Is Earth Under Deliberate Climate Attack?! - Dane Wigington LIVE with Hoagland


     "Fifteen hundred people still missing in catastrophic floods sweeping western Germany and parts of Belgium ....

"Raging fires overwhelm regions of Siberia for second week, blotting out the sun at mid-day ....

"Temperature records shattered in southern Canda, with peak breaking 121 degrees Fahrenheit ....

"The Bootleg fire in Oregon has now consumed more than a million acres, six weeks ahead of normal 'fire season' ...."

These, and other equally catastrophic headlines, are increasing reminders to people all over the world that we are experiencing the advancing effects of "climate change" -- with more readily available energy coursing across the planet, shattering records that previously have held more or less "constant" in the past.

But, what if there is more going on here than simply "natural cycles run amock."

What if part of this (or ALL of it ...) has been quietly, assiduously ... planned?

My guest tonight, geo-engineer Dane Wigington, is arguing precisely that:

That, because of grim forecasts decades ago of coming "global warming," a clandestine program of "global climate modification" was initiated by the so-called "deep state"; it is, Dane argues, the drastic, negative side-effects of such a worldwide, planetary program that are now responsible for shattered local records, catastrophic rainfall, unheard of temperature extremes more than halfway to the poles ...

Join us we face the imminent "Apocalypse" ... unless we Act.

Richard C. Hoagland