Pope Francis To Christians – “Accept The Coming Change Or Face Death”

As you might have noticed, that was a different pope than the one today. His message was more direct to the mass people. But as you know, since he didn’t have Twitter, Facebook and bloggers who would reread and share the statement, this controversial statement didn’t reach many people.
However, today, in a world which is full with technological wonders, the Pope must choose his worlds very carefully.
In the next few months, the Pope is expected to release a post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation  In it he is expected to decide on the question of Communion for divorced and remarried Catholics, and on the proposal to give bishops conferences doctrinal authority. Some observers also think the pope may address the question of homosexuality and language.
An apostolic exhortation is a type of communication from the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church. It encourages a community of people to undertake a particular activity but does not define Church doctrine. It is considered lower in formal authority than a papal encyclical, but higher than other ecclesiastical letters, Apostolic Letters and Other Papal Writings.
Apostolic exhortations are commonly issued in response to a synod of bishops, in which case they are known as post-synodal apostolic exhortations.
“Christians who obstinately maintain ‘it’s always been done this way,’ this is the path, this is the street—they sin: the sin of divination. It’s as if they went about by guessing: ‘What has been said and what doesn’t change is what’s important; what I hear—from myself and my closed heart—more than the Word of the Lord.’ Obstinacy is also the sin of idolatry: the Christian who is obstinate sins! The sin of idolatry. ‘And what is the way, Father?’ Open the heart to the Holy Spirit, discern what is the will of God.”
That is the translation of The Pope’s Homily of January 18th 2016.
However, the Pope is now issuing a warning that rejection of a coming change (which is not doctrinal-based on the bible) will be regarded as a sin of Divination.
The word divination comes from the Latin divinare, meaning “to foresee” or “to be inspired by a god.” To practice divination is to uncover hidden knowledge by supernatural means. It is associated with the occult and involves fortune-telling or soothsaying, as it used to be called.
He also calls it the sin of idolatry. Idolatry is the worship of an idol or a physical object as a representation of a god.
Exo 20:4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.
Whatever the change is, it is very big for the Pope to already issue a death warrant to anyone that rejects it. The Pope here has hinted that the change will be so huge that it’s rejection is tantamount to idolatry.
To find out more about this story, click on LINK


Law Enforcement Simple Pictorial Essay

Law Enforcement Under a Christian Society

Patrolled the streets unarmed and by themselves.  
Law Enforcement Under a Catholic Society

Clad in grey Kevlar body armour and carrying a cache of weapons including sniper rifles, automatic assault rifles, handguns, submachine guns and tasers, the armed response teams will also be trained to operate on water, and to abseil down onto buildings.

Two Constitutions in the United States. 1st was illegally suspended in favor of a Vatican “Crown” corporation in 1871 | PRESS Core

