The Great Controversy Between Christ And Satan By: Ellen G. White

The Great Controversy The Lives and Struggles of Christians through the Ages--And the Impending Crisis (Between Christ and Satan, The Complete Book plus 58 Bible, Historical and Promise Sections, and 4 Indexes)

The Great Controversy The Lives and Struggles of Christians through the Ages--And the Impending Crisis (Between Christ and Satan, The Complete Book plus 58 Bible, Historical and Promise Sections, and 4 Indexes)

By E.G. White

Product Description

This 1884 edition includes the complete original book of 37 chapters (an edition which had no author's introduction). Nothing the author wrote has been omitted. However, important information, written later in the 1888 edition, has been added back into this 1884 edition. You will find this added material on pp. 152-156, and scattered throughout Chapter 24 (pp. 283-292). In addition, you will find an introuduction to each chapter, fifty-eight Bible and historical charts, four indexes, and, within brackets, approximate paging notations to the 1888 and 1911 editions of this book.

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