Ron Paul's original staff economist, Dr. Gary North!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013
“Klaatu, Barada, Bar Code”: Bar Codes Visible from Outer Space
What will we learn next? Take a look at some bar codes that Google Maps has turned up. What are these all about? We are told that they were camera calibrating devices. American spy planes in the 1950s and 1960s flew overhead, taking photos. But to take a good photo, a camera needs precise measurements... READ MORE

No Gold Audit of Ft. Knox . . . in 60 Years
A fake gold audit of the gold in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, a private depository, was made by the government. It did not include any audit of the legal claims against this gold. The audit mentioned that the government’s gold is in Ft. Knox. No audit was made of the gold in... ... READ MORE

$100,000 College Debt to get a $37,000 a Year Job as a File Clerk
So, you send your kid off to college. You pay. She borrows $100,000. Then she graduates. She gets a $37,000 a year job as a file clerk. It happens. Across the nation, it happens. The New York Times ran a story on this. It told the story of such a young woman. To get a... READ MORE

Who Was the Only President Since 1939 Who Did Not Raise the Debt Ceiling?
It was not George W. Bush. Under him, it was raised seven times. Overall, 1939 to today, it was raised 68 times. One President lowered it. This same President used increased taxes to pay for rising government expenditures. And, wonder of wonders, revenues increased. To find out, click the link.... READ MORE

Michael Jordan Turns 50. It Can’t Be True.
Say it isn’t so, Joe. Not Michael Jordan. Not 50. There is a page with a bunch of Jordan moves. You will not be able to stop watching if you start watching. Somewhere in my collection of videos, I have the 1982 NCAA finals, which pitted the University of North Carolina against Georgetown. Jordan won... READ MORE

21% of Credit Reports Have an Error. What About Yours?
A recent report indicates that 21% of all Americans have an error in their credit scores. It also reported that 5% of Americans have serious errors in their reports. Ho, hum. What else is new? If this report were not the case, I would not believe any of the statistics regarding the credit reports. Anybody... ... READ MORE

Toddlers in New York City Cram for a Kindergarten Entrance Exam.
At age 4, kids are expert test-takers. They have to be. If they don’t score well, they will have to attend a public school. Yes, a public school. A New York City public school. The kid is doomed. Rich parents dread the thought. At $30,000 for kindergarten, there is still intense competition. Think of $400,000... READ MORE

Tin Price Falls. Tin Foil Hat Industry Ramps Up.
The price of tin has fallen. Explanation: the government of China may announce measures to reduce housing speculation. If cause-and-effect here seems vague, that’s because you are not wearing a tin foil hat. There is good news: the cost of these hats will soon fall. The logic is this: China will take unnamed steps to... READ MORE

Reversal of Fortune: Why the Power Elite Will Lose Power
Remnant Review The best description of the reversal of fortune is Mary’s Magnificat, recorded in the Gospel of Luke, chapter 1, verses 46-55. “He hath put down the mighty from their seats, and exalted them of low degree” (v. 52). This was a fundamental theme in the Old Testament. We are told that those who... READ MORE

Terrifying Videos: Russian Meteorite
This video gives some indication of what it was like. There is a page where lots of these videos are posted. First, see how many new cars are on the road. Two decades ago, there were nothing but large Soviet cars for officials. There were few cars. It took years to get one if you... ... READ MORE

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