Pope (the Crown) meeting with the board of directors of The Vatican Bank
Since 1871 the United States president and the United States Congress has been playing politics under a different set of rules and policies.  The American people do not know that there are two Constitutions in the United States.  The first penned by the leaders of the newly independent states of the United States in 1776.  On July 4, 1776, the people claimed their independence from the Crown (temporal authority of the Roman Catholic Pope)  and Democracy was born.  And for 95 years the United States people were free and independent.  That freedom ended in 1871 when the original “Constitution for the United States of America” was changed to the “THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA”.
The Congress realized that the country was in dire financial straits, so they made  a financial deal with the devil -  the Crown (a.k.a. City of London Corporation – est. by the Catholic Church on Jan 1, 1855 ) thereby incurring a DEBT to the Pope.  The conniving Pope and his central bankers were not about to lend the floundering nation any money without some serious stipulations. So, they devised a way of taking back control of the United States of America and thus, the Act of 1871 was passed.  With no constitutional authority to do so, Congress created a separate form of government for the District of Columbia.
With the passage of  “the Act of 1871” a city state (a state within a state) called the District of Columbia located on 10 sq miles of land in the heart of Washington was formed with its own flag and its own independent constitution – the United States of America’s secret second constitution.
The flag of Washington’s District of Columbia has 3 red stars, each symbolizing a city state within the three city empire. The three city empire consists of Washington D.C (the D.C. stands for District of Columbia)., City of London Corporation, and  Vatican City State. City of London Corporation is the corporate center of the three city states and controls the world economically. Washington D.C. is in charge of the military, and the Vatican controls it all under the guise of spiritual guidance.  Although geographically separate, the city states of; City of London Corporation, the Vatican and the District of  Columbia are one interlocking empire called “Empire of the City”
The constitution for the District of Columbia operates under tyrannical Vatican law known as “Lex Fori” (local law). When congress illegally passed the act of 1871 it created a corporation known as THE UNITED STATES and a separate form ofgovernment for the District of Columbia. This treasonous act has unlawfully allowed the District of Columbia to operate as a corporation outside the original constitution of the United States and in total disregard of the best interests of the American citizens.
POTUS Obama at the Vatican Corporate – the Crown – headquarters
POTUS is the Chief Executive (President) of the Corporation of THE UNITED STATES – operating as the CEO of the corporation. POTUS governs w/a Board of Directors (cabinet officials) and managers (Senators and Congressmen/women).  Barack Obama, as others before him, is POTUS — operating as “vassal king” – taking orders once again from “The Crown” through the RIIA (Royal Institute of Intl Affairs).  The Illuminati (founded by the The Society of Jesus or Jesuits, the largest Roman Catholic Religious Military Order headed by the Black Pope) created the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) in 1919. The American equivalent to the RIIA is the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR). The RIIA and CFR set up Round Table Groups (based on the King Arthur myths).
What did the Act of 1871 achieve?  The ACT of 1871 put the United States of America back under Crown rule (which is papal rule).  The United States of America people lost their independence in 1871.
THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is the constitution of the incorporated UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. It operates in an economic capacity and has been used to fool the People into thinking it governs the Republic. It does not! Capitalization is NOT insignificant when one is referring to a legal document. This seemingly “minor” alteration has had a major impact on every subsequent generation of Americans. What Congress did by passing the Act of 1871 was create an entirely new document, a constitution for the government of the District of Columbia, an INCORPORATED government.
Instead of having absolute and unalienable rights guaranteed under the organic Constitution, We the People, now have “relative” rights or privileges. One example is the Sovereign’s (the People) right to travel, which has now been transformed (under corporate government policy) into a “privilege” that requires citizens to be licensed – driver’s licenses and Passports. By passing the Act of 1871, Congress committed TREASON against the People who were Sovereign under the grants and decrees of the Declaration of Independence and the organic Constitution.  The Act of 1871 became the FOUNDATION of all treason since committed by government officials.
As of 1871 the UNITED STATES isn’t a Country; It’s a Corporation! In preparation for stealing America, the puppets of Roman Catholic Pope’s banking cabal had already created a second government, a Shadow Government designed to manage what “the People” believed was a democracy, but what really was an incorporated UNITED STATES. Together this chimera, this two-headed monster, disallowed “the People” all rights of sui juris. [you, in your sovereignty]
The U.S. is a Crown Colony. The U.S. has always been and remains a Crown (Roman Catholic Pope) colony. King James I, is not just famous for translating the Bible into “The King James Version”, but for signing the “First Charter of Virginia” in 1606 — which granted America’s British forefathers license to settle and colonize America. The charter guaranteed future German Roman CatholicKings/Queens of England would have sovereign authority over all citizens and colonized land in America.
After America declared independence from the Crown, the Treaty of Paris, signed on September 3, 1783 was signed.  That treaty identifies the German Roman Catholic King of England as prince of U.S. “Prince George the Third, by the grace of God, king of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, duke of Brunswick (Germany’s Brunswick) and Lunebourg (Germany’s Lunebourg), arch- treasurer and prince elector of the Holy Roman Empire (Roman Catholic Church) etc., and of the United States of America“– completely contradicting premise that America won The War of Independence.
Article 5 of that treaty gave all British estates, rights and properties back to the Crown – Catholic Church Pope.
It is agreed that Congress shall earnestly recommend it to the legislatures of the respective states to provide for the restitution of all estates, rights, and properties, which have been confiscated belonging to real British subjectsand also of the estates, rights, and properties of persons resident in districts in the possession on his Majesty’s arms and who have not borne arms against the said United States. And that persons of any other decription shall have free liberty to go to any part or parts of any of the thirteen United States and therein to remain twelve months unmolested in their endeavors to obtain the restitution of such of their estates, rights, and properties as may have been confiscated; and that Congress shall also earnestly recommend to the several states a reconsideration and revision of all acts or laws regarding the premises, so as to render the said laws or acts perfectly consistent not only with justice and equity but with that spirit of conciliation which on the return of the blessings of peace should universally prevail. And that Congress shall also earnestly recommend to the several states that the estates, rights, and properties, of such last mentioned persons shall be restored to them, they refunding to any persons who may be now in possession the bona fide price (where any has been given) which such persons may have paid on purchasing any of the said lands, rights, or properties since the confiscation.
And it is agreed that all persons who have any interest in confiscated lands, either by debts, marriage settlements, or otherwise, shall meet with no lawful impediment in the prosecution of their just rights.
It is becoming increasingly apparent to American citizens that government is no longer being conducted in accordance with the U.S.A.’s organic Constitution, or, within states, according to state constitutions. While people have recognized for more than 150 years that the rich and powerful often corrupt individual officials, or exert undue influence to get legislation passed that favors their interests, most Americans still cling to the naive belief that such corruption is exceptional, and that most of the institutions of society, the courts, the press, and law enforcement agencies, still largely comply with the Constitution and the law in important matters. They expect that these corrupting forces are disunited and in competition with one another, so that they tend to balance one another.
Mounting evidence makes it clear that the situation is far worse than most people think, that during the last several decades the Constitution for the United States of America has been effectively overthrown, and that it is now observed only as a façade to deceive and placate the masses. What has replaced it is what many call the Shadow Government – created with the illegal passing of the Act of 1871. It still, for the most part, operates in secret, because its control is not secure. The exposure of this regime and its operations must now become a primary duty of citizens who still believe in the Rule of Law and in the freedoms and independence which the U.S.A. is supposed to represent.

