency, but in this Company who are met here! How can any man lay his hand on his heart, and ‘permit himself to’ talk of things [Roots of Constitutional Government, "Other House," "House of Lords" and suchlike (while the country is about to be invaded)---Carlyle (EJP)], [irrelevant things---EJP] neither to be made out by the light of Scripture nor of Reason; and draw one another off from considering these things,— ‘which are very palpable things’! I dare leave them with you, and commit them to your bosom. They have a weight,—a greater weight than any I have yet suggested to you, from abroad or at home! If such be our case abroad and at home, That our Being and Well-being,—our Well-being is not worth the naming comparatively,—I say, if such be our case, of our Being at home and abroad, That through want to bear up our Honour at Sea, and through want to maintain what is our Defence at Home, ‘we stand exposed to such dangers;’ and if through our mistake we shall be led off from the consideration of these things [concerning England's survival as a Protestant nation---EJP]; and talk of circumstantial things, and quarrel about circumstances; and shall not with heart and soul intend and carry-on these things—!—I confess I can look for nothing ‘other,’ I can say no other than what a foolish Book expresseth [a pamphlet of the day---EJP], of one that, having consulted everything, could hold to nothing; neither Fifth-Monarchy, Presbytery, nor Independency, nothing; but at length concludes, He is for nothing but an “orderly confusion”! And for men that have wonderfully lost their consciences and their wits,—I speak of men going about who cannot tell what they would have, yet are willing to kindle coals to disturb others—! [An "orderly confusion," and general fire-consumption: what else is possible?---Carlyle]
[The Protector concludes this section of his speech to a Parliament hell-bent on inciting domestic rebellion by pretending to legislate, but in fact accomplishing nothing---as intended by the Jesuit Order! Presently in early April of 2011, we see a similar situation within the American Congress, the Republican-led House of Representatives passing a budget bill to "fund the government," but the Democratic-led Senate rejecting it outright. Is not the American Congress pretending to legislate but, in fact, doing nothing thereby furthering the growing "New Right," White Fascist Tea Party Movement born out of legitimate grievances perpetrated over the last 80 years, beginning with the reign of President Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933-1945) constantly advised by Georgetown University Jesuit Priest, Edmund A. Walsh?---EJP]
Thomas Carlyle, Oliver Cromwell’s Letters and Speeches: With Elucidations, (London: Chapman and Hall, Ld., 1894), Vol. V of V, pp. 112-120.
End of Part 3 of 4
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