Episode 91: Johnny Cirucci Says, It's The Jesuits! - Conspiracy Queries With Alan Park (podcast)

Episode 91: Johnny Cirucci Says, It's The Jesuits! - Conspiracy Queries With Alan Park (podcast)

Episode 91: Johnny Cirucci says, It's the Jesuits!

By Discovered by Player FM and our community — copyright is owned by the publisher, not Player FM, and audio streamed directly from their servers.
Johnny Cirucci might not take offense if you call him single minded, as long as the topic is the Society of Jesuits.
Cirruci claims - as do many - that the real power behind the shadows, behind the players, have been and remain the Roman Jesuits, and most people would not know, headed by the Pope himself.
Well documented by Johnny is his YouTube channeltwitter

In the pages of his book, 'Illuminati Unmasked', the Jesuits not only always get what they want, whatever 'it' is, is often ruthless beyond belief.
Throughout history, secret evil is woven into the manipulation of our lives in society, using their prime tool, reality manipulation - which affects us all. We discuss ways to get through those tricks in order to benefit from the truth.
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