Reading of "Rulers of Evil" author F. Tupper Saussy read by Jörg Glismann

Of all the research that I have done on the Jesuit, Vatican, New world Order.   You will never understand the founding of America if you do not have the history and motive of the Jesuit Order.   Tupper's Saussy book "Rulers of Evil" addresses the real founding of America.   Jorg Glismann of Jogglers66 does a great job in amplifying "Rulers of Evil."  If you have not read the book you do not understand the American Revolution.   1776 and the American Revolution was "Counter-Reformation."  

Welcome to Joggler66 read of "Rulers of Evil"

Read by Jörg Glismann of Joggler66 YouTube
WHETHER OR NOT it’s appropriate for a literary agent to write his client’s Foreword, I don’t know. If I’m breaking the rules here, well, this is a rule-breaking book.  Example. During last spring’s Bookexpo in Los Angeles, I agently introduced my client, Tupper Saussy, to one of New York’s most unshockable publishing executives.  As Tupper articulately summarized Rulers of Evil for him, I personally witnessed the brow of this fearless executive develop a twitch.  I saw him actually gulp. With my own ears I heard him say, “This is a little too extreme for us.” 

The twitch developed as Tupper was saying “the Roman Catholic Church really does run the world, including the United States government, and this is openly declared in monuments and emblems and insignia as well as official documents...” By the time Tupper calmly reached his payoff – “ And this is good, because it’s divinely ordained” – the exec was staring into space.

All right, Rulers of Evil is extreme. (Does that frighten you?) It was researched and written during a decade of flight that probably saved the author’s life from vindictive federal authorities.  I wanted to represent this book from the moment I read the first draft back in 1993 , completely unaware that its author could claim the classic Miracle On Main Street as his own. (Tupper Saussy’s identity was not revealed to me until his capture in 1997 . He can keep a secret.)

Like no book I’ve seen in my thirty years of literary-agenting, Rulers of Evil lays out who’s really who in world power, pegs them as evil (about as evil as the rest of us, more or less), and then explains how spiritual wickedness in high places works for the ultimate good of mankind. It’s the book about conspiracies that doesn’t advocate throwing the bums out.

Rulers of Evil is almost a self-help product.  The useful knowledge it imparts reveals the world structure as it really is.  Once wecan see, our choices increase, our pathways widen, and our lives improve.

But don’t expect a breeze. Parts of the book are so rich in historical detail that your brain might feel over-burdened.  When that happens, just flip to more readable parts.  Or study the pictures.  My client doesn’t mind being read casually, back to front, front to back, middle out, a few pages at a time. Enjoy freedom of movement.  If a chapter doesn’t fit today’s mood, find another that does.  Use a bookmark, or the dustjacket flaps.

Ultimately, you’ll get it all.  And when you do, I predict you’ll be a different person.  You’ll have a new worldview, one shaped by evidence that has never been assembled quite this way before.  I can say this with confidence because Rulers of Evil is still influencing my own life, having begun in me a process of answering many of the heretofore unanswerable questions of our time.
— Peter Fleming

Jörg Glismann Joggler66 youtube


Rulers of Evil - Introduction

Rulers Of Evil - Chap 1&2Rulers Of Evil - Chap 3&4

Rulers Of Evil - Chap 5&6Rulers Of Evil - Chap half 6&7Rulers Of Evil - Chap 8 & Half 9

Rulers Of Evil - Last Half Chap 9Rulers Of Evil - Chap 10 & 11Rulers Of Evil - Conclusion  11

Rulers Of Evil - Chap 12Rulers Of Evil - Conclusion 12Rulers Of Evil - Chap 13&14

Rulers Of Evil - Chap 15Rulers Of Evil - Chap 16Rulers Of Evil - Chap 17

Rulers Of Evil - Chap 18Generalate of Lorenzo Ricci(1758-1775)Rulers Of Evil - Chap 19

Rulers Of Evil - Chap 20Rulers Of Evil - Chap 20 Part 2Rulers Of Evil - Chap 21

Rulers Of Evil - Chap 22Rulers Of Evil - Chap 23Rulers Of Evil - Chap 24

Rulers Of Evil - Chap 25

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Terrorists׃ Puppets on Papal Strings

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Really??? Pope unleashes 'super confessors' to tackle special sins - Yahoo News

Pope Francis greets the crowd as he arrives for his weekly general audience on February 10, 2016 at St Peter's square
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Vatican City (AFP) - Dubbed 'super confessors', for one year only they can absolve sins usually only pardoned by the pope himself.
And on Wednesday over 1,000 of these "missionaries of mercy", handpicked by Pope Francis, were sent forth to win back the hearts of those who have left the Catholic Church and open the door to repentant sinners across the world.
There are certain evils the Vatican ranks above other sins, from attempting to assassinate the pope to defiling the Eucharist -- the rite of consuming consecrated bread and wine in Church -- by spitting it out or using it in a Satanic ritual.
Since the 12th century, those guilty of these so-called "reserved sins" had their cases evaluated by a secret tribunal in the tiny Vatican city state before they were sent before the pope, who would determine an appropriate penance.
Now, 1,142 priests and monks from around the world have be given the power, for the Vatican's Jubilee Year, to forgive sinners in their flocks -- and possibly fellow priests as one of the special sins is breaking the seal of confession.
Maltese Franciscan Marcello Ghirlando, 53, told AFP he thought giving the 'super confessors' authority usually reserved for the man in white was "a symbolic gesture" to show people the Church is ready to wipe slates clean.
"I think the pope wants to insist that 'listen, God is always going to forgive us if we turn to him with a clean heart, with a repentant heart'," he said with a grin, adding that he was relishing the challenge of bringing people back to church.
Pope Francis has repeatedly warned priests not to turn off potential believers by being boring, inaccessible or overly intrusive, and on Tuesday he told the missionaries they should take a "maternal" approach to sinners.
"Remember, you are not dealing with sin but a repentant sinner, a sinner who wants to change but can't," he said, telling them to "cover the sinner with a blanket of mercy, so that he is no longer ashamed and can rediscover joy."
- 'Spiritual, social revolution' -
Some of the super confessors are already thinking outside the box. One missionary is off to the Canadian Arctic to hear Eskimo confessions, another will tour Australia in a camper, whilst others are packing their bags for Burundi, China and Lebanon.
Vatican watcher John L. Allen, writing for the Cruxnow website, said the pontiff was hoping the missionaries would carry with them his messages on key social issues, from tackling climate change to opening doors to refugees.
"As the 'Pope of Mercy' sees it, this jubilee year isn't just a series of celebrations and events intended to foster deeper piety, however desirable that may be. The far more audacious aim is to launch a revolution -- spiritual at its core, but with imminent social and even political consequences," he said.
American priest Joseph Hlubik, 62, who was meeting up with the other missionaries ahead of talks with the pope, said he hoped that those who have left the Church in recent years "see this as an opportunity to come back".
"People who thought they were outside of the grace of God for one reason or another. Let them find us approachable and understanding," he said, holding his wide-brimmed black hat on in the wind.
Priest Mana Thembalethu from South Africa, 39, said the confessors would be forgiving those who take part in abortions -- but warned "we're not saying abortion is cool, everybody must do it. It still remains a sin".
And 49-year-old Xavier Lefebvre, a Paris-based priest, shrugged off the label "super confessor", saying anyone who takes confession should be super, or they are not doing their job right -- a sentiment shared by Francis.
"Let those who do not feel up to it have the humility to say: 'No, I'll celebrate Mass, I'll clean the floor, I'll do everything but not confess, because I do not know how to do it well'," the pope said.

Amazing Facts Presents - The Last Day Of Prophecy

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Together, we’ll explore, in-depth, truth from the Bible concerning God’s holy day—its history and its future—and discover the incredible blessings it holds for our lives today in this chaotic world, plus examine the great significance of the fourth commandment through the lens of last-day prophecy. This series provides an outstanding opportunity to share your faith and help those who are struggling to find true rest in Christ.

The Last Day of Prophecy will be a winsome, uplifting series that will encourage participants and strengthen their faith in the Creator. It comes at a time when the last-day message is getting more coverage in the mainstream news, so be sure to invite your friends and neighbors to hear these urgent truths from the Scriptures. It’s easy to make your home, office, or church one of our satellite locations. Free resources for advertising are available!